in sentence
63 examples of Chainsaw in a sentence
You give him a
And so if we take the sound of the forest and we actually turn down the gibbons, the insects, and the rest, in the background, the entire time, in recordings you heard, was the sound of a
at great distance.
It struck me as quite unacceptable that in this modern time, just a few hundred meters away from a ranger station in a sanctuary, that in fact nobody could hear it when someone who has a
gets fired up.
The moment a sound of a
is heard in the forest, the device picks up the sound of the chainsaw, it sends an alert through the standard GSM network that's already there to a ranger in the field who can in fact show up in real time and stop the logging.
That's important, because although they are able to hear
noises up to a kilometer in the distance, allowing them to cover about three square kilometers, if someone were to take them, it would make the area unprotected.
On the very second day, it picked up illegal
All these guys are smoking cigarettes, and then I get an email, and they all quiet down, and in fact you can hear the
really, really faint in the background, but no one had noticed it until that moment.
So if you gave me a
and 20 minutes, I'd make it ever so much better."
The picture on the cover did not match any part or scene in the movie; in fact it didn't involve a
This film has been in my "must see" list for a while because people talked about it being "disturbing" and also the VHS box contains lots and lots of quotes from people saying how "amazing" it is, or how "as close as you can get to texas
massacre" and lines like that.
There is no gore, no on screen murders and no chainsaw, as the box art would lead you to believe.
massacre came out a few year earlier and is a much more effective film, as far as horror goes.the
Mike(the girl's brother-in-law) has tied her(the name is Diane by the way and she is played by Brinke Stevens) up after trying to
her sister.
OK...i have seen just about everything....and some are considered classics that shouldn't be ( like all those Halloween movies that suck crap or even Steven king junk).......and some are considered just OK that are really great.....( like carnival of souls )........and then some are just plain ( evil ed ) or ( pumpkin head and brain dead "the bud Cort one" ) then some stick in your head once seen and never leave...........that's what this did to me........and for my money this is much better than last house on the left............last house was great till the ending...then it blew chunks.....what kind of dummy is gonna give a blow job to someone who just killed their kids ????.completely stupid ..go find the movie "bully" or even "funny games" if ya want realism and to be creep ed out.........but this damn thing stuck with me for cause chuck Connors always was scary.........two Tanya Roberts is the best female victim ever........three the chick being smothered in plaster still is one of the all time worst killings on film........and 4th the telekinetic powers thing blew my mind and came totally unexpected.......not to mention the dummies wax figures puppets should be right there with psycho,last house,Texas chainsaw,etc....... it's a classic..............and deservedly so...........
A criminal tries to break into the house Evil Ed was editing the movies that ultimately drive him insane in and says "groovy" as he looks at his weapon quite like Bruce Campbell does when he finishes his
hand in Evil Dead 2. There is also many posters of that movie scattered around the house and office in the movie.
"Un Gatto nel Cervello"/"Cat in the Brain" is one of the goriest horror movies ever made.There is a lot of blood and gore,including
butchery,bloody stabbings and numerous decapitations.The film is also interesting as "self parody" of Fulci,but the gore and violence is the key element in it.Some of the gore FX were taken from own Fulci's movies "Quando Alice Ruppe lo Specchio" and "I Fantasmi di Sodoma"(both 1988),plus gore FX taken from Fulci-supervised "The Snake House" aka "Bloody Psycho" by Leandro Lucchetti,"Massacre" by Andrea Bianchi,"Non Avere Paura Della Zia Marta" by Mario Bianchi,"Non Si Sevizia i Bambini" by Giovanni Simonelli and "Luna di Sangue" aka "Fuga dalla Morte" by Enzo Milioni(all 1989).The scene where Brett Halsey beats the woman's face to pulp is from "Quando Alice Ruppe lo Specchio",a film Fulci had made for Italian TV in 1988.The chainsawing of the female corpse at the beginning is taken from the same film,as is the head in the microwave and the guy that gets driven over and over again.Highly recommended,especially if you like extreme cinema!
If you took a really good jack black movie, added a little jeepers creepers, and then a dash of joyride with a hint of texas
massacre and house of a 1000 would have MONSTER MAN! i went into this movie, not really expecting much at all, but i wound up really enjoying the movie.
Like Wolfs Creek meets Texas
massacre, and I mean it only cost three quid (around $6).
how can a director that makes such great films as poltergeist and the texas
massacre make such rubbish as this?
That movie had it all: sluts, zombies and a dude with a
for an arm.
So producer Alfredo Leone decided to edit 'Lisa', seemingly with a chainsaw, by removing just about half of the original film, and adding new scenes, which he filmed two years after the original product!
Why so she can do the
gag of course.
Perhaps it could've been better had the writing been well better and had the acting been improved I've seriously gotten more emotion out of Leatherface and his
than I did out of any actor in this film and that's pretty bad seeing as the Leatherface movies are crap and horridly acted.
The pre-credits opening sequences somewhat give the false impression that we're dealing with a serious and harrowing drama, but you need not fear because barely ten minutes later we're up until our necks in nonsensical
battles, rough fist-fights, lurid dialogs and gratuitous nudity!
Then add in Fred Williamson, some frontal bush,
attacks and some awesome incest themes....this flick ends up delivering on all cylinders.
We get a few bloody gunshot wounds, exploding head, slit throat, bloody
slices, skinless corpses, blood, and an impaling.
But if you have nothing else to do rent this and you'll laugh alot.I want to see the texas
massacre I think it would be scary.
The ending made no sense when Ken Fore's character died by Leatherface in the pond and had his head cut off by the
If you got your head cut off by a
you are not just gonna get a small cut your gonna be bleeding very bad!
It wasn't too bad but i have seen so much better, you can bet i wont be watching it again, once was enough for me, needed more gore, then maybe it would have been a little better, but it really mainly needed a little bit of originality, it was too much like other slasher flicks like Texas
massacre, wrong turn, hills have eyes... the same movie over and over again gets kinda boring...but it would probably be an alright movie to watch once, but there is no way that there could ever be a reason to watch this more than that.i
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