in sentence
288 examples of Happier in a sentence
My daughter refuses to watch it (she's 2) and I couldn't be
Gallagher's character says that while he experiences this "fantasy", he is happy,
than he is in the real world.
The message is loud and clear: working class people are
than the guys with all the money, because their emotional lives are purer and not spoiled by capitalist values.
Pictures like this one were made in the Hollywood of the post-war when all the men were back and
times seemed just on the horizon.
This way we can end in a
The ending to the film is the part that made the least sense, and perhaps if they would have tried harder to come out with a better ending then I would have been happier, but they didn't.
I like a film that adds a little magic and leaves the spirit
than before.
I went to see this movie like I did the second one because I am a very nostalgic person and I wanted to relieve
parts of my childhood by watching this film in which it's predecessor or The first one was a great delight in my young years.
I was very glad to have it end and even
to return it ...the same day!
If it haven't been Nora's sister Judy(Eileen Brennan), those two wouldn't been any
Clearly one of the best current directors with influences of Antonioni and Tarkovsky, he curiously reflected that his next film would be happier, curious his sure touch for the darker reaches in everyday life.
At another studio perhaps there would have been a
ending,with all the little people getting together and buying that farm.
I'm a die hard Madonna fan...I mean literally obsessed so i've seen, heard, and read just about everything shes ever done unfortunately i wasn't able to view this film when it originally premiered because of work but thankfully i caught a late night showing of it last night on VH1 hopefully they plan on showing it again cause i'm definitely looking forward to repeat viewings...now i have to say cause its only natural that people will be comparing this movie to "Truth Or Dare" after all they do share some similarities...like they're both documentaries for a Madonna tour..oops sorry but thats where the similarities end...the person Madonna has become is nothing like the person from TOD not that she was a bad person the but her life has changed so much...she's finally experienced some success with her acting (Evita)..she's finally won Grammys(something that should have happened long ago)...shes discovered a newfound spirituality...which i think has a lot to do with the changes i observed...but most of all and most importantly the biggest difference now is that shes a mother...and wife...2 roles that i know lot of people thought she'd never play...but she is and with great success..after almost 5 years of marriage her and Guy act more like close friends than husband and wife and it is truly beautiful to see her interact with her children...even though we don't get to see too much...but i think what was most touching was seeing how more open she is about her emotions and how much kinder she is and ultimately how much
she is...i thought this movie was beautifully done hell i think the cinematography is award worthy...and there were a couple scenes when she was talking about peace that made me get a little choked up...particularly at the end when she went to Isreal to give a speech about that very subject...well i have to say the biggest difference between the 2 films is that TOD is for fans only...IGTTYAS is one anyone can enjoy or at least learn something from whether fan or not so check your local listings and when it comes out on DVD don't just buy a copy for yourself but for everyone you know
Happiness Is EqualityLONDON – The king of Bhutan wants to make us all
Targeting the TargetersLONDON – Speaking in the
economic times of 2005, Mervyn King – then, as now, Governor of the Bank of England – stressed the importance of entrenching public expectations of stable, low inflation.
I believe that if Feldstein’s warning had been heeded in 1982-84, America would be stronger and
Prince Charles might have been far
as a gardener, but this was never an option.
To live
and healthier lives, girls everywhere need to be able to make informed decisions about their bodies, their sexual and reproductive choices, and their future.
If, however, they commit to the experimentation, evidence collection, and evaluation that all smart public spending requires, sports-based investment can go a long way toward strengthening communities and enabling young people to live healthier, happier, and more productive lives.
But with a strong and sustained commitment to fulfill the promise of universal primary and secondary education – and a little international support – governments can ensure happier, more prosperous lives for their countries’ young people.
It is a fact that we are much
saving and accumulating, and that we are much more likely to do so when we think that the resources we have saved and accumulated are at hand.
And it is also a fact that we are
saving and accumulating if we receive positive and negative feedback on our decisions on a time scale that allows us to believe that we can do better next time by altering our strategy – hence marketwatch.com
A warning against the arrogance of rationality is at the same time a warning against the arrogance of social engineers -- those who believe that a freer and
life for mankind can be secured solely by devising scientific plans for it from above.
If more girls had gone to school a generation ago, millions of infant deaths could have been averted each year, and tens of millions of families could have been more educated, healthier, and
If I'm wrong, people will still be better-fed, better-housed, and
thanks to our efforts.
Physical exercise makes people not only healthier, but also
This drive toward an off-the-grid, eat-what-you-raise, bike-there-on-your-own, solar-powered collective fantasy is inevitable: Americans were pumped full of hope that more consumption would make them happier, and instead were left with a pile of debt.
And, so far, there is little reason to believe that we are on track to find a way to ensure a
But we have no reason to believe that 2050’s designs and brands will make us any
than those of 2017.
But just as a bird is
in a cage the size of an auditorium and even
when flying free, we walk better on a sidewalk three or ten meters wide.
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