in sentence
259 examples of Prejudice in a sentence
The social criticism of our shallow, commercially oriented values is what makes this film an exceptional vision of the "war is hell" cliché, underscored by a mythical journey upriver to Cambodia by a special forces captain whose mission is to eliminate (with extreme prejudice) a rogue colonel, who's left behind the army's concepts of justice to create his own world.
Since we're looking closely into all the facts and characters in this film, its and interesting tale of love, hate, war, and
Superb direction by Peter Horton creates the perfect mood and setting for each scene and draws the viewer into the various emotions affected by friendship, illness,
and the final parting of two friends who fought hard to overcome adversity.
So get over your black and white
if you have one, sit back and enjoy a truly great comedy.
"A Gentleman's Game" uses the game of golf in a country club setting to illustrate an adolescent's discovery about honesty, prejudice, and other life lessons.
This entire movie is a cartoon, the rampant
against whites is literally astounding.
The film is a view on life , racial issues ,
, and everything else that strangely goes on in College.
Ohhh the brutality, ohhhhh the dying breed, ohhhh the sense of loss, ohhhh the
Basically, here's the show: The Cavemen are an alternate race, they face prejudice, etc. Quite possibly the stupidest idea ever created; almost being worthy of jail time for the writers.
Still unfortunately, despite its bravery of dealing with controversial issues as culture clashes between Muslim and western culture, adding generation conflicts and
towards gays/lesbians, it lets you down towards the resolution with a rather simplistic relief to all the suspense built up throughout the film.
They all want to make him drop out, and the
is quite fierce.The dangers of diving prove a further setback when he loses a leg due to an accident on board ship.
Both inspire
Personally I had some
due to the language of it, but it did totally change my idea.
The Sarah Silverman program is very similar to Sarah's own stand up; It's so over the top with
that you can't possibly take it to heart.
Likewise Sayonara is a breakthrough film in its look into a mixed-race love affair, American "manifest destiny" arrogance and prejudice, and the complexity of different cultures.
Interestingly, the one man who has nothing to do with the murder of the wife and son of the hero survives while another betrays the hero with extreme
I thought the racism and
against Carl Brashear was grossly overdramatized for Hollywood effect.
And there has never been a Chief Petty Officer as unabashedly
against everybody but WASPs as DeNiro's character.
This looks like real people, hardly formula driven and thankfully drives my statement against racial
home, gracefully and heartfelt.
The intolerance and
are still too powerful in the world and unfortunately it's deeply hidden inside the human nature.
The events of the narrative depict Corbett as a brash but likable and intelligent young man whose conquest of the world of boxing and social
in his time, when he was considered merely the son of Irish immigrants, a lowly bank teller and a nobody surprised everyone.
The human study always appealed to me when it comes to war movies, because it translates personal, subjective opinions on war, opposed war action movies where action, and technical data are being analyzed to the
of the human factor.
It covers everything from raising a child,
(more than one way),love, adultery, empty nest syndrome, selfishness, etc..and the list goes on.
The main character had to overcome local
against missionaries, his total removal from worldly possessions, his fears of becoming an elephant (see the movie he explains this) and his loneliness for his wife to be are just a few of his challenges.
Pride and prejudice, betrayal and revenge, lust and purity, kidnappings, tournaments, and ransoms... what better ingredients could be assembled in one film?
Right...well Ali (based on a "true" Story) is a bit of a Fat Phobic (just like almost in one in America who's never felt the pain of being fat)..thinking it all about your attitude..and when she loses her sports scholarship..she decides to enter a student film competition for the prize money for school.....and her idea is to prove being unhappy and fat is all out the fat person's negative attitude....if only people like her little brother(overweight) had a positive attitude their lives would be better..thats why she's popular (not because she's a pretty blonde jock)..the commercials leading up to this promised a true look/insight into one area of life where bigotry and
are allowed to reign supreme... i "thought" finally people see something about the cost of our obsession with thou bashing of gay and others may be illegal...but fat bashing is More than OK....But the promise of the commercials was NEVER delivered...even although Ali don's the "Fat suit" for at least a the end of it..she's still very hateful over her mom's past weight (its treated like a very dirty little secret)..never asking why people over eat...or even some the different causes people gain weight, her partner on the film has a hard attitude towards the world in general and never stops calling the one "fat" girl and meets and befriends.."her Fat friend"...after a month spent on this Ali changes only a little..after lying to everyone very little is said after keep waiting/hoping for her "a Ha! Moment" when finally the light turns on...but we all stay in the dark...along w/her...even at the end when her "boyfriend" admit being a jock if she were to quote "get fat"...he would dump her..because well he's a jock basically...she just shrugs smiles...but then again Jenny Craig was the sponsor...guess that should have told me the end she more or less right and don't let the world decide who you are....or I'm not Shallow...just selectively deep;(
Eventually I did get around to see it, though a small TV never does a film the same justice a theater does, and being a bit sceptic about the small hype this movie caused made me
about it, but I must say I have never been so wrong before.
Fred Williamson endures racial slurs and
The film's message is visibly demonstrated by the
reflected in the film's polarized evaluations; a powerful confirmation of the actual world around us.
Its a good satire about the hypocrisy and
in our so called Democracy, and on balance, a ridiculously accurate reflection of the diversity and opportunity in modern America.
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