in sentence
418 examples of Indifference in a sentence
Houellebecq's insights are masterfully captured by Harel and the hero's apathy and
to a world which has rejected him is perfectly portrayed.
Despite a raging
to the acting chops of Carol Kane--I still can barely stand to watch "Taxi" largely due to her annoying grate--I decided to give "When A Stranger Calls" a chance.
It's low-budget dreck, that is certain--but through its persistent incoherence, it kept my attention, even though the one feeling I had when the credits started to roll was absolute
According to Polanski, it is not love and hate which are opposite, but love and
An early scene where Thomas the patient flips out violently after being touched by an extremely hot, sexually agressive young woman gives away the fact that Thomas was sexually molested as a child, although like a bad poker player who shows his cards but figures nobody was really paying attention anyway the filmmakers seem to think the audience will react with something other than complete
or a loud duh when they finally pull the molestation card out about forty minutes later.
Kevin Hooks is an amazing, natural actor; he feigns
to everything in his life, but in his eyes you see his true feelings when he mentions the sick and abandoned cat he has found.
One of the pivotal events of European history, the English Civil War, is treated with an
to reality that surpasses insouciance.
During the running time, you go from wondering what's happening in "The House of Secrets", to
On another level, the
of a given character not involved in a given conflict was exploited for its humorous/serious value.
The trailers featured the emotional "I will remember you" but the movie, apparently adjusted to growing
to the Iraq War by many, was afraid to let you care too much.
Essentially Mitchell distinguished himself as a pilot in the First World War but grew appalled at the
if not bias in favour of the Army and Navy in peacetime - there was, in fact, no Air Force - and having exhausted every avenue in an attempt to address this problem he called a press conference and accused the General Staff of incompetence.
The show dealt with serious issues like rape, corruption, driving under the influence, mental illness, wife beatings, gun violence, child pornography, indifference, coercion, drug usage, governmental bureaucracy, and child exploitation.
Beyond the technical-medical-moral issue of abortion itself, the movie also shows very well how, basically, the main problem of a women living an unexpected pregnancy, be it in 1952, 1974 or 1996, is often that she is downright alone and must face the
and despise of society at large and of most people around her - including the father of the baby.
Michael York, sporting a thick crop of cinnamon-colored hair and talking with a Limey accent, plays the visiting celebrity with a snide kind of casual indifference, which is perfectly right for the character, but it does nothing for the audience and he elicits little interest; Rita Tushingham (reunited with York from 1967's "Smashing Time") overworks her perky nature and large, round eyes, yet her character hasn't been given many dimensions beyond what we are made to quickly sense (that her aimlessness led her to India and what she really needs is a man in her bed).
Or is that the "bottom 10?" The premise of nature rebelling against humanity's ecological
is a good start, but most of the characters are uninteresting, and idiots to boot.
And yet he charms by his total
to what we think of him.
He becomes more and more sexually obsessed with her as she keeps turning down all his attempts to have sex with her and varies between feelings of love,
and hate towards him.
Dafoe's character is Paul Smecker, a gay FBI agent specializing in organized crime...Rocco plays an Italian Mafia package boy who is a close friend to the Irish brothers...the central theme of the film is the
of good men...Connor and Murphy are not indifferent, and after helping their friend, Doc, the two embark on a crusade to rid the streets of Boston of criminals...with the assistance of their comical and zany friend, Rocco...This film had positive elements on all sides...humor...a moral message...and incredible will no doubt find yourself repeating the many memorable quotes from the film...I am a woman, and not at all into your typical "shoot 'em up" guy films...this is not another one of those has become an underground "cult" sensation...See will not be disappointed!
In Dolls he showed his
by underplaying the murders, while in Bay of Blood he took the opposite approach by amplifying the violent homicides almost to parody level, in the process relegating the story and characters to even less importance than was customary for the genre.
The idea of the “moral indifference” of the law of war is based on the recognition that wars will not be eliminated, and that they should instead be limited and their horrors mitigated by universally applicable rules of conduct.
Precisely because it is less ambitious than the principle of “just war,” moral
has been tremendously successful in mitigating war’s horrors by banning some particularly inhuman types of weapons, forcing armies to protect civilians and accord humane treatment to prisoners of war, banning annexations, etc.
Given the robust growth of China's private economy over the past decade, this
may be somewhat justified.
Europe’s Anti-Ideological ElectionPARIS – In each of the 27 states of the European Union, the campaign for the just concluded elections for the European Parliament occurred in an atmosphere of indifference, with voters, candidates, and the media focusing mostly on domestic issues.
It is not only Southeast Asia that will suffer from Trump’s
Intellectuals, artists, and public figures must highlight the danger of
toward groups espousing intolerance and exclusion.
This hierarchical approach, in which spectatorship trumps participation among the rank and file, is a major reason for
among ordinary Catholics today.
As the Romanian philosopher E. M. Cioran says: "Once man loses his faculty of
he becomes a potential murderer; once he transforms his idea into a God the consequences are incalculable."
America’s initial
was best reflected in President Harry Truman’s reaction when Chester Bowles asked to be named ambassador to India: “I thought India was pretty jammed with poor people and cows round streets, witch doctors, and people sitting on hot coals and bathing in the Ganges…but I did not realize anybody thought it was important.”
To put it crudely, but candidly,
comes easy if the poor are assumed to be mostly "black."
A country that has lifted the carpet of myth and
under which the negative aspects of its past were swept is better able to manage itself and accommodate others.
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