in sentence
3750 examples of Audience in a sentence
You didn't need contracts, you just needed to have a supply and demand and this
who bought into you.
How many of us here, as TEDsters in the audience, spend more of our time in the bottom half of this equation, in the denominator?
What makes something worthwhile for me is the people I work for or with, the conditions I work under and the
that I'm able to reach.
So if I could inspire even a fraction of you in the
today to share this pioneering diagnostic approach with even one parent whose child is suffering from a developmental disorder, then perhaps one more puzzle in one more brain will be solved.
I can definitively tell you that oatmeal, Jell-O, Cream of Wheat, Gak, pudding, clay, tapioca, Silly Putty and tomato paste do not slide through a tube that's coiled up under your costumes that's meant to come out an orifice in your chest and spray towards the
But I'm fairly sure we were one of the very first shows that was connecting with our
in a respectful way, by hanging them upside down, (Laughter) dipping them in paint, slamming them against a canvas, (Laughter) putting their heads in 70 pounds of Jell-O, and then making them one of the heroes of the show.
And the high school students who were learning to blog through Foko Club suddenly found themselves talking to an international
about the demonstrations, the violence, everything that was going on within this country.
And in that sense of trying to get you out of your normal orbit, and to try to get you to pay attention to a story about someone who's given up smoking for the month of Ramadan, she has to know something about a global
She's a skilled human curator who knows what material is available to her, who's able to listen to the audience, and who's able to make a selection and push people forward in one fashion or another.
I think what's great about the internet is that it actually makes it much easier for deejays to reach a wider
Now, I'm aware that I should not be saying such things in front of an
of scholars and scientists, but the truth is, of all the people who visited my grandmother for their skin conditions, I did not see anyone go back unhappy or unhealed.
They would go to coffee houses, where they would tell a story in front of an audience, often improvising.
CA: Well, it looks like I'm reflecting the
s opinion to say, Julian, be careful, and all power to you.
And I'm sure that many of you in this
have that same story, and, by the way, I married a woman who has exactly the same story.
He was speaking to an
much like yourselves.
So Bill Gates, as he was staring out at the audience, he said, "If you're not fully utilizing half the resources in your country, there is no way you will get anywhere near the top 10."
My job was to connect the brand with a Middle Eastern
You really don't have to worry about the
suspending its sense of disbelief because, if you start with a talking shark, readers pretty much check their disbelief at the door.
So audience, next time you're tempted to tell someone your goal, what will you say? (Silence) Exactly!
Saddled in the performing arts as we are, by antiquated union agreements that inhibit and often prohibit mechanical reproduction and streaming, locked into large facilities that were designed to ossify the ideal relationship between artist and
most appropriate to the 19th century and locked into a business model dependent on high ticket revenues, where we charge exorbitant prices.
Frankly, what we're seeing now in this environment is a massive time, when the entire world is changing as we move from a time when
numbers are plummeting.
In Johannesburg, I had the opportunity to play to a mainly white, middle-class South African
who ended up in tears because I use film clips that really touch the heart, the whole nature, of this terrible tragedy that is taking place, that people are tending to avoid, because they are fatigued, and they really don't quite know what the solutions are.
In YoungmeNowme, the
was asked to find a childhood photograph of themselves and restage it as an adult.
And I asked my audience, I said, "Listen to this piece of audio.
And the
came together, and they designed an album cover.
Though the supporting roles are well performed (Chris Cooper is his usual stalwart self), they serve such little dramatic purpose because, ultimately, it's all about Capote(!) Director Bennett and screenwriter Dan Futterman fail to emotionally engage their intended
because they were clearly overwhelmed by the cultural baggage of Capote's "legend".
What i hate most in this garbage is the arrogant attitude of the film makers and network execs who foist this nonsense on the public because they really think the
is so stupid, so undeserving, so tasteless as to deserve these kind of cons.
But we knew this before right?! We knew that effects alone do not an entertainment make, but yet the network bozos who Okayed this TV movie didn't care about that because in their mantra is the everlasting line "never underestimate how stupid the
No wonder the
has abandoned US drama in droves and pitched their camp in reality shows.
Loosely based on novels by Earl Derr Biggers, 20th Century Fox's Charlie Chan series proved an
favorite--but when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor the studio feared audiences would turn against its Asian hero.
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