in sentence
345 examples of Honesty in a sentence
Mike Riley's portrayal of Derek, the father whose love has no boundaries, is riveting and profound and uncanny in it's
I think its
is the reason many are offended by this and not the "real" thing on television: they don't want to admit they have a cruel voyeuristic streak, or are a racist, or whatever.
It had a type of brutal
(quite charming in and of itself) and real-life quality that is, sadly, only found in independent films these days.
Why in all
they made this movie is beyond me it is so uninspired.
I have seen it 3 times and each time I watch it I appreciate the brutal
of it all.
In between the cheaply made creature roaming around doing his thing, we're 'treated' to such mindless padding as a woman waking up & showering with a sad lack of nudity, a mindless sub-plot ( or what passes for a semblance of a plot in all honesty) about ex-cons that goes nowhere fast, hippies being hippies (complete with an absolutely horrid song), and a rather strange nightmare that has jack all to do with anything.
Director Stuart Walker helms this unabashedly grim WWI drama with tact and honesty, featuring some above average aerial footage and an unflinchingly blatant anti-war message that is still quite surprising and daring for a depression-era studio film.
They just don't have the
to admit it, because that would ruin their ratings.
He really represents the dumb guy with simplicity, honesty, and mostly, veracity!
And although Charlie weakens, he never breaks, and when put to the test, his basic
and strength shine through, which makes him a hero and which transforms this movie from just another boxing movie into a true cinematic classic.
Not since The Wonder Years have I seen a show that has managed to capture the angst of growing up with such honesty, originality and humour.
There is so much truth and honesty, so much clarity, that I feel gifted just to have seen this movie and I will remember it the rest of my life.
It's style, somewhere between drama and documentary, nor it's story line have what usually makes a great movie, yet the music, the
of the actors, the scenery, the general atmosphere make Vengo a masterpiece of European impressionist cinematography.
I enjoy because I think that most of us who started watching televised science fiction (When there were really only three channels, when the creatures were usually enlarged garden denizens, large bug-like sculptures, or just some guy wearing something that looked like one of your auntie's failed quilting projects, and when any sci-fi tended to be broadcast long after our parents had been safely tucked into bed and Johnny Carson had signed off.) learned early on that a little artistic
and a sense of humor are far more important than overly dramatic posturing to any show's success as entertainment.
This was, with all honesty, absolutely terrible.
Well,let me start by saying I haven't seen so much
in a movie since the '70's.
These particular families are a great example to follow, and we enjoyed sharing in the
and courage displayed by the members of the cruise.
Although the movie was pretty lame, with all honesty, it was a nice change for a new storyline.
And, in all honesty, this movie is awful.
The characters make this movie, especially with Mang being in his own little world, and Little Debbie's
I can report, in all
that is is a rare instance where a sequel is better than the original.
I can point out several moments when the film took unnecessary turns or took unnecessary liberties with character development,but the
that comes from the written word along with the
in which the actors portrayed their characters made me absolutely love this movie.
But as I began to accept the film for what it was rather than what I expected it to be, I started to appreciate the
and vulnerability he brought to the part (and the same can be said of his direction and writing).
A film that can help to bridge gaps with honesty, understanding, and self awareness.
In all
I loved the first film, Romancing the Stone, so I when I heard there was a sequel to this I was excited to see it.
Belief in Bush's
led many voters to prefer him to Albert Gore in the 2000 presidential election.
Bush's excessively literal interpretation of the requirements of
conceals a deeper dishonesty whose consequences have been far more morally serious.
Above all, it will require integrity, honesty, trust, courage, and sometimes restraint.
Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of Hong Kong’s government, has the opportunity to restore integrity and proper governance in one of the most important statutory bodies in the territory by choosing a person solely on the basis of unimpeachable
and competence.
Like any market, however, the marketplace of ideas needs regulation: in particular, its participants should be bound by norms of honesty, humility, and civility.
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