in sentence
6738 examples of Person in a sentence
So I've found that if you're a theater person, you have outdoor street theater festivals.
Tonight, I'm going to try to make the case that inviting a loved one, a friend or even a stranger to record a meaningful interview with you just might turn out to be one of the most important moments in that
s life, and in yours.
Many people think of it as, if this was to be our last conversation, what would I want to ask of and say to this
who means so much to me?
But also because you think differently from what they tell you in the parenting books, I really had to learn to think outside of the box with you, and it's made me much more creative as a parent and as a person, and I'll always thank you for that.
A dozen years later, Mary went to prison to meet Oshea and find out who this
was who had taken her son's life.
I have a couple of young kids at home, and I knew that the only way they were going to get to know this
who was such a towering figure in my life would be through that session.
We think that we have things in our world that you as a blind
don't have, but what's your world like?
I hear every little movement that every single
In South Asia, if you enslave a poor person, you're at greater risk of being struck by lightning than ever being sent to jail for that crime.
In the past, there's been a little bit of training of the courts, but they get crappy evidence from the police, or a little police intervention that has to do with narcotics or terrorism but nothing to do with treating the common poor
with excellent law enforcement, so it's about pulling that all together, and you can actually have people in very poor communities experience law enforcement like us, which is imperfect in our own experience, for sure, but boy, is it a great thing to sense that you can call 911 and maybe someone will protect you.
Before I introduce the
responsible for the WorldWide Telescope, I just want to leave you with this brief thought: when I ask people, "How does the night sky make you feel?" they often say, "Oh, tiny.
On the left here, you see video of a
s wrist, and on the right, you see video of a sleeping infant, but if I didn't tell you that these were videos, you might assume that you were looking at two regular images, because in both cases, these videos appear to be almost completely still.
And so, if we use their software on the left video, it lets us see the pulse in this wrist, and if we were to count that pulse, we could even figure out this
s heart rate.
This institution is also costing us a lot, about 40,000 dollars a year to send a young
to prison in New Jersey.
Now, monogamy used to be one
for life.
Today, monogamy is one
at a time.
As Marcel Proust said, it's our imagination that is responsible for love, not the other
We have a romantic ideal in which we turn to one
to fulfill an endless list of needs: to be my greatest lover, my best friend, the best parent, my trusted confidant, my emotional companion, my intellectual equal.
And her story highlights for me that when we seek the gaze of another, it isn't always our partner that we are turning away from, but the
that we have ourselves become.
And it isn't so much that we're looking for another person, as much as we are looking for another self.
And so when a couple comes to me in the aftermath of an affair that has been revealed, I will often tell them this: Today in the West, most of us are going to have two or three relationships or marriages, and some of us are going to do it with the same
But being human and being a legal
has never been, and is not today, synonymous with a legal
In pre-independence India, a court held that a Hindu idol was a legal person, that a mosque was a legal
In 2000, the Indian Supreme Court held that the holy books of the Sikh religion was a legal person, and in 2012, just recently, there was a treaty between the indigenous peoples of New Zealand and the crown, in which it was agreed that a river was a legal
who owned its own riverbed.
It turns out there's a very interesting case that had occurred almost 250 years ago in London called Somerset vs. Stewart, whereby a black slave had used the legal system and had moved from a legal thing to a legal
Well, Lord Mansfield had to make a decision right off the bat, because if James Somerset was a legal thing, he was not eligible for a writ of habeus corpus, only if he could be a legal
So Lord Mansfield decided that he would assume, without deciding, that James Somerset was indeed a legal person, and he issued the writ of habeus corpus, and James's body was brought in by the captain of the ship.
I believed for half of my life to have superpowers suddenly needed help to get dressed or to cut food.
She's kind of like a two-year-old kid, but she says things that blow people away, best expressed by perhaps a New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Amy Harmon who says her answers are often frustrating, but other times as compelling as those of any flesh
she's interviewed.
SS: Well, the thing is that as scientists, we're supposed to be skeptical, because our job to make sure that what the other
is saying actually makes sense or not.
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