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670 examples of Namely in a sentence
Moreover, using biometric data like iris scans, rather than bankcards, offers some advantages for aid-delivery – namely, ensuring that assistance is delivered to its intended recipient.
But none of these policies addresses the fundamental challenge facing the Kingdom – namely, the gradual erosion of its wealth (indeed, Saudi Arabia is expected to become a net energy importer by 2030).
Alternatively, EMDCs might turn to powerful new patrons –
China – to support and shield them from global market swings that are beyond their control.
Nonetheless, the primary goal of Russian gas policy isn’t economic, but political,
to further the aim of revising the post-Soviet order in Europe – a quest that is not about the EU as much as it is about Ukraine.
Second, I was to consider how well those activities conform to UN doctrine on natural-resource exploitation in non-self-governing territories – namely, that they benefit the territory and its inhabitants until Western Sahara’s ultimate political status is determined.
North Korea’s nuclear capabilities are sufficiently developed that threats of military action, or even an attack, will not bring about the desired outcome – namely, that North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons.
An External Stability Pact would not only detect risks to fiscal stability early on; it would also help make a reality of a fundamental principle of EU law,
that member states finally treat economic policy as a “common interest.”
Other major economies – namely, in Europe and Asia – may have a much harder time than the US rebalancing their policy mix (which continues to be characterized by excessively loose monetary policy, inadequate structural reforms, and, in some cases, excessively tight fiscal policy).
Europe is making a fundamental mistake by allowing the two key elements of any resolution of the crisis – namely, debt restructuring and real stress tests for banks – to remain taboo.
But this “hardware” is inefficient without the “software” needed to manage it – namely, as Coase suggested, an efficient property-rights infrastructure (the laws, procedures, and administrative capacity needed to support efficient, fair, and innovative markets).
Indeed, equating financial liberalization with privileges for cities designated as “financial centers” undermines the very goals of liberalization – namely, to reduce government control and to accelerate the development of financial markets.
Of course, to make faster and more inclusive growth a reality, thereby validating exuberant markets, more will be needed – namely, careful design, broad political buy-in, and sustained implementation.
The core of the nuclear question,
how to deter whom with what, has been papered over for a long time, but the depth of disagreement within NATO can no longer be ignored.
Blaming China merely impedes the heavy lifting that must be done at home – namely, boosting saving by cutting budget deficits and encouraging households to save income rather than rely on asset bubbles.
In this context, even if Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU does emerge with the most votes next year, it will need help to build a new Europe, with more joint responsibilities for countries in Europe A and flexible arrangements with countries in Europe B. Specifically, the pro-European elements of the CDU must work with allies on the left – namely, most of the Social Democrats and the Greens.
Unfortunately, as those aspirations are addressed, the economy has entered a steep decline, jeopardizing one of the revolution’s main goals,
improvement in Egyptians’ living standards and welfare.
By disarming any remaining militias, Abbas could claim what Max Weber called the necessary ingredient of any state,
a “monopoly of the legitimate use of force.”
A symmetrical peace agreement might also contribute to a new dynamic in Jordan and Egypt,
re-liberalization of society.
When the bubbles burst, households understandably became fixated on balance-sheet repair – namely, paying down debt and rebuilding personal savings, rather than resuming excessive spending habits.
A lasting deficit would eliminate the major economic difference between Putin’s Russia and its Soviet counterpart during the 1980’s – namely, the financial buffer that has been accumulated over the last decade.
Indeed, the Kremlin appears increasingly determined to apply to Syria the policy practiced in Chechnya,
to “kick into the crapper” those whom Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is again mendaciously labeling “terrorists.”
At any rate, they were in keeping with earlier points I had raised; namely, that by 2010, Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, and Turkey would each account for more than 1% of global GDP.
The European Commission has other concerns, too – namely, that Google might be using third-party content without authorization and entering into agreements to prevent its advertising partners from displaying ads on rival search engines.
Another limitation of organic production is that it works against the best approach to enhancing soil quality – namely, the minimization of soil disturbance (such as that caused by plowing or tilling), combined with the use of cover crops.
Weak external demand is partly responsible for the falloff in growth, but internal factors – namely, slowing investment and stagnating consumption – are also holding back economic expansion.
Power in Iran lies in the hands of the unelected conservative establishment,
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and the twelve-member Islamic Guardian Council.
Russian President Vladimir Putin seemed to have achieved his political aim,
to bring Ukraine, which had been drifting toward Europe throughout the post-Soviet period, firmly back into the Kremlin’s sphere of influence.
Keeping the lights on means either accepting much higher prices or emulating what many European governments are beginning to do – namely, subsidize fossil-fuel plants.
And the answer brings us back, full circle, to where we started,
to US fiscal policy.
While the Arrow-Debreu model has its value – namely, it explains why an unplanned economy can produce order – it is discouraging for students to find that what they are deemed capable of comprehending offers little insight into real-life situations.
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