in sentence
68 examples of Vacations in a sentence
In other words, they obtained shorter hours (i.e., more vacations) in order to keep employment up.
Europeans certainly need something to compensate for a short working life with many
It is more reassuring - and "feels better" - to tell Europeans that growth is sluggish because society is not sufficiently knowledge-based, rather than pointing to the trade-off between
and growth.
Europeans tend to prefer
over growth.
Personally, I love taking more and more
It has also reversed the post-communist decline in fertility, increased wages (particularly for women), and enabled families to buy school materials, take vacations, buy more clothes for their kids, and rely less on high-priced credit for basic household needs.
I ask myself why they have the opportunity to travel, to study, to take vacations, when I cannot go abroad even to learn medicine.
Perhaps the Europeans are perfectly happy to work less and enjoy more free time, both in terms of having more
during their working age, and spending less time in the active labor force.
A country poised to embark on some radical and uncharted course of action often believes that
produce additional scope for delaying or frustrating the other side’s counter-move.
Finally, there’s the usual Indian problem: sports administrative bodies and government departments are ridden with patronage and petty bossism, with officials more interested in protecting their turf (and enjoying paid
to sporting events) than in promoting athletes.
(Americans think the French, with their shorter working hours and longer summer vacations, already put family ahead of work.)
When couples or friends give gifts to one another or take
together, they perform economic transactions inspired by affiliation and care.
Though the relative weights may differ, all individuals want more and better food, clothes, shelter, vacations, and other experiences.
Everybody makes such calculations when they decide where to take
abroad, so why believe that they do not do it for other goods and services?
A reduction in working hours per employee translates into quality-of-life improvements like longer
and longer weekends.
Circumstantial evidence is their preference for record-setting
– and relatively low labor-force participation.
If your debt becomes unsustainable because you borrowed too much to take long
or buy expensive appliances, your bad behavior is to blame.
Fewer hours worked, longer vacations, and a declining population (since 2005) have, predictably, undermined Japanese growth.
In the mall, or at home on the Internet, Americans acted like Nadya Suleman, too: seduced by the bag, the shoes, the beauty treatments, the vacations, and the life that the stars they admire take for granted.
Likewise, Casey Mulligan of the University of Chicago really does appear to believe that large falls in the employment-to-population ratio are best seen as “great vacations” – and as the side-effect of destructive government policies like those in place today, which lead workers to quit their jobs so they can get higher government subsidies to refinance their mortgages.
As computers are often more reliable than people -- they don't take vacations, get sick or strike -- they are seen as having an extra edge.
Thus, even modest portfolio shifts can still lead to big price swings, perhaps even more so when traders are off on their August
Advances in so-called “deep learning,” a branch of AI modeled after the brain’s neural network, could enable intelligent digital assistants to help plan
with the acumen of a human assistant, or determine consumer sentiments toward a particular brand, based on millions of signals from social networks and other data sources.
If the main advantages of affluence were the ability to afford yachts and fancy vacations, inequality would matter less than it does today.
They enjoy watching the wealthy, savoring the thought of their fine homes, luxurious vacations, fancy cars, and gourmet dining.
To be sure, the weaker dollar has forced some American families to spend their
in the US instead of Europe.
But, since many Americans use gas-guzzling SUV’s for their vacations, demand for gasoline has remained high.
That means $9,000 per person per year in consumer durables not purchased,
not taken, investments not made, and so forth.
That leaves the rest of the real economy populated with people who feel like victims – albeit victims who, prior to the crisis, bought a lot of houses, vacations, TVs, and cars.
But, within just a few hours, about 15,000 people joined a new protest page for December 30 – despite New Year vacations, the short notice, and frigid weather.
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