in sentence
326 examples of Luckily in a sentence
i miss Rickman's sexy English accent
he slips into it and out of the American pattern).
Not an easy film to like at first with both the lead characters quite unlikeable but
the heart and soul of the film is Paula Sage's touching performance which drives the film into uncharted waters and transcends the rather awkward storyline.
Some people don't like Led Zeppelin, but
the number of people who versus the number of people who don't is WAY unbalanced.
Then, about the time my roommate had said she had seen it too, and that it was her favorite, they started to print it again!! Luckily, I have a copy now!!
Luckily, he is a master storyteller.
Luckily, Rudy comes back as Dolemite in Human Tornado, so sit back relax, and have the rewind button ready because you won't believe your eyes!!
Luckily, they meet a streetwise alley cat (Phil Harris) who guides them on the journey back and are further aided along the way by a feline jazz band (led by Scatman Crothers) and two helpful and amiably dopey dogs; meanwhile at home, Edgar the butler celebrates his supposed inheritance and the mouse and the horse do their bit to help their fellow feline pets.
Luckily, I held on for this one.
for everyone, Barbara Bach just happens to be on the island too!
Luckily, my hopes have came true.
I rented it for $1 through Red Box; had I paid to see it in on the big screen, I would be really fuming!!
I did not pay to see this movie.
I didn't pay for this movie, and my friend reluctantly agreed to watch it again siting that it was so awful but he needed to prove to me how awful it was.
I saw this on free TV.
i was gonna buy the DVD but
i rented it first, the plot and script are also horrible, nothing seems to go to together so the movie really never makes sense.
enough, leading lady Annik Borel rarely ever wears clothes and she fills up the boring moments by dancing naked around a fire.
Apparently based on Sheridan Le Fanu's classic Carmilla, it follows a father and daughter hunting a female vampire who, luckily, happens to be travelling with them.
I saw this movie a long time ago...
it was for free.
Whenever the storyline becomes too tedious, the makers
enough always insert a near-brilliant Christopher Walken moment to distract you.
i got this movie for a very low price because its certainly not a movie to remember for any good reasons.
I picked this title up from a friend who had it sitting in his exhaustive DVD/Video/Laserdisc collection, so
I didn't personally have to pay for it.
it just so happens that brilliant scientist Dr. Andrea Hewitt (Justine Bateman) who works for Olaris has developed an operation to transplant organs from one species to another, Hewitt decides Aaron would be perfect for her first human experiment.
they were half talking/half singing in rhyme most of the time, but when they did sing it made me cringe.
someone needed to make a car payment... this is truly awful... makes jean Claude's cyborg look like gone with the wind... this is an hour I wish I could sue to get back...
it produced severe somnolence... from which I fell asleep.
I find it incredibly hard to comprehend how Lewis Collins (the hero here) was almost chosen as Roger Moore's successor in the Bond films.... this guy is so expressionless he'd struggle to get a job in a waxwork museum (as a waxwork!!!) Luckily, Judy Davis is on hand to partially redeem the affair with a meaty performance as a hard-line lady terrorist, and there's a climactic ten minute action sequence that is quite competently orchestrated by director Ian Sharp.
The movie is proof that luck is everything: hope your friend invests all your money in Apple and not Atari; hope your shrimp boat is the only one out at sea when a storm breaks; hope that you don't die of shock when you're
shot in the buttocks and not in the back; hope you don't get AIDS from your wife.
The Haunting is yet another bad horror remake with phony overdone special effects and a big cast of on screen favorites and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever except maybe for the cinematography.Yes remakes aren't all bad but remakes directed by Jion Da Bont definitely are.I suppose that the A-List actors (Liam Neeson,Catherine Zeta Jones,Owen Wilson)are there to distract us from the boring plot,ridiculous special effects, and terrible attempts at scaring it's audience however this is a movie not a tabloid magazine we don't care whose in it we care about the characters and story two things this film missed.The storyline is like taking the classic novel The Haunting Of Hill House and ripping out four chapters and then using whatever's left for the film it is so boring and a lot of it is unexplained.The characters are pretty thin and while the acting is good you don't really care about any of the characters at all.Lily Taylor gives a horrendous performance and sounds like she's 8 years old when delivering her lines not to mention what a horrible screamer she is.Lily Taylor isn't made for the horror genre at all.The ghosts are stupid and cheesy, they look like a bunch of Casper The Friendly Ghost's and the ghost of Hugh Cain looks like a fat guy dressed as the grim reaper for Halloween with a smoke machine.There is this creature on the roof of one of the rooms that is a giant purple mouth and it's not even funny unintentionally just plain sad.The house is pretty and well designed that is probably the only positive thing about this movie it looks nice but that doesn't save it from it's brutal everything else.I can honestly say i felt like i was wasting my time watching The Haunting on TV for no price so I would've been even more pi$$ed if I had paid to see it but
it was on Scream Channel.Overall The Haunting is a boring remake that tries to overwhelm you with bad special effects, a poor attempt at horror.
You could actually understand every word the mice said, the animation is crappy, the palace is much much different from the first movie, there's new characters that were never mentioned before and were terrible,
the Prince didn't have many lines which kept him from sounding stupid.
I spared my money for this pieces of crap.
one priest survived the blaze and escaped with sever burns all over his body....yet another coincidence??????
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