in sentence
109 examples of Tacky in a sentence
The song is sung many times during the course of the film and used for a somewhat silly finale, where Ruby Keeler and Lee Dixon dance on typewriter keys (a really
Lots of
circa 1970 fashion, language, and situations (like Regina's acid trip).
I have seen sequels like FernGully 2 and Secret of NIMH 2 where the animation is dull,
and choppy.
What the story lacks in imagination (as it does draw upon a predictable amalgam) and coherence, it makes up for in durable performances (a likable Andrew Stevens, George Kennedy, John Lafayette, Starr Andreeff and Terri Treas all keeping it straight) and gruesomely
splatter (even though it doesn't have much impact in engineering the deaths and tawdry jolts).
Certainly a must-see for Edwige Fenech fans, and the fade-out is unbelievably tacky, right out of one of those low-humour Italian comedies.
This is no doubt nothing ugly, fake, or
to look at.
I found this film to be severely irritating and
Oh dear.In a desperate attempt to keep up with the Paul Raymond/Fiona Richmond era of
English semi - porn,the "Carry On" production team came up with this absolute stinker.They even had the gall to use the same location as the immortal "Carry on Camping" as if they were hoping that some of the magic might brush off onto the dandruff - ridden crumpled shoulders of this dirty mac of a movie.Well,I promise you it didn't.With "Carry on Behind",the comedy lights went out all over Pinewood.
Such images as castration, religious icons, and a
Latino soap opera are all intertwined in a vain attempt to give some meaning to the threadbare storyline.
they would have realized that the the murders were all in his head!!!!!!!!!!!! he was an "American" psycho...a fraud...a tacky,
fraud, as most people were in the 80's...as being the purpose of this book...to comment on the American condition during that time(and in my opinion it is still mostly apt) thus negating the premise of this entire movie...unless your an idiot and completely missed the point of either the book or the movie...then the movie will still suck!!!!!!!!!!!! i still can't believe when business in America count on American stupidity...they win...because it's true...how could anybody misinterpret such a concise ending...how exactly do you feed a kitten to an atm anyway...arrrrgghhhh.
The whole thing just looks too
and the look on the guy's face is simply priceless, so how can anyone not love it?.
However, the show still fails to inspire, as most people who watch HGTV and follow design magazines will likely find their room makeovers nothing short of
Other comments will tell you the details, but MUSICAL is a low budget indie that uses this constraint well to create a plausible storyline and suitably
musical production numbers.
Director William A. Levey, working from a shamelessly trashy, albeit too talky script by Frank R. Saletri, manages to produce a reasonable amount of brooding gloom-doom atmosphere (the Gothic castle main location is an eerie beaut) and totally cuts loose with oodles of
excessive gore in the second half with Eddie killing various hapless folks.
(Only the little kids on the lawn and the extended reprise of faces and "smile" moments at the end seemed at all tacky.)
A genuine rarity, this one: a truly good, funny, even smart and respectful send-up of low-rent
n'terrible cheesy backwoods-set teens-in-peril fright films that effectively pokes fun at assorted clichéd'n'contrived horror movie conventions without ever becoming the least bit cutesy or condescending towards its Grade B schlock picture subject matter.
It was Sarandon's rude, crude, arrogant, and
behavior at the Thanksgiving dinner that made me wonder how the hero could stand her.
I don't know why it is hailed as one of the better 'Friday the 13th' movies as their are far superior ones such as part 3 and part 6. Corey Feldman is one of the reasons that the 80s is looked on as a cheesy and
period in Post Modern history and once again he blew it in this movie.
Kevin Costner, on the other hand, is enervated beyond belief; his brand of low-keyed machismo isn't in tune with the general air of camp inherent in this
scenario--he doesn't seem to be in on the joke and comes off seeming tired and indifferent.
I and my friends had a great time watching this collection of dismal performances,
set design, a confused patchwork script, and completely unjustified invocation of serious themes like Vietnam and racism in support of exploitationist trash.
And the much vaunted sets are more on the side of
than spectacular.
The movie ends neither too soon, which would leave them still
when you got up to turn it off, nor does it run long enough to disqualify it as a good excuse to sit down and paint your nails and let them dry thoroughly before starting in on any other projects.
The prison is basically controlled by a blond man who's prison cell is decorated with
red curtains and paintings.
Tirelessly prolific veteran Italian exploitation picture director Antonio Margheriti's cinematic oeuvre is a very mixed bag, running the gamut from delightfully sleazy ("Cannibal Apocalypse") to nice, spooky, dripping with sepulchral atmosphere fright film fun ("The Virgin of Nuremburg," "The Long Hair of Death") to entertainingly goofy sci-fi ("The Wild, Wild Planet," "War Between the Planets") to pleasingly
spaghetti Westerns ("The Stranger and the Gunfighter," "Take A Hard Ride") to the unavoidable occasional dud.
I have good taste but am not afraid to watch a good, tacky, prepubescent T&A flick.
This movie is no doubt made especially for Amanda, cause it is damn silly and senseless, and worst of all it got really corny and
there is no motive for the awakening of these "zombies", there is no plot to speak of, it is
and crude but, shamefully hilarious.
The film was hated and vilified; audiences and theatre owners found it
and cheap.
The original Power Rangers TV show was a fun, much loved, admittedly tacky, but often enjoyable series.
Streisand, her Brooklynese so thick she sometimes lapses into Cockney, wears tacky, hilarious hooker-outfits, but her shrillness isn't modulated (at least not in the first act) and she can sometimes be grating.
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