in sentence
1763 examples of Incredible in a sentence
This obvious pilot for an unproduced TV series features young Canadian actress Shiri Appleby as an amnesiac with some pretty
powers that must be put to use when a man-turned-flying demon is let loose on the world.
The deadly cinematic technique, the effective sense of silliness, and the
horribleness made everything obnoxious.
But all of this happens while to two leading actors time and time again miraculously survive
amounts of point-blank automatic weapon fire, grenades, morter rounds, and bazookas.
It is incredible!! ..yes, someone before me wrote that it was a time wasting to seat and watch this film.. it is!
masterpiece.... Horrible , psychological stuff scares the pants off me .Oh bless their hearts, whoever made this awesome film.
"Spirit" is the most visually
animated film in current home theater release.
The Japanese have always had
ambitions in their fantasy movies.
Does plenty of gunfire sound like an
action movie to you?
As a Don Knotts vehicle, "The
Mr. Limpet" was much better, with Knott's character there not nearly as incompetent or ignorant.
The first Howling by Joe Dante was a groundbreaking werewolf film with its
special effects and its campy sense of style and subject matter.
So I wish I could be like everyone else in the theater -- like the people who came out crying and breathless because of how
it was -- but I'm not someone who can be appeased by a writer who throws some words over a Biblical shell and slaps a Christian stamp on it.
How credible is it that a airport storage area is going to have lights that flash on and off confusingly, and just enough to let Snipes do his
escape schtick?
In the case of Gregory's Two Girls, Bill Forsyth has the dubious honour of managing to commit both sins - on the one hand revisiting the plot of Gregory's Girl, while at the same time serving up a frankly
and moronic storyline involving Scottish arms dealers.
The Matrix was an
to behold and I couldn't wait to see the second one, especially after beginning to see the trailers for it at other movies.
So, this movie has been hailed, glorified, and carried to
As someone who was staggered at the
visuals of "Hero," I was anxious to see this film which was billed as being along the same lines, but better.
This film contains laughable acting, especially by the guy who's tormented in his dreams,
as in not credible plot twists, and some of the crappiest music I've heard, and I'm living in a period when the likes of Britney Spears and Nsync dominate the air waves.
My God, what an
movie it is!
Since most review's of this film are of screening's seen decade's ago I'd like to add a more recent one, the film open's with stock footage of B-17's bombing Germany, the film cut's to Oskar Werner's Hauptmann (captain) Wust character and his aide running for cover while making their way to Hitler's Fuehrer Bunker, once inside, they are debriefed by bunker staff personnel, the film then cut's to one of many conference scene's with Albin Skoda giving a decent impression of Adolf Hitler rallying his officer's to "Ultimate Victory" while Werner's character is shown as slowly coming to realize the bunker denizen's are caught up in a fantasy world-some non-bunker event's are depicted, most notable being the flooding of the subway system to prevent a Russian advance through them and a minor subplot involving a young member of the Flak unit's and his family's difficulty in surviving-this film suffer's from a number of detail inaccuracies that a German film made only 10 year's after WW2 should not have included; the actor portraying Goebbels (Willy Krause) wear's the same uniform as Hitler, including arm eagle- Goebbels wore a brown Nazi Party uniform with swastika armband-the "SS" soldier's wear German army camouflage, the well documented scene of Hitler awarding the iron cross to boy's of the Hitler Youth is shown as having taken place INSIDE the bunker (it was done outside in the courtyard) and lastly, Hitler's suicide weapon is clearly shown as a Belgian browning model 1922-most account's agree it was a Walther PPK-some bit's of acting also seem wholly inaccurate with the drunken dance scene near the end of the film being notable, this bit is shown as a cabaret skit, with a intoxicated wounded soldier (his arm in a splint) maniacally goose-stepping to music while a nurse does a combination striptease/belly dance, all by candlelight... this is actually embarrassing to watch-the most
bit is when Werner's Captain Wust gain's an audience alone with Skoda's Hitler, Hitler is shown as slumped on a wall bench, drugged and delirious, when Werner's character begin's to question him, Hitler start's screaming which bring's in a SS guard who mortally wound's Werner's character in the back with a gunshot-this fabricated scene is not based on any true historic account-Werner's character is then hauled off to die in a anteroom while Hitler prepare's his own ending, Hitler's farewell to his staff is shown but the suicide is off-screen, the final second's of the movie show Hitler's funeral pyre smoke slowly forming into a ghostly image of the face of the dead Oskar Werner/Hauptmann Wust-this film is more allegorical than historical and anyone interested in this period would do better to check out more recent film's such as the 1973 remake "Hitler: the last 10 day's" or the German film "Downfall" (Der Untergang) if they wish a more true accounting of this dramatic story, these last two film's are based on first person eyewitness account's, with "Hitler: the last 10 day's" being compiled from Gerhard Boldt's autobiography as a staff officer in the Fuehrer Bunker and "Downfall" being done from Hitler's secretary's recollection's, the screen play for "Der Letzte Akte" is taken from American Nuremberg war crime's trial judge Michael Musmanno's book "Ten day's to die", which is more a compilation of event's (many obviously fanciful) than eyewitness history-it is surprising that Hugh Trevor Roper's account,"The last day's of Hitler" was never made into a film.
It is
that with all of the countless crimes that have been uncovered and laid unequivocally at the doorstep of Marxism, from the Berlin Wall to the Gulag archipelago to the Cultural Revolution to the Khmer Rouge, one still finds admirers of Communist totalitarianism in Hollywood and are still making propaganda in its favor.
I just found it an
waste of time and money.
Not only does the director fail to make use of IMAX's
65 to 70 mm film stock and gigantic presentation screen, everything on screen is extremely unimpressive given the accessibility of such programming mentioned previously.
Just count the times Tierney's
car companions swallow one lame excuse after another for his evasive and violent acts.
You can almost forget the glory he earned from singing the
incredible "
Under the Sea" and "Kiss the Girl" from the first movie, and it is very sad. 4. Flounder- They destroyed him!!
Raquel Welch, with an
body (and she's actually not very tall) in a lead role (except for KANSAS CITY BOMBER when she was quite good) playing Rex Reed's (bad movie reviewer; not critic) alter-ego, only to be surrounded by drag queen (great chick) Mae West, horny John Huston, a young and "naive" Farrah Fawcett (pre-Lee Majors; what a shame), and other various creep-azoids to pretend to spoof WAY too may things has nothing going for it except inter-spliced old films clips (i.e.
Why anyone would want to lust after him in this performance is
But they all have
entertainment value because of their unintentional hilarity.
The male lead is just incredible, a brow-beating, loudmouthed creep given to outbursts of drama-class improv in between philosophical insights culled from the U of T pub, and he is given lots and lots of space to make us hate him.
The first Matrix movie was lush with
character development, witty dialog, and action scenes that kept with the flow of the story.
These elements -- coupled by
special effects of the day -- presented a magical ride that kept you in suspense the entire time.
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