in sentence
404 examples of Lifestyle in a sentence
Believe me, people, Bill was not what you would call "tolerant" of the gay
Also, the characters kept talking about the rock n' roll
that they ended looking to much like poseurs wanting to look like rockers.
Salinger did an OK job as the Cap but his acting prowess wasn't quite good enough to pull off the 50's guy coping with the 90's
the script called for.
This movie is cute!It can also teach other rich spoilt children a lesson!Much thought was put in this movie!The movie started by showing the Callum sisters' lavish and luxurious lifestyle,how they only are concerned about their health,their appearance and mostly about what they can do to make themselves happy.Their father,the owner of a very successful dairy operation,was very disappointed with his daughters but decided to let it go.However,after Taylor and Courtney ruined their house kitchen the father decided to teach them a lesson,they got to work at his factory!When their father goes for a vacation,the company was in big trouble.THe company account was empty,not even a single cent!So,it is up to the Callum sisters to set things right but Courtney has a party to prepare and the sisters have to give up their lavish lifestyles to save the company.The Callum sisters face many problems in the process,like conflicts between themselves and Taylor had to sell her classic stickshift!How do they resolve this problem???
Marlene is equally smart, tough and determined to retain her current
Some families are broken as shown in this movie, but unfortunately, those same families will walk away from watching this movie feeling vindicated in living this
rather than seeing this as an embarrassment to their
It's supposed to be a "comedy" but seeing these main characters live this hard scrabble, trailer trash
isn't really "funny" to me.
A nine year old Brooklyn boy nicknamed "Ceddie" (Freddie Bartholomew), beloved by all who know him due to his kindly nature, finds himself in for a most unexpected change of
when he learns he's to be heir to the estate of his grandfather (C.
Add lots of crappy costumes, cheapo sets and even more cheapo actors, typical 80s soundtrack drenched with crappy casio tones and James Earl Jones impatiently waiting for his check and City Limits will have you wishing for Soonya Corp. to take over!! Guest starring (oh, I don't think so) Robbie Benson as the epitome of corporate
refusing to die in the apocalypse.
I was expecting this film to be not that good, and I imagined Flynn as looking tired and puffy as a result of his wild
I guess Warners capitalised on news of Flynn's rape trial and reports of his hedonistic
in creating this film.
Mental illness as a
option seems to be the theme of this work.
In fact, TV would have been a part of the American
much earlier had it not been for World War Two.
"White Boyz" has a good premise with the concept of white suburbans that are enticed by the ghetto
He plays a yakuza who is getting tired of his lifestyle,and is considering retirement.He attends a high profile meeting with other gang leaders and finds out his next assignment is to settle a gang war in Okinawa.This is of course,not what it seems, with a hit-man sent over to wipe out Takeshi's gang.This does not quite succeed and a violent confrontation ensues.
The feeling I had after seeing this DVD was that the MAN himself is the style, his music is not a style but a
He was only 50 when he died from a debauched
If this movie represented the typical
of the Southern experience (which it does not) I would be scared as hell to go down that way.
Being in a band in Sydney at the moment feels really commercial and this movie inspired my friends and I to tap into that trashy rock
once again.
To pursue in a
of such diseased, open-minded negligation of the congregation in a situation of a presidential, supersticial, consequential, suspenseful mood, I must say the catastrophe of agencies to build upon ages of young personalities seemed to purify my thoughts on the beholders of stationary bikes.
But ultimately it seems that Mendy finds some kind of peace with his new non-Orthodox lifestyle, despite having been brought up with almost no skills with which to function in American society.
Whatever it is I'd have to say that this movie was on point with every aspect of this kind of
I normally think it's funny when someone tries to create the surfer
and completely screws it up.
But otherwise this seemed the general
associated with the pool players.
Ving Rhames plays the animal which is not an accurate name for his character ,since his character is no different than a mob boss or a drug cartel kingpin.... this is how you have to be to survive on the streets.. excellent acting by Jim Brown who in real life is a PEACE ACTIVIST.. Ving Rhames does an excellent performance ,, who i think is worthy of an academy award nomination....Chazz Palminteri also performed well as a supporting actor.... this is a must see movie for Kids going down the wrong path in life,, since it shows the consequences of a leading a violent lifestyle....
My interest in Miss Holliday is strictly musical.In my opinion she was a considerable artist despite her lifestyle,not because of it.
Although the aforementioned film is not without its OWN hiccoughs as far as I'm concerned, (I rated it one notch higher than this) THAT'S the post-war
I wanna go back to and experience vicariously!
But too many people think they should be actors, mainly because they see it as a
and a way to be the center of attention, not a job - laziness & privilege are what appeal to them.
It was a hot summer afternoon and I was happy to stay in and watch this John Ritter movie when I saw it featured in the TV guide, but it turned out worth not to be watching at all, unless you are planning on doing a thesis about the 70's "Me Generation", the I-want-it-all and the I-want-to-have-sex-with-anyone-and-everyone lifestyle, or maybe you're interested in 70's disco costumes and puffy super-sprayed mullet hairstyles.
He is so caught up in the "false" glamour of the ghetto lifestyle, that he thinks he's black and practices explaining his 'hood background in front of a mirror.
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