in sentence
2423 examples of Elsewhere in a sentence
Here as elsewhere, central bankers have no alternative but to consider the broader context and rely on their judgment.
With enlightenment and progress in some parts of the world accompanied by atavism and stagnation elsewhere, this is not an easy question.
With the same model being applied elsewhere, migrants are at increasing risk.
Merkel, like her counterparts elsewhere, did little to address the problems.
Such “violations” occur
as well.
This does not mean that our economic knowledge cannot guide us, only that what works in theory – or worked in the past or
– should be prescribed with an appropriate degree of self-doubt.
But whether or not the pessimists turn out to be right about China, it is odd that business investment remains tepid even during times when the engine of global growth is located elsewhere, such as in the US or Europe (Germany in particular).
As these old democracies increasingly turn inward, they will become less helpful partners internationally – less willing to sustain the multilateral trading system and more ready to respond unilaterally to economic policies
that they perceive as damaging to their interests.
Like the US, Russia has a strong interest in stability in Syria and in defeating the Islamic State; but it has no interest in allowing the US to install its choice of regimes in Syria or
in the region.
His actions have heightened insecurity, instability, and fear, while potentially making populations
in the world even more susceptible to political fire-starters.
For example, although in Peru corruption was pervasive elsewhere, government reforms that lowered tax rates managed to increase tax revenue from 8.4% of GDP in 1991 to 12.3% in 1998, and increase the number of taxpayers from 895,000 in 1993 to 1,766,000 in 1999.
States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves, because they cannot insulate themselves from what goes on
Given the new political realities in Egypt, Tunisia, and the Palestinian territories, as well as in Lebanon, Libya, and elsewhere, the more important of these actors are no longer secret or illegal organizations.
Indeed, as with the adoption of IT elsewhere, we may soon wonder how health care could have been delivered any other way.
But that would require the TPP to foster, not impede, the flow of knowledge around the Pacific Rim.Regrettably, the United States is insisting on a series of intellectual-property provisions that serve the interests of US-based firms, but do little to create a sound environment for innovation
Transit countries such as Hungary try to divert refugees
Thus, Shia success there – a relative concept, to be sure – risks inspiring Shia
to mobilize politically, including in Saudi Arabia’s Shia-majority Eastern Province, where much of the country’s oil wealth is concentrated.
In some cases – such as Tunisia – the process has been successful; elsewhere, as in Syria, the course of events has been discouraging, to say the least.
Some government- and foundation-funded research addresses diseases that primarily affect poor people, but these efforts are not systematic and do not use the incentives that work well to drive pharmaceutical innovation
The public-spirited justification of the concentration of wealth offered in “The Gospel of Wealth” has more support in the United States than elsewhere, which reflects Americans’ relatively greater admiration of business people.
The trends are similar
in Europe.
If aging societies in the West and
(like Japan) fail to get immigration right, they will be woefully unprepared when they confront the real tidal wave: the retirement of baby boomers in the coming two decades.
The imbalances were reduced temporarily as the global financial crisis caused private demand to drop in the US, the UK, and
Today, that market is dead and the money must go
The real danger of the current presidential crisis and its solution for Merkel lies elsewhere, namely in the political calculations that made Joachim Gauck, the new German president, a candidate in the first place.
There is only one main way that the necessary productivity and outcome gains can be achieved: excess demand in the public sector must be shifted
Elsewhere, however, disregarding the primacy of politics in a transition to peace has had tragic consequences.
And what is happening in America is likely to be repeated
As a part of this global strategy, NATO strengthened its relations with partners elsewhere, including in Southeast Asia which is the SCO’s chief area of responsibility.
But new measures introduced last month have driven an increasingly frustrated population – which, until recently, had endured painful austerity with little of the public outcry seen
in southern Europe – to the streets to demand a general election two years ahead of schedule.
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