in sentence
1149 examples of Discover in a sentence
When a residents of the institute start turning up dead Ghost initially suspects Bridget but they soon
that a mate is tracking Bridget to make hairy werewolf babies with her.
Miller's character seems much too busy to have a social life, but then we suddenly
she's been promised to a man named Walter W. Walter, II.
Set in the present with flashbacks to the 19th century, the film is about two literary experts with a love of Victorian poetry who
a shocking secret about a revered 19th century poet.
A group of Russian soldiers
the tomb of the Dracula family, and one of them foolishly removes the stake from the body of Dracula's dog Zoltan, and in which the dog raises Dracula's servant/original owner too.
Needing to find the last of their master's bloodline, they end up travelling to California to
their descendant Michael Drake and his family are going on holidays in the woods.
Vamos a Matar Companeros! is an authentic, made in Italy, Spaghetti Western film classic and is a must see movie for anyone who wants to
the very best of the Spaghetti Western film genre.
After watching the film, I immediately went online to
the name of its sequel, but there is none.
I was surprised to come upon this film "Witness to Murder" tonight on TV as I hadn't heard of it before - always nice to
an old movie with excellent, familiar actors.
When she's given the task of handling the publicity for a new restaurant she's shocked to
that the owner is Drew Hesler (Green) her former bully.
The actual movie starts with a man reading the ink tape on his used typewriter to
someone else was working on defeating death.
I was upset to
that the great Chuck Yeager was not chosen because he was not "of the officer class" or "education standard".
While on a dig in the far east, Agar and Mr. Cleaver
a reference to a lost city.
Together, with a rather heavy set man called LaFarge, meaning Load, they set off and
a race of albinos living under the mountain.
First, when they are on their flight to New York, the pilot says that everyone on board will have to go to Boston (after much time consumed circling over the big city, due to weather conditions), they lose their luggage when they arrive at the Boston airport (and try to find it in a panic, while hurrying to catch a train), they hustle by cab over to one station to board a train, but Gwen has to go to the women's room, but can't find it due to hurrying to make the train (the one they board has no one on but a cleaning lady, and they miss the one they were looking for, which was next to the empty one), then they hustle to another station to get on board one and try to get something to eat on a car with almost no food, they arrive later on at a transit station in New York and
that all of the transportation services are on strike, so they walk in the rain to their hotel, and Gwen breaks the heel on her shoe while walking before they arrive, only to
that their room was given away to someone else after the 10 pm deadline, then they walk with a man who helps them find another room (only to rip them off by robbing them at gunpoint, taking George's wallet), then they try to go to the police station to report the guy who scammed them, then go the armory by the police, only to get their route foiled by some liquor store robbers, they get dumped in the park and mugged by a stranger at 4 am while sleeping under a tree (George's watch was taken while he was sleeping), then they find Cracker Jack on a bench for breakfast (that a dog steals almost immediately, which George breaks a tooth on, causing him to whistle on his spoken S's), they get chased by a cop on horseback for an assumed problem with a child in the park, and more funny situations to come.
I am an admirer of the work of Chow Yun Fat, both in Hong Kong and Hollywood, but I was shocked and disappointed to
how low his standards are capable of dropping, as demonstrated by his heavy involvement in this shoddy piece of work (main actor and co-writer).
Get to that film to
the hundreds of details and risks out-of-towners run in New York City, an apple in which any smiling friendly face may be the worm that is eating the core of it.
The scene when Bob asks "Orange you forgetting something?" made the whole movie worthwhile as well as a few other choice words I'll leave you to
Nick refuse first , but change his mind when he
that the girl has been kidnapped by the "godather".
People unfamiliar with John Wayne's vast filmography are often surprised to
he actually starred in a Cecil B. DeMille extravaganza, although everybody seems to recall "The Film with the Octopus" that Wayne made (it was actually a giant squid, but that's really unimportant).
Both Charles & Greg dive deep under the Ocean's surface & encounter an aquatic dinosaur that tries to eat them, they also
a solid gold ancient relic which the crew above manage to get aboard.
You can write thrillers and spionagescenarios but please don't forget that an average watcher cant follow thousand plots in 100 minutes, director John G Avildsen doesn't even give us the time to let us
who is who as from the moment a new personage appears he ends up being shot three minutes later plus you are wondering what the hell it's all about....
How was that possible when we finally do
who the killer is?
So feel the movie and you'll
soon enough what you understood through the movie.
Second in the monotonous horror series takes place soon after the events of the first movie, with reporter Terence Knox poking around as he tries to
what happened in the empty town.
Strangely, although every adult and a bunch of kids were killed, no cops stick around after the first five minutes, leaving Knox free to
bodies all over the place.
He'll lop off Buddha's head only to (in order to?)
that his zen is misguided.
I'll leave that up to you the viewer to
for yourself.
This one is supposed to be a sequel to some "Blood Cult", but as far as direct-to video goes, this one features the usual shots of people wandering endlessly waiting to be killed while others go on about their business, waiting to
the bodies.
Lifting several cliched ideas from The Omen and Amityville Horror, London Voodoo tells the tale of an unlikely American couple who move to London in an attempt to salvage their relationship, but whose fortunes take a turn for the worse when they
that their new home is haunted by a voodoo spirit.
I can only presume that you came to
the existence of this truly awful film due to your curiosity of Matt Le Blancs film career or, as I did, it popped up, uninvited, in front of you on cable.
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