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670 examples of Namely in a sentence
This explains, at least partly, why a handful of mega-banks in the US – namely, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley – handle the bulk of derivatives trading.
We saw an example of it the last time there were massive government interventions in US financial markets – namely, during the Great Depression.
Hezbollah is, after all, a creature of Lebanon’s resistance to Israel’s 1982 invasion, now trying to reassert its influence at home and in the wider region by portraying itself as a champion of the Arab-Islamic cause,
in Palestine.
If it is to succeed, the West must recognize the advantages that Russia already wields – namely, Putin’s understanding of the Western psyche and political circumstances.
China is also working on “connectivity” projects – namely, a rail and highway network – aimed at boosting economic and social ties between China and the ASEAN countries.
With the Islamic State (ISIS), the main inspiration for transnational terror nowadays, facing near-total defeat on the ground, the group is scrambling to use what weapons it still possesses – namely, its ability to inspire young would-be terrorists around the world.
But Putin may also have anticipated the public outrage over the attack on the Skripals and calculated that EU member states with pro-Russian governments – namely, Hungary, Greece, and, soon, Italy – would veto any strong EU response.
Indeed, the Washington debate surrounding how to “fix Iraq” is irrelevant, because something that does not exist any longer – namely, Iraq as a functioning state – cannot be fixed.
Though civil-society groups have long monitored the “supply side” – the project financing – they often ignore the “demand side” – namely, the value and impacts of the projects being implemented.
Another prominent economist, Harvard’s Lawrence Summers, has objected that this story is incompatible with a second recent trend,
declining employment of men aged 25-54.
But it would at least head off one danger,
the urge to accumulate even more reserves.
But this picture of stagnation in many countries is misleading, because it leaves out an important factor,
That meant embracing liberal democracy and the rule of law, and joining the West and its institutions – namely, NATO and the European Union – as quickly as possible.
The PiS leadership is also child-like in its ruthlessness toward those whom it perceives as weak – namely, refugees – or guilty.
As Germany knows from its own experience in the early 2000s, the benefits of supply-side reforms – namely, improved competitiveness and higher long-term growth rates – take a long time to emerge.
Whether this development leads anywhere – namely, to North Korea’s referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) – will depend on decisions taken by the United Nations Security Council.
If it is terminal, then, given the present power relations in the world, it can only lead to one alternative,
international anarchy, because there is no existent system and no possible combination of states that can supplant the role which the United States currently plays.
But their juxtaposition would produce a critical breakthrough for our understanding of life” – namely, the concept of an “operon,” a cluster of genes whose expression is regulated by an adjacent regulatory gene.
At the same time, the rule-of-law approach to fighting terrorism must be a pillar of European cooperation with third countries,
with those of the Mediterranean, or with Pakistan, thereby contributing to a security culture that is conducive to democratization.
Instead, it is smarter to deal with the fundamental problem,
that too many signatures are needed to do business.
But Liberal Order 1.0 had its limits – namely, sovereign borders.
Calamitous mistakes for which Western policymakers were responsible – namely, the protracted war in Iraq and the global economic crisis – cemented the reversal of Liberal Order 2.0.
At this point, the common currency can be saved only if systemically important countries – namely, Italy and Spain – take concerted action to demonstrate that they are different from Greece.
To be sure, some countries – namely, Sweden, Germany, and Switzerland – have responded to the influx by upholding humane values.
De-leveraging is closely linked to the second variable – namely, economic growth.
With both sides ignoring the far-reaching implications of Donald Trump’s election as US president – namely, the decline of the liberal world order – the process seems set to produce a tragedy for the United Kingdom and the European Union alike.
In parallel, the European Banking Authority will continue to perform its existing tasks,
developing the single rulebook for the entire single market and ensuring convergent supervisory practice throughout the EU.
Leaders should shift their attention from questions concerning “how many” and “where” to the “what” of the crisis – namely, what they should be doing to integrate these newcomers into their societies and economies.
The real danger of the current presidential crisis and its solution for Merkel lies elsewhere,
in the political calculations that made Joachim Gauck, the new German president, a candidate in the first place.
That means putting together a package that responds to Germany’s priorities – namely, ensuring fiscal stability and securing limits on bank holdings of sovereign debt – while helping to ease the burden on Italy of guarding the EU’s external border and admitting refugees.
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