in sentence
2423 examples of Elsewhere in a sentence
But in America and elsewhere, there has been a marked decrease in security.
The Jews did not come to exploit Palestine’s resources or subjugate its residents in order to transfer the economic benefits
The first is the growing shift in the Middle East, and elsewhere, from rejection of Israel’s legitimacy to rejection of Zionism’s legitimacy.
Higher oil prices mean that Americans (and Europeans and Japanese) are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to Middle East oil dictators and oil exporters
in the world rather than spending it at home.
But Obama's effort to universalize the problem of extremism has exposed him to the charge of relativizing the Islamic State – and thus ignoring its true nature – by claiming a moral equivalence between it and political extremism
in the world, including in the US.
After all, it was the US that first entered the terra incognita of the post-industrial era, in which manufactured goods were increasingly produced elsewhere, while employment and growth shifted to financial and other professional services.
When this method of administration has been used
around the world, it has resulted in firms asserting dubious capabilities without regard to quality, price, or the timeliness of deliveries.
Of course, that is not what the Brexiteers or their allies
are seeking.
The essential issue lies
I have proposed a detailed remedy for these problems
National governments throughout Europe and
issued statements of support, and encouraged Greek and Macedonian opponents of the agreement to get behind it.
In the Balkans and elsewhere, Putin has tried to present himself as a reasonable partner who will not ask questions about human rights or insist on respect for any particular set of values.
There and elsewhere, the US, motivated by the larger geopolitical goal of containing Shia Iran and its regional allies, has embraced Sunni rulers steeped in religious and political bigotry, even though they pose a transnational threat to the values of freedom and secularism.
If a sufficient number of Arabs reached that threshold at the right time, the long-docile Arab street would explode in anger, with each group of new protesters encouraging more to join in, giving people
in the Arab world the courage to initiate protests of their own.
But such efforts’ success will depend on complementary approaches elsewhere, most importantly in the United Kingdom and other key financial centers.
For example, the UK and the US may be adopting approaches that differ with respect to protecting commercial banks from more speculative, proprietary trading, but the policy concerns are broadly similar – and may not be so pressing elsewhere, where banking traditions are different and trading is more restrained.
This is not to say that terrible acts of Islamist terror could not happen in the US, or
in California, Facebook found its brand fueling enormous hype for the company’s initial public offering.
Yugoslavia, like the nation-states that were established in the Levant and Mesopotamia, was created to manage these political contradictions; but atrocities – in Smyrna, Srebrenica, Sinjar, and
– remained a constant feature of post-imperial life.
Across the Middle East, as elsewhere, expectations are building that his presidency will herald a new era for America’s role in the world.
As for the other nine months, given that the US accounts for only 25% of world income, it is a fair guess that there are some very wealthy individuals
who might be able to kick in.
But here, as elsewhere, the record of private-sector credit assessments should leave one wary.
There are, of course, other forums like this in France and elsewhere: dark magnets, attracting the worst ideas of the era.
Elsewhere, notably in many of the Soviet Union’s other successor states and in Latin America, those in power have often simply changed the constitution – including rules on term limits – to their advantage.
No one even keeps track of, say, Florida’s current-account deficit with the rest of the country, although we can safely guess that it is huge (since the state is home to many retirees living off benefits that come from elsewhere).
Many working families have been devastated by the impact of low-cost imports from China and
America’s Free-Trade AbdicationNEW YORK – The indifference and apathy that one finds in Washington from both the Congress and President Barack Obama on the Doha Round of world trade talks, and the alarm and concern expressed by statesmen
over the languishing negotiations, mark the end of the post-1945 era of American leadership on multilateral free trade.
To get a real sense of the labor market’s health, we need to look
in the BLS’s report.
A key pillar of their prevention strategy is to scale back “global imbalances,” a euphemism for the huge US trade deficit and the corresponding trade surpluses elsewhere, not least China.
he attacks religion directly: "The kinds of views of the universe which religious people have traditionally embraced have been puny, pathetic, and measly in comparison to the way the universe actually is.
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