in sentence
1137 examples of Instance in a sentence
So, for instance, in all of Asia recently, it was impossible to get YouTube for a little while because Pakistan made some mistakes in how it was censoring YouTube in its internal network.
So, for instance, if you ask, how many diseases do we now know the exact molecular basis?
How do we know, for instance, whether drugs are safe before we give them to people?
For instance, why would I make myself invisible?
And the same with, for instance, Tetris, original version, the Soviet one.
In this instance, carrying a glass of water is easy.
In this instance, this knowledge allows us to design novel machine architectures or to design clever algorithms that gracefully handle damage, just like human athletes do, instead of building machines with redundancy.
Five years ago, for instance, I found myself waking each morning in misty Seattle to what I knew was an impossible question: What actually happened one desert night, half the world and almost half of history away?
I have faith, for instance, that peace in the Middle East is possible despite the ever-accumulating mass of evidence to the contrary.
In each instance, our expectations are defied.
In each instance, the narrative gets switched.
Think of all the years reformers of various stripes have tried to get rid of corruption in Russia, for instance, or how hard it is to re-regulate the banks even after the most profound financial crisis since the Great Depression, or even how difficult it is to get the big multinational companies, including those whose motto might be "don't do evil," to pay taxes at a rate even approaching that paid by the middle class.
There are a lot of people who created their own vision about the future, for instance, this vision here from the early 20th century.
So for instance, we are asking ourselves, how can we create more light?
For instance, we're taught to say "the theory of evolution."
So, for instance, there's a doctor in Africa that's found that if you give a mother antiretroviral drugs at 24 weeks, when she's pregnant, that the baby will not have HIV when it's born.
For instance, we're setting up clinics in Africa where we're going to be giving free antiretroviral drugs, free TB treatment and free malaria treatment.
And I think one of the positive things at the moment is you've got Sergey and Larry from Google, for instance, who are good friends.
We don't make an assumption that the level of trust that we will have in every
of a certain type of official or office-holder or type of person is going to be uniform.
Now, from the Shah's perspective, though, he wanted to keep this as secret as possible, so when Yitzhak Rabin, for instance, traveled to Iran in the '70s, he usually wore a wig so that no one would recognize him.
The inventive inhabitants, for instance, find opportunities in the most unexpected cases, like the adjacent parking garage, which has been reclaimed as a taxi route to shuttle the inhabitants up through the ramps in order to shorten the hike up to the apartments.
So, take cars, for
This is already happening with food, for
For instance, the tunnel diode, a component used in electronics, works thanks to the wonders of quantum tunneling.
In sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, 85 percent of roads are unusable in the wet season.
Take rodents and primates, for instance: In larger rodent brains, the average size of the neuron increases, so the brain inflates very rapidly and gains size much faster than it gains neurons.
Gorillas and orangutans, for instance, afford about 30 billion neurons by spending eight and a half hours per day eating, and that seems to be about as much as they can do.
Learning patience, for
Take, for instance, the thyroid and the two hormones it produces, triiodothyronine and thyroxine.
For instance, reminding people of the benefits of cooperation or the advantages of community, cause wealthier individuals to be just as egalitarian as poor people.
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