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I'm a die hard Madonna fan...I mean literally obsessed so i've seen, heard, and read just about everything shes ever done unfortunately i wasn't able to view this film when it originally premiered because of work but thankfully i caught a late night showing of it last night on VH1 hopefully they plan on showing it again cause i'm definitely looking forward to repeat viewings...now i have to say cause its only natural that people will be comparing this movie to "Truth Or Dare" after all they do share some similarities...like they're both documentaries for a Madonna tour..oops sorry but thats where the similarities end...the person Madonna has become is nothing like the person from TOD not that she was a bad person the but her life has changed so much...she's finally experienced some success with her acting (Evita)..she's finally won Grammys(something that should have happened long ago)...shes discovered a newfound spirituality...which i think has a lot to do with the changes i observed...but most of all and most importantly the biggest difference now is that shes a mother...and wife...2 roles that i know lot of people thought she'd never play...but she is and with great success..after almost 5 years of marriage her and Guy act more like close friends than husband and wife and it is truly beautiful to see her interact with her children...even though we don't get to see too much...but i think what was most touching was seeing how more open she is about her emotions and how much kinder she is and ultimately how much happier she is...i thought this movie was beautifully done hell i think the cinematography is award worthy...and there were a couple scenes when she was talking about peace that made me get a little choked up...particularly at the end when she went to Isreal to give a speech about that very subject...well i have to say the biggest difference between the 2 films is that TOD is for fans only...IGTTYAS is one anyone can enjoy or at least learn something from whether fan or not so check your local listings and when it comes out on DVD don't just buy a copy for yourself but for everyone you know