in sentence
832 examples of Definition in a sentence
Moreover, the skeptics point out, standard measures of productivity are based on GDP, which, by definition, includes only output produced.
By definition, non-members of the EU cannot belong to the Single Market.
By any traditional definition, there is a bubble.
But trying him for genocide, even though it will be hard to prove that he ever intended to exterminate Bosnian Muslims as a group, just because they were Muslims, will further muddy the term’s already vague
After all, any such strategy must, by definition, ignore local specificities and regional realities.
In the short run, the non-tradable sector is, by definition, subject to domestic-demand constraints.
Only negotiated agreement on all of the critical outstanding issues – boundary definition, Jerusalem, security guarantees for Israel, and refugees – can do that.
Almost by definition, those who live in Paris have nothing to fear, because they are the high-earning beneficiaries of globalization.
Judaism was seen not as a spiritual faith, but as a political culture, which was by
incompatible with Western civilization and its institutions.
By definition, any alliance with a superpower is unequal; so efforts to establish close ties with the United States have long run up against India’s tradition of strategic autonomy.
Notably, under the ECJ’s “inherent capacity” definition, the embryos used in that experiment would not constitute a human embryo, and thus would not be excluded from patentability.
Democracies have long known that extreme and indiscriminate punishment – which by
affects friend and foe, combatant and civilian alike – is a grave violation of international law, as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, has pointed out.
And the pandemic alert was doubly strange, given that ordinary seasonal flu sweeps the world annually, is invariably far more lethal than the currently circulating low-virulence H1N1, and certainly meets the WHO’s
of a pandemic: infections over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population.
of death as "brain death" allows one to declare breathing beings dead and to eliminate the process of dying, in order to exploit the dying as warehouses of spare parts for the living.
They cannot be, because religious authority demands obedience to divine power, which by
is not open to rational challenge.
Albert Einstein’s
of insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” could be applied to America’s Iran policy.
Moreover, a broad array of Israeli laws already explicitly and implicitly defines Israel as a Jewish state – a
on which the international community agrees.
Keynes pointed out the fallacy here: while the income derived from production is, by definition, equal to the value of production, it does not follow that all this income will be spent.
Indeed, a majority of countries pursue either fixed exchange rates, exchange-rate targets, or managed floating, all of which by
entail buying and selling foreign exchange to moderate or eliminate exchange-rate fluctuations.
Right now, the OECD’s
of ODA does not even include some of the more effective instruments for facilitating structural transformation in recipient countries, such as equity investment and large non-concessional loans for infrastructure.
Both issues sound simpler than they are: the devil is in the details, and the details leave ample scope for disagreement over the definition, monitoring, and enforcement of terms.
Parallel to this shift away from psychoanalysis, the diagnosis of schizophrenia has shrunk dramatically, and standard psychiatric practice in the US now incorporates a narrower
of schizophrenia than is used in Europe.
Soviet authorities relied on an idiosyncratic
of schizophrenia, introduced by a professor of psychiatry (A.V. Snezhnevsky) in Moscow.
Still, a broad
produces wide variation in frequency across countries.
Emerging-Market Risk and RewardNEW YORK – One
of an emerging-market economy is that its political risks are higher, and its policy credibility lower, than in advanced economies.
After the financial crisis, when emerging-market economies continued to grow robustly, that
seemed obsolete; now, with the recent turbulence in emerging economies driven in part by weaker economic-policy credibility and growing political uncertainty, it seems as relevant as ever.
By almost any definition, we seem to be living in a dangerous – even prewar – type of world.
But, by this definition, nineteenth-century Britain – which at the height of its power in 1870 ranked third (behind the US and Russia) in GDP and third (behind Russia and France) in military expenditures – could not be considered hegemonic, despite its naval dominance.
Yet, as complex as all of this sounds – and, by definition, paradigm changes are complicated affairs that, fortunately, seldom occur – a simple analytical framework may help shed light on what to look for, what to expect and where, and how best to adapt.
these funds now go mainly to the poorer parts of the EU.
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