in sentence
11789 examples of Together in a sentence
What we do is put very small GPS collars on these animals to study how they move together, and what this has to do with their social structure.
They simply move
At four years old, my dad showed me how to take apart a computer and put it back
When this alarm sounds, the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal systems, known as the HPA axis, work
to send signals to the parasympathetic nervous system.
Anger is accompanied by lowered eyebrows drawn together, tense and narrowed eyes, and tight lips; disgust, by the lips pulled up and the nose crinkling.
And I was always looking for a better canvas to tie these all
I think a lot of people actually understand this anecdotally, but in order to visualize just how sparsely our planet is collected, some friends and I put
a dataset of the 30 million pictures that have been gathered by these satellites between 2000 and 2010.
Instead of taking a single, high quality image, we could take a videostream of individually noisier frames, but then we could recombine all of those frames
into very high-quality images using sophisticated pixel processing techniques here on the ground, at a cost of one one hundredth a traditional system.
And so, taking all of these different threads and putting them together, I asked, starting several years ago, is there an underlying mechanism for intelligence that we can factor out of all of these different threads?
Finally, Richard Feynman, famous physicist, once wrote that if human civilization were destroyed and you could pass only a single concept on to our descendants to help them rebuild civilization, that concept should be that all matter around us is made out of tiny elements that attract each other when they're far apart but repel each other when they're close
And as a consequence, across the Western world, the over-simplistic policies of the parties of protest and their appeal to a largely disillusioned, older demographic, along with the apathy and obsession with the trivial that typifies at least some of the young, taken together, these and other similarly contemporary aberrations are threatening to squeeze the life out of active, informed debate and engagement, and I stress active.
Dr. Bunnell is an expert in speech synthesis, and what he'd been doing is building personalized voices for people by putting
pre-recorded samples of their voice and reconstructing a voice for them.
I imagine a whole world of surrogate donors from all walks of life, different sizes, different ages, coming
in this voice drive to give people voices that are as colorful as their personalities.
To do that as a first step, we've put
this website,, as a way to bring
those who want to join us as voice donors, as expertise donors, in whatever way to make this vision a reality.
Together, the central banks of the U.S., U.K and Japan increased the stock of money in their economies by 3.7 trillion dollars.
You put
machines and water, and you get landscapes that look like this.
And they've been putting
companies like Synthetic Genomics, like, a Cambria, like Codon, and what those companies are trying to do is to think of, how do you apply biological principles to avoid brute force?
I also met a number of nonprofit leaders who, despite very limited financial resources, were making a huge impact in the world, often bringing
seeming adversaries.
There's a leadership team that does a practice where they bring
each member collecting, here are trends that impact me, here are trends that impact another team member, and they share these, and then make decisions, to course-correct a strategy or to anticipate a new move.
And by stitching
my small act with the thousands of other small acts of participation that we're enabling through civic hacking, we think we can reenergize citizenship and restore trust in government.
So if a child with autism wanted to say, "I want soup," that child would pick three different pictures, "I," "want," and "soup," and they would put these together, and then the therapist or the parent would understand that this is what the kid wants to say.
These pictures are sequenced
to form sentences, and these sentences are spoken out.
It's the way in which you can put things
in order to convey anything you want to.
Instead of arranging words in an order, in sequence, as a sentence, you arrange them in this map, where they're all linked
not by placing them one after the other but in questions, in question-answer pairs.
This is a map of words joined
as questions and answers, and with these filters applied on top of them in order to modify them to represent certain nuances.
And then you join these two
by asking this question: What did I tell the carpenter?
And by putting these two pieces together, the representation and the engine, I was able to create an app, a technology for children with autism, that not only gives them words but also gives them grammar.
The first thing I did was I built a jigsaw puzzle in which these questions and answers are coded in the form of shapes, in the form of colors, and you have people putting these
and trying to understand how this works.
And when these four cells work
in health and harmony, they create an extraordinary symphony of electrical activity, and it is this electrical activity that underpins our ability to think, to emote, to remember, to learn, move, feel and so on.
But equally, each of these individual four cells alone or together, can go rogue or die, and when that happens, you get damage.
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