in sentence
670 examples of Namely in a sentence
By now, the global repercussions are clear, falling most acutely on developing economies with large current-account deficits – namely, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, and South Africa.
So the “eye for an eye” adage was not intended to mean what it has come to mean,
that killing be paid for by another killing.
PARIS – Exceptional circumstances – namely, the depth and urgency of the financial and economic crisis – have contributed to bringing an exceptional man, Barack Obama, to the American presidency.
But recent developments in the Middle East suggest that there are grounds for concern in other volatile countries,
Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran.
Almost every modern analyst, however, has come to the conclusion that Weber’s attempt to link that capitalist spirit historically to a form of Christianity,
Protestantism, is fatally flawed.
In 1995, opinion polls showed that only a minority of the country felt “British,” while many groups –
young people, ethnic minorities, Londoners, Scots, and Welsh – felt poorly represented.
The nuclear issue implicates another important hidden question,
Iran’s relationship with Israel, at whose northern border in Lebanon stands Hezbollah, Iran’s closest partner in the region.
The problems with the dominant approach to containing the Zika virus – namely, that it saddles women with too much responsibility while giving them too little power – are not lost on everyone.
Moreover, the US State Department seems to want to reengage with Ukraine, even if that means circumventing certain members of the “Normandy format,”
France and Germany.
It is the idea that a nation characterized by profound differences of caste, creed, color, culture, cuisine, conviction, costume, and custom can still rally around a democratic consensus – namely, that everyone needs to agree only on the ground rules of how to disagree.
And Spain clearly has to grapple with its own Irish problem,
a huge housing over-hang – and probably large losses in the banking sector – following the collapse of an outsized real-estate bubble.
None of this would resolve Europe’s fundamental problems,
weak fiscal positions, poorly functioning financial sectors, and lack of competitiveness.
Sanctions may, however, persuade some other powerful constituencies within Iran,
the clerics, the businessmen of the bazaar, and political conservatives, to turn on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Revolutionary Guard base.
President George W. Bush believed that he needed to take account of only one half of America’s dual role in the Middle East,
the alliance with Israel.
Let us first demolish one delusion,
that Britain could be like Norway or Switzerland.
Such programs are often viewed as contradicting a basic American value,
that admissions, lending, and hiring decisions should be based on the merits of the individual, not group distinctions.
Like the Everest disaster, the calamity at Rana Plaza raises fundamental issues about our global economy – namely, the way wealthy consumers ignore the fate of the impoverished workers who provide their cheap goods and services.
For China, however, status is conceived in the context of its relationship with the established authority,
the West.
Such concerns have even made their way into debates about the mega-regional free-trade agreements – namely, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and the European Union, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership – that are currently being negotiated.
Some countries – namely, Morocco and Jordan – have already taken some important steps in this direction.
Yet Japan, still suffering from two decades of economic malaise, has somehow managed to remain actively engaged – not because of its strategic interests, but in order to meet a genuine moral imperative,
that those who are better off should help those in need.
Many African countries have yet to undergo the kind of transformation that is necessary for socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development over the long term: namely, industrialization.
The UN simply cannot solve Kosovo’s structural problems,
the need to develop a viable economy and to begin engagement with the EU – the most powerful motor for reform and economic development in the region.
But all of them could improve conditions for negotiations by sending the same message to their respective Syrian clients,
that they henceforth exclude a military victory by one side over the other.
No one is willing to buy assets and take on additional uncertainty, because everyone fears that somebody else knows more than they do – namely, that anyone would be a fool to buy.
For good reason: new technologies – namely, digitization, robotics, and artificial intelligence – have far-reaching implications for employment.
The Section 301 report’s accusations regarding outbound investment – namely, that China uses “government capital and highly opaque investor networks to facilitate high-tech acquisitions abroad” – are similarly flimsy.
Instead, the most common interpretation has been that the world has entered a new era characterized by conflict “within” a particular civilization,
Islam, with fundamentalist Muslims as much at war against moderates as against the West.
Together with the surpluses of Austria, the Netherlands, and most non-eurozone northern countries – namely, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway – northern Europe has run a current-account surplus of $511 billion over the last 12 months.
This can be explained largely by the growing dissonance between the reasoning for intervention – namely, the undeniable underperformance of post-colonial states – and the remedies offered.
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