in sentence
1439 examples of Weight in a sentence
We see an over
Mr. Seagal as Dr. Wesley Maclaren, who is in desperate need of a haircut and his real daughter Ayako made an appearance as his office assistant.
They sit and enjoy their red flower tea and omelettes and on the other end of town some over
militia leader decides to make the whole town sick by spreading a virus that travels by air and kills in a matter of 2 days thinking he can survive as he had an antidote.
Maybe it was the excessive
gain Seagal had put on.
Not ONE review described this movie as a gay romance film, and that's the
of the plot.
The same bored look on every face only with minor changes such as hairlines or
Picture this: take two fat couples with nothing interesting to say, humiliate them, and let them work to lose weight, all on prime time television.
Everything drags on forever, with the lumps of lard whining on about how losing
is going to mean so much for them and their lives.
The film's sole bright spot was Jonah Hill (who will look almost unrecognizable to fans of the recent Superbad due to the amount of
he lost in the interim).
I kept waiting for this film to improve, but, alack, this is the worst kind of escapist movie: a spun-sugar confection that sinks under the
of its own ponderous self-importance.
Cannot the entire
of millions of wannabes descending on Hollywood with scripts and reels in hand rescue us from these horrible TV-movies-made-to-order?
it does hold
to the fact why Corrupt wants to kill MJ but is still makes u scratch your head.
The threadbare plot screams under the
of its contrivances.
Flash forward nine months and the real meat of the plot begins: The virginal Mandy Lane is coveted by every jock and nerd in her school, and gets invited to spend a weekend at a ranch by three guys who think they can get lucky, and two bimbos obsessed with their
and boob size.
is not the problem.
OK so people in this one need to lose weight...most Americans need to lose
One can accept all theses and other inconsistencies for the sake of a good yarn, however what spoiled the movie for me was when what appears to have been an effort by the script writers to discuses what up to that point was a fairly predictable ending, they killed off the two hero's (If one can refer to crocks as hero's) Ketchum & Brooks one was shot and thrown out of a 747 at 10,000 feet the other wiliest sliding down the cable between the two planes the villain Daltry with one hand manages to unhook the cable carrying the
of a full grown man with the air pressure of several hundred miles per hour pressing on him, and letting him fall to his death.
The display of that vast amount of force also served notice to the rest of the world that the US was the dominant military power, a message aimed especially at Russia, whose growing military power and economic
in Eurasia threatened our preeminent world position.
Every time she (Adrienne) would jump into the arms of Richard Gere and then pull both heels up behind her, you could almost see the grimace of pain on his face as he was probably thinking, "Oh, my aching back...this babe sure doesn't
125 lbs.
Apparently, he was deathly ill during production and had obviously lost a lot of
Last but not least we must mention the extraordinary emotional
put on the last moments of the execution course with all the catharsis shown by the convicted's last words and the detail with which the act of the execution itself is viewed in a parallel cut with images of the murder scenes in the forest to stress that we are being confronted with another murder so pitiless as the latter but performed in a cold and supposed "legal" way.
Kudos also should be doled out to Jane Lincoln Taylor -- whose Mother provides the right amount of tragic historic
-- and Justin Parkinson -- whose shy first-time John, Sam, provides one of the sweetest, if not most awkward, sex scenes in film.
Nor does it carry the
of having a great fall guy who is saved only in the end by a great belly-laugh.
Bohl is flippant enough to believe her in the "now" of her character, which is still involved and not going back on her 'career' choices - so it is believable without the need for her to show us a deep, self-examination of her soul...Brundage has the delicate balance of weight, innocence, meekness, and class to pull off 'Buddy' very well.
Michael Douglas who plays the assassin is good as is Liv Tyler, although she does look like she had put on a bit of
since armaggedon.
The idea of man's rebirth into a star child; an infant form of an indescribably more advanced being, is an explicit part of N.'s "Zarathustra"; there is a prominent passage called "On how a camel becomes a lion, and a lion becomes a child", in which N. describes the first incarnation of the overman as a child, transcending both the ascetic, altruistic side of man (the camel; always asking to bear more weight) and the rapacious, brutish, will-to-power side of man (the lion).
Just when did His Loafness decide to leave Jim Steinman behind and throw his decidedly lower
around in the wonderful world of Stanislavsky?
In this film he carries himself with a different sort of
Jeffrey Lynn is a pleasant enough actor, but he lacks the movie star
to match up with Garfield's hard luck Mickey Borden and that throws the film a bit out of whack.
As with all celebrities of today, they were often criticised about their music as well as their looks, styles, etc. THis had a huge effect on Karen who raged a battle against her eating and drastically lost weight, which eventually caused her death.
Ian Jacklin, a former North American cruiser
Kickboxing champion, is the lead and acquits himself well in the action scenes.
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