in sentence
405 examples of Correctly in a sentence
In addition the Arab world really has never listed 'Democracy' as one of their opponents, more
it is the USA's 6 Billion Dollars a year to Isreal, our military bases in Saudi Arabia and our interest in Oil.
I had originally seen previews for it on Nickelodeon, and I thought that it looked pretty cute (maybe I just don't remember the preview correctly) .
There are a few who have seen this for what it is and posted
It's a shame, because I can see that had it been handled
it would've been an effectively creepy horror flick.
This method can work if used
(see "Se7en") but here it just feels like a cheap trick to try and scare us.
Hopefully someone will come along and actually remake this film
in my lifetime.
If I remember correctly, not one fish or sea creature is seen -- except for an octopus that momentarily latches onto the sub, a nod to 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA.
The plot is laughable as the gang at first tries to stop Spock's brother then joins him on his quest to find God, yes you read that
Don't worry, you won't have to think - Tarantino-like storyline leaves enough over-obvious hints for us to
predict where this one's going about fifteen minutes before every "twist" - I sat there worrying that the film was building up fairly nicely for a Hollywood flick but that it would have nowhere to go at the climax.
I remember this dude from when I was a kid and he used to say he was the world's only real ninja (he had ads in martial arts magazines) if I remember
Why bother doing a story on something from the bible when your not even going to tell it
Every scene does not develop fully as if the editing room doesn't know how to do their job
Also, I don't think the filmmakers interpreted Copperfield's personality
Within five minutes I had
predicted who would die and who wouldn't (and in which order).
Overall, I think this production is okay, but Sweeney Todd can be so much more if done
His mistress, who if I understood
is also his cousin (?), is a genuine bitch of a woman who enjoys provoking arguments and sneaks out of the house overnight to copulate with crucified slaves.
This movie made me go on the internet and go through my books to make sure I remember Nero's personality
Was the script for the 1986 version of "Breeders" so inspiring that these producers felt it had to be done again and this time done
It would seem that the only action in this film is within the last 10 - 15 minutes and the action is made worse by the actors inability to portray the suspense
This movie was slightly below average and did not tell the story
on one of the most interesting persons ever born.
If I remember correctly, I do believe that it was a Christmas television movie special.
The characters say so many funny things and make so many weird references to current events that I'm amazed they kept having more options, like the architect who can never say the name of the wizard Miraculix
I also thought that like all computers the transfer rate to disk was slow that is
portrayed in this film when you save the programme to your floppy disk the bar only moved slowly!!!
I even overlook the fact that the print I have wasn't quite put back together
It was shown very late, or more
very early one morning on television.
This is a movie that they rated
and it will work for anyone.
Anyone who
identifies the opening images as God killing himself without reading the end credits certainly deserves a free ticket to a rest home in Transylvania.
Iam not sure if discussing the television series is exactly where the comments should be drawn to,however it is on the television where the The Lone Ranger really made a name for himself.Iam not even referring to the original radio broadcasts of this masked rider of the plains,Iam though referring to a point where in a little boy, about 9 or 10 years old,I was to see the movie,"The Lone Ranger"and never forgot it.I can recall that I was on a line or we were moving toward the Paramount Theater-the theater was located in the theater district,if I remember correctly.It was directly across,going East to West from the building that has the ball that drops on New Years Eve-This is of course if anybody doesn't know, New York City.High Above the street on the roof tops there was a time and maybe even still today huge billboards would advertise what was being shown and so on.It was at that point in time that I looked up and was never more impressed as I was when I looked at that billboard to see The Lone Ranger across the roof tops-It was great-It made an impression and was never forgotten.That day we went to see The Lone Ranger-It was the story of how the Lone Ranger was born-The terrible ambush that the Texas Rangers rode into and the subsequent rebirth of one of its fallen heroes.It was in this film we learn that The Lone Ranger will not shoot to kill but to injure so as to let the law be the judge.That type of thinking is so worthwhile that we might be good to learn something from history.This is where we learn that Tonto discovers the fallen Ranger and upon seeing the symbol of the boyhood friendship that The Lone Ranger established years earlier when he as a younger person came to the aide of a injured young person in Tonto-For the aide given, Tonto gave to his faithful friend, a symbol of his thanks which now was part of a necklace that Tonto recognized.Tonto said,"you are Kemosabe".The Lone Ranger said,"kemo-sabe,that is familiar?Then Tonto tells the story of this "trusty scout"(the meaning of Kemosabe)I think the Lone Ranger is one of the true heroes of the silver screen and one of the great heroes of television.It should also be stated that these very respected individuals Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels sought to live there lives according to the legend of The Lone Ranger-It may very well be that there is an inspiring story in the story of the Lone Ranger and his faithful companion Tonto.I myself was so pleased by the ability to find and buy the DVDs, that I stayed up all a Saturday morning and watched The many episodes now available.Long Live The Lone Ranger and His faithful companion Tonto-Hi-Ho Silver-
The cinematography was very well done if memory serves me
Adding to it is a terrific Lalo Schriffin If I remember
sound track.
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