in sentence
11789 examples of Together in a sentence
By night, they sleep beneath the stars, huddled
with their packs of dogs, cats and pet rats between their bodies.
It says poems can bring people
temporarily, which I think is true, and it sticks in my head not just because it rhymes but for how it rhymes, cleanly and simply on the two and four, "say" and "way," with anticipatory hints on the one and three, "answer" and "quarters," as if the poem itself were coming
They can bring people
I'd studied thousands of hours of physics, biology, chemistry, but not one hour, not one concept on how to mentor, how to guide someone to go
into the unknown, about motivation.
And scientists have gone on to form peer groups where they meet regularly and create a space to talk about the emotional and subjective things that happen as they're mentoring, as they're going into the unknown, and even started courses about the process of doing science, about going into the unknown together, and many other things.
And you can go through the cloud not alone but
with someone who is your source of support to say "Yes, and" to your ideas, to help you say "Yes, and" to your own ideas, to increase the chance that, through the wisps of the cloud, you'll find that moment of calmness where you get your first glimpse of your unexpected discovery, your C. Thank you.
And, of course, the most important is that you, I want you guys there, and I invite you to go to and figure out how you're on the family tree, because these are big issues, family and tribe, and I don't know all the answers, but I have a lot of smart relatives, including you guys, so together, I think we can figure it out.
can we solve these big problems.
I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1983 to him, an Egyptian engineer, and a loving American mother and grade school teacher, who
tried their best to create a happy childhood for me.
To put
1,400 people, coming from such different places, is a miracle.
You know, making buildings
is the best way to create a sense of cooperation.
with my friend in adventure, Richard Rogers, we were, at the time, young bad boys.
But if we don't act now, and act together, we'll need to make way for one billion people before the end of this century.
We're in this thing
So here the computer picks random syllables and puts them
so you have something sort of pronounceable, like "tufritvi" and "vadasabi."
The only way you can reproduce the observed temperature measurements is with all of these things put together, including greenhouse gases, and in particular you can see that the increase in greenhouse gases tracks this very dramatic increase in temperature over the last 50 years.
And the first step is you turn it upside down, and then you drill holes in them, six holes per hemi, and then make a base plate, put car speaker drivers in them along with amplifiers in the enclosure, and you put that all
and you have these hemispherical speaker arrays.
And when you put that together, you get something that sounds like this.
Okay, and so, I think from the experience of building a lot of instruments for the Laptop Orchestra, and I think from the curiosity of wondering, what if we took these hopefully expressive instruments and we brought it to a lot of people, plus then a healthy bout of insanity — put those three things
— led to me actually co-founding a startup company in 2008 called Smule.
Apparently, for example, not that long ago, like only a hundred years ago — that's not that long in the course of human history — families back then used to make music
as a common form of entertainment.
You've got your contacts list, your email, and probably 500 apps you've never used in your entire life, and behind all of this is the software, the code, that controls your phone, and somewhere, buried inside of that code, is a tiny piece that controls your battery, and that's what I'm really after, but all of this, just a bunch of ones and zeros, and it's all just mixed
So I spent some time trying to put this together, but wasn't having a whole lot of luck, and finally I decided, I'm going to get through this, I'm going to come in on a weekend, and I'm not going to leave until I figure out what this represents.
I just didn't know how they fit
By 20 hours, the pieces started to come
very slowly — (Laughter) — and I was pretty sure I was going down the wrong path at this point, but I wasn't going to give up.
I spent 30 hours piecing
the ones and zeros that formed a picture of a kitten.
It can find out exactly how the pieces of that code work
to control that battery.
That proves that this species of humanity is capable of achieving extraordinary progress if it really acts
and it really tries hard.
We've somehow got to get our act
and we've got to figure out how to globalize the solutions better so that we don't simply become a species which is the victim of the globalization of problems.
We clearly need to find ways of encouraging countries to start working
a little bit better.
So my colleague Dr. Robert Govers and I have spent the best part of the last two years, with the help of a large number of very serious and clever people, cramming
all the reliable data in the world we could find about what countries give to the world.
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