in sentence
13 examples of Tunics in a sentence
Mr Omar Sharif,who built a career largely founded on looking directly at the camera with his big brown eyes and looking soulful,gives a stupefyingly monotonous performance as his son the Crown Prince.He is utterly unconvincing as a man who -in the movie at least-cut a swathe through the distaff side of the Austrian aristocracy.With his well-buttered locks firmly in place he preens and poses in ever more unlikely uniforms.As a rebel he talks the talk but conspicuously fails to walk the walk,leaving a bottom button undone on one of his
is about as far as his defiance goes.Unhappily married,he falls in love with a commoner."Forbidden
The naval characters are very smart in their uniforms - however you have to truly wonder at the ghastly black Fu Manchu
they don in their luxury hotel suite.
A couple of minor points grated a little - as Marlonius has already mentioned, Peck really should have picked up Blore's hat for his heroic trek with the injured navigator; early on in the film it was made clear to us how extremely hot the climate was, with the men's
soaked in sweat.
These perfected diving suits, it was easy to see, were a far cry from such misshapen costumes as the cork breastplates, leather jumpers, seagoing tunics, barrel helmets, etc., invented and acclaimed in the 18th century.
The Cistercian monks, whose abbey stood there in the thirteenth century, wore no clothes but rough
and cowls, and ate no flesh, nor fish, nor eggs.
And here Cide Hamete inserts a parenthesis in which he says that to have seen the pair marching from the door to the bed, linked hand in hand in this way, he would have given the best of the two
he had.
Their grey locks and long full beards, together with their antique
and loose black mantles, suited well with the singular and rude apartment in which they were seated, and gave the appearance of a band of ancient worshippers of Woden, recalled to life to mourn over the decay of their national glory.
And many people preferred to see them alive, breathing, moving, elbowing each other in flesh and blood, in this Flemish embassy, in this Episcopal court, under the cardinal's robe, under Coppenole's jerkin, than painted, decked out, talking in verse, and, so to speak, stuffed beneath the yellow amid white
in which Gringoire had so ridiculously clothed them.
Acte showed Lygia senators in wide-bordered togas, in colored tunics, in sandals with crescents on them, and knights, and famed artists; she showed her Roman ladies, in Roman, in Grecian, in fantastic Oriental costume, with hair dressed in towers or pyramids, or dressed like that of the statues of goddesses, low on the head, and adorned with flowers.
Ye may send them to the arena, or array them in 'painful tunics.'
The street was swarming with people; but two runners, wearing yellow tunics, pushed aside the throng with long staffs, crying and making room for a splendid litter which was carried by four stalwart Egyptian slaves.
And he waved his hand; at that sign the Egyptians raised the litter, and the slaves, dressed in yellow tunics, began to cry as they brandished their staffs,--"Make way for the litter of the noble Chilo Chilonides!Make way, make way!"Chapter LIVLYGIA, in a long letter written hurriedly, took farewell to Vinicius forever.
They are made by arraying men in painful tunics, steeped in pitch, and binding them to pillars, to which fire is set afterward.
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