in sentence
537 examples of Journalist in a sentence
The TV guide described THE PLAYERS CLUB as " Gritty drama about an aspiring
who takes a job in a strip club to make ends meet " which had me thinking I'd be watching something like STRIPTEASE without any of the campness but I found myself being more and more puzzled at what sort of film Ice Cube was trying to make here .
The aspiring
Diane Armstrong gets a job at the strip club but the story centres around other character subplots for a couple of minutes that don't really lead anywhere and one can't help thinking the character of Diane is used to set up the story just so writer/director Ice Cube can use the location to play a soundtrack that is composed of mainly Ice Cube tracks .
The other story was boring, the characters was such a mess, and it was plenty of narrative mistakes: occurred at present time and it's about a
who travels (along with his husband, her brother in law and the girlfriend of that one) to that small village in order to investigate the incident and take some pictures.
Tales from the Darkside: Ring Around the Redhead starts as convicted murderer Billy Malone (John Heard) is about to be led to the electric chair, before he is though a
named Adele (Caris Corfman) is allowed to interview him.
On the vessel, also, is the wealthy businessman who provided the funds to spruce up the ship, as well as a hotshot football player and a lovely television journalist, who has a past with Aaron.
A travesty and one reason why Hollywood shouldn't be let within a million miles of a story like that of Veronica Guerin, the Irish
whose stories in the press about Dublin drug barons lead to her murder in 1996.
Jeff Wincott stars as Harlan Quinn a hit-man who wakes up to find that he's been declared dead and that he's been recruited to work for the CIA in killing anybody who's a threat to the government, this has all been set up by the mysterious Mr.Green (Michael Ironside) and his first targets include a homosexual advocate, a muckraking
and a female professor with information that the AIDs virus was manufactured.
A female
once wrote that no actress could ever portray Elizabeth Bennet to the satisfaction of a woman viewer for one very simple reason: every woman really visualizes herself in that role.
He reminds me of a time when being a
meant something more than being a personality who likes to wear "bow-ties."
This film with some clips featuring Peter Sellers were from deleted scenes together with a lame plot to suggested that the incompetent French detective Inspector Clouseau had disappeared in mysterious circumstances while Joanna Lumley played a
in search for an answer using as-filmed footages together with much of the Peter Sellers scenes actually coming from The Pink Panther Strikes Again.
Unhappily, the scriptwriters pretended that they knew better than Forsyth how to tell a story, and they got rid of the mining guy's story, of old Manson's greed and of young Manson's lust, and of the tribal question story, in exchange for a meaningless story about Shannon's wife, and the one of the pain-in-the-ass
who gets killed, which distracts the spectator's attention.
This movie is definitely more intimate as we are following a
through his view of that country's drama and, especially, his love towards a young black woman.
When I became a member of the movie business (journalist, publicist), I loved hearing stories from the "old-timers" on film crews who had worked with the screen legends way back when.
The reviews of the film were terrible, but within weeks,
friends informed me that a phenomenon had taken place--the movie had become an instant camp classic, with audience-participation unrivalled since "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."
This movie, starring Michelle Burke of "Little Men" TV series, is about a
with connections to the mob who falls for a stripper with a dark past.
Daisuke Yamanouchi's "Mu Zan E" is about a young journalist,who is searching for snuff movies.The film shows us a snuff/porn making underground industry ala "Last House on Dead End Street" or "Tesis".It's extremely grim and gory and it pulls no punches with its sheer nastiness.There are some incredibly revolting scenes of gore and sexual violence,so fans of Japanese pinku eiga sickies won't be disappointed.It seems to me that Japanese culture is loaded with sadism and bloodletting and this carries over into the realms of cinema and literature.Anyway,if you're a fan of the "Guinea Pig" series or "Cannibal Holocaust" you can't miss this one.However if you're squeamish don't watch it!
Recommended by a
from a communist country during a film festival I had some initial hesitation regarding watching this film.
I even changed my mind on Travolta's performance and realised what he actually tried to do-a mixture of anger, frustration, fatigue, mild charm-all of which are attributed to a workaholic Rolling Stone
such as his character Adam.
In some desperate attempts to thicken the unoriginal plot, there's the lame sub plot about a nosy
and his ugly girlfriend going undercover in the company and the awkward story about the Corporate Executive (David Gale from "Re-Animator" fame) who injects the veins in his neck with the same liquids as the robots need in able to function.
But as Mickey (Woody Harrelson playing a serial killer on the run) says towards the end of the movie when he is getting ready to shoot Wayne Gale (Robert Downey Jr. as a manic journalist) 'Killing you and what you represent is a kind of statement--I'm not 100% sure what it is'.
It was full of clichés and rubbish effects (the budget was so obviously spent half way through so the second half is more cardboard cut outs than CGI's) The square looking college
who's obsessed by UFO's can't get a break with her editor.
By the end, that square looking
has lost the specs, her shirt and her hair is hanging down.
As the
Jim Mann once argued, it was the expectation of political reform that underlay US interactions with China, even after the massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
True, Egypt's military regime – whose foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, raised eyebrows when he appeared near the head of the march in Paris – released the Al Jazeera
Peter Greste from prison, and has since freed two other journalists, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, on bail.
His publisher was an Estonian-born
and former KGB officer, Vladimir Ilyasevich, who had worked in Finland and in other Nordic countries during the Cold War.
According to the American investigative
Robert I. Friedman, Mogilevich is “the most dangerous mobster in the world,” and is widely known to work closely with the GRU.
If the only economics course you take is the typical introductory survey, or if you are a
asking an economist for a quick opinion on a policy issue, that is indeed what you will encounter.
NEW YORK – Sometime in the 1980’s, when the communist regime in Poland was facing serious challenges from disaffected masses, the regime’s official spokesman, Jerzy Urban, remarked to a foreign
that there were only two choices in Poland: communism or domination by the Catholic Church.
The US-Saudi Relationship After KhashoggiWASHINGTON, DC – The alleged killing of the Saudi Arabian dissident
Jamal Khashoggi, a permanent resident of the United States, in the Kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul has unleashed a tidal wave of criticism.
The Price of Media SilenceSANTIAGO – In 1986, opposition
José Carrasco Tapia was dragged from his home in Santiago, Chile, by one of General Augusto Pinochet’s death squads.
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