in sentence
670 examples of Namely in a sentence
But as risks multiplied, capital started to flow back toward a reserve-issuing country – namely, the United States.
The ICG report was narrowly conceived and intended to focus on a single issue,
the evidence for an Al-Qaeda presence in Indonesia.
Third, discussions are being held to prepare the next steps,
how to arrange the resolution of failed banks and support for ailing ones.
While the debate about China’s near-term outlook should hardly be trivialized, the far bigger story is its economy’s solid progress on the road to rebalancing – namely, a structural shift away from manufacturing and construction activity toward services.
Genuine progress depends on Chinese leaders’ willingness to address the structural flaws – namely, the restrictions on domestic private capital – that are impeding the financial system’s ability to channel savings to the most promising economic sectors.
Likewise, some volcanic eruptions,
those that produce lots of sulfur, can cool the earth significantly.
A second lesson speaks to addiction – namely, a real economy that became overly reliant on QE’s support of asset markets.
Rather, it is an argument for the alternative,
a Bank of England-style funding-for-lending scheme in which the ECB provides banks with cheap financing for, say, 12 months, if they agree to increase their lending to the private sector by a corresponding amount.
The case is largely political – namely, the urgency of a Republican Congress to deliver a legislative victory for a Republican president.
That would also serve another shared objective,
helping to bring climate change under control.
Employment in Chinese services is about 30% higher per unit of output than in the manufacturing and construction sectors, which means that an increasingly services-led China can accomplish its critical labor-absorption objectives – namely, rapid job creation and poverty reduction – with 7-8% annual growth.
For Europeans, the NIE has not removed, but rather confirmed, the concerns that in 2003 prompted the EU-3 (Britain, France, and Germany) – namely, that Iran’s nuclear program could eventually give it a military nuclear capability, and that even before that point, it might trigger regional nuclear proliferation.
After citing the principle of non-interference by one member state in the internal affairs of another, the document goes on to declare “the right of the Union to intervene in a member state pursuant to a decision of the assembly in respect of grave circumstances,
war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.”
And yet, after so many years of frustrating under-performance, there is recognition in Cairo of what is needed to turn things around –
a combination of vision, leadership, commitment, and a more conducive environment.
Were those products’ success the result of a unique Apple asset,
Steve Jobs, or is the company well positioned to produce the next big thing?
In the current situation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a new mission in life: to protect the periphery countries against the effects of storms that originate at the center,
the US.ampnbsp;
Iraq may even disintegrate, leaving us with a much stronger Iran, also a member of the axis of evil but one with a more dangerous mix,
nuclear ambitions plus fundamentalism.
Consider that the main components of economic growth are increases in the labor force, increases in investment (both public and private), and “productivity,”
the output than can be produced with a given amount of inputs, thanks to new ideas.
This kind of conflict directly contradicts the promise of globalization – namely, that access to foreign food and energy would enable countries to concentrate on their comparative advantages.
Now the euro crisis is forcing EU leaders to address institutional changes –
the creation of banking, fiscal, and political union – that they have long deferred.
Should matters come to a head in another seismic zone of world politics – namely, East Asia – the world would confront a global catastrophe stemming from the synchronicity of numerous regional crises.
Rather, they contend that QE’s positive externalities – namely, a stronger recovery in developed economies – will ultimately offset them.
If, instead, the US faces a fiscal slope, then people who refuse to consider raising taxes – namely, Republicans in the US Congress’s House of Representatives – have a very weak hand indeed.
In fact, the blame lies squarely with US macroeconomic realities,
a low rate of domestic saving and a high rate of federal borrowing, which Trump’s tax cuts will cause to increase further.
But if EU leaders impose high costs on the UK – namely, by restricting its access to the single market – Europe could end up cutting off its nose to spite its face.
Namely, he can try to “wag the dog,” by fabricating an external threat or embarking on foreign military adventures to distract his supporters from what he and congressional Republicans have been doing.
At the same time, though, we had to think about some old tools that our ancestors passed down to us – namely, how to think for the long term and how to work together.
It is time for all would-be permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – namely, Germany, India, Japan, Brazil, and Egypt – to step up.
(Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s bold economic-reform package, for example, is couched in terms of “three arrows” – namely, monetary and fiscal policy, and structural reform.)
In 1926, V. I. Vernadsky similarly acknowledged the increasing impact of mankind on “[t]he direction in which the processes of evolution must proceed,
towards increasing consciousness and thought, and forms having greater and greater influence on their surroundings.”
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