in sentence
3140 examples of Moments in a sentence
I don't know why 'Dennis' only receives a 4.7 rating on IMDb because it is a rather enjoyable film with plenty of cute/funny
that leave you chuckling so surely deserves a few points more.
Some nice twists, several funny
and a few very original killings.
Sure there are some really nice moments, but overall it just shows stories of vapid people going through their meaningless existences until they finally let go from the tragedy that hit.
This simple and moving film has some heart-wrenching moments, but its central message is simply to point out the the absurdities of war.
There are some mistakes in the production, some clunky editing, some wobbly acting moments, and it overcomes all of them.
I would even go so far as to say that the film has it's creepy
even with cheap special effects.
Both male leads give good performances (I never doubted they were really friends, which is rare in a movie) and there were many funny moments, a lot of which came from Bonnie Hunt.
This is one of the rare movies in comedy that i could watch over and over again,, this movie is sooooo , freaking funny it's like a laugh a minute,, especially how Vinny,, "bag of donuts" is woken up constantly every morning,, first the train,, then the pigs i think the owl, and o yeah the steam whistle... i can relate to that stuff, and living relatively close to N.Y. for years i can relate to the accents in the movie,, very Brooklyn if i'm not mistaken,, i loved Joe Pesci in this movie,, this is one of his finer
ever in a comedic role,, Marissa Tomei however stole the whole show for me,, not only is she sexy and pretty she can act too, her accent fits her like a glove, Ralph Maccio,, hmm well, not everything can be perfect.. i Loved Fred Gwynne the judge,, he is so hilarious,, i just bust out every time he gets Vinny on Contempt of Court or something,, and order him to some jail time,, overall the plot was simple... yeah some of it's corny,, i guess you kinda have to be a Pesci, Tomei fan to appreciate all the slapstick,, but hey it's one of the funniest movies that you'll ever see and you won't regret watching it that's for sure,,
Although not a laugh a minute rollercoaster, Lucky Break is a sweet film, with many funny
From the disgusting habits of Lister to the delightful cheekiness of The Cat to the smug remarks from Rimmer the comic
just go on and on.
Dramatic, sometimes even tragic
felt as witnessed in a news broadcast far away.
Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo was made for television, so it's probably unfair to expect great things from it; and while the film does have its moments, I really wouldn't add it to the list of films that prove spiders are prime candidates for having horror films made about them.
The film's got a lot going for it -- wisecracking script, bright colour, great music, and
of sudden shocking darkness amid a generally easy-going plot -- but while it's pretty good, it isn't Errol Flynn's finest hour, and it isn't among the greatest Westerns either.
Set in a New Brunswick college town,our heroes are a pair of easy going roommates named Luke and Roger.After sneaking into a sorority girl's room to return some quarters,Luke spies the girl sprouting tentacles in front of her friend-who's casually huffing liquid nitrogen.Luke reasonably comes to the conclusion that the two are aliens-though none of his friends believe him(he was drunk at the time).After a pair of suspicious deaths,Luke becomes convinced he's right and begins investigating."Decoys" is loaded with fake scares and plenty of bad CGI imagery.The almost complete lack of gore and violence is also hard to forgive.There are some mildly humorous moments,but the pace is rather slow and the acting is weak.So if you want a proper and intelligent Canadian horror watch again "Ginger Snaps" or check out late 70's slasher classic "Rituals".
But THE OMEGA MAN has its moments, in particular its unexpected, and unexpectedly touching, finale.
What do you get when you mix HORRIBLE writing, bad acting, shortsighted direction and some of the stupidest
in the history of Cinema?
Miguel adds to the mix with his outlandish style of humor and well placed
of timely exits.
The original "Pet Seamatary" of 1989 (also directed by Lambert) was certainly no Horror-highlight, and I personally found it to be overrated by many of my fellow Horror fans, but it was still an atmospheric and entertaining film that had many creepy
Transcendently beautiful in
outside the office, it seems almost sitcom-like in those scenes.
Every time the electric piano chimed in at the "serious" moments, or one of those bad songs started I wanted to throw heavy cookware at the television!
This is only a surface melodrama, for, like Lon's other great triumphs in film, this film presents a story in which the pains and tribulations of Lon's character are only too predictable.... broken by
of complete shock.
I really did wonder how they would escape the elevator shaft, one of those great
when you don't know whether to laugh or hide your eyes.
Boring at moments, banal structure, but still worth to watch it!
Though in some ways predictable the plot is worked out in solid fashion with a punchy and satisfying finale and while the pace is a bit slow there are enough notable
to smooth the ride.
I still had a fine time with it though, Antonio Bido has a good eye and easy command of his art, crafting some cracking moments, and Corrado Pani and Paola Tedesco make for an appealing couple of leads.
There are some okay
There's a few good
between actors, and occasionally you can get the tension of the cat-and-mouse game of the two snipers.
This is an all around unrealistic drama/romance with some slapstick
thrown in.
The only parts worth exposing your mind to are the 'blood and gore' moments, or 'rubber and watery ketchup' as they should be known.
Maybe the latter isn't much of a cliché as it might be a convention, but it's all dealt with by Bergman in his story of Henrik Bergman and Anna Bergman with complete, un-filtered honesty, even in the harsher
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