in sentence
78 examples of Swarm in a sentence
Of course, the townspeople
the site and the fire department shows up, with fire chief Claude Akins, a TV movie staple.
They had to have known that?? Director David Jackson has done enough decent Television to know a stinker doesn't he? Locusts is the "story" of a scientist who was secretly developing an unkillable
of locusts in his lab...don't ask why...we'll never know.
No thrills, no action, cinematography that gets painfully awful at some times and a final shot (involving a
of more killer dots) portraying that this silly nightmare isn't over yet.
I've seldom seen anything as ill-directed and ill-writ as this veritable
of locusts.
A group of road tripping teens are caught in a car accident while being attacked by an unexpected
of insects--right off the bat showing just how much sense this movie makes.
of genetically engineered locusts escape from a laboratory and head across America creating a swathe of destruction as they go.
This may have been an interesting idea on the drawing board but it has one big problem, the locusts just don't feel threatening.In classic films such as The Birds and The
you feel threatened by the creatures but in this the locusts are more likely to induce a yawn rather than any sense of panic or terror.Half way through the feature the locusts turn carnivorous and this gave me the feeling that ideas had started to run out.
It's almost like the producers said, "Let's figure out what would happen if we had to deal with a
of locusts and film it documentary-style."
While doing research, she comes across the tale of the Candyman, an African-American artist who had his arm sawed off, and was attacked by a
of bees hundreds of years ago after having an affair with a white woman.
The bees are highly unscary.Also they are laughable for even me to watch.Flying in a
they look like little tiny dots.
The plot, or so it is, has to do with a bunch of teenagers on a road trip to who cares when their car gets attacked by a
of very phony looking locusts or something (if you watch close enough there is a cut where the characters are swatting and squirming and screaming but there aren't actually locusts in that cut.
Another hokey Sci-Fi channel offering, this time the monsters on the loose are smart cockroaches that
around a lot.
According to this hilariously awful disaster movie, a
of African killer bees looks like a bunch of chocolates doing a Mexican wave.
It is conceivable that the
of small new member states may revert to the traditional and logical predisposition towards federalism.
To be sure, in prodding its Iraqi proxies to
the US embassy, the regime clearly overplayed its hand and underestimated US President Donald Trump’s willingness to respond with force.
of bots and trolls, including one of Bolsonaro’s sons, quickly piled on, arguing that my widely publicized views on gun control and criminal-justice reform were unwelcome, even dangerous.
Only the hum of flies, like that of a
of bees, sounded continually high up in the birch trees beneath which he stood, and occasionally the children's voices reached him.
Levin knew, too, that on returning home the first thing he must do was to go to his wife, who was unwell, and that the peasants who had been waiting for three hours to see him could wait a little longer; and he knew that in spite of all the pleasure of hiving a swarm, he must forgo that pleasure, let the old beekeeper hive the
without him, and go to talk to the peasants who had found him at the apiary.
Now the school was closed; and all the children were running about, there was a
of little creatures shouting and tumbling and fighting; while those fathers who were not at the public-house were resting in groups of three or four, crouching on their heels as they did in the mine, smoking their pipes with an occasional word in the shelter of a wall.
These various types of shrubbery were as big as trees in the temperate zones; in the damp shade between them, there were clustered actual bushes of moving flowers, hedges of zoophytes in which there grew stony coral striped with twisting furrows, yellowish sea anemone from the genus Caryophylia with translucent tentacles, plus anemone with grassy tufts from the genus Zoantharia; and to complete the illusion, minnows flitted from branch to branch like a
of hummingbirds, while there rose underfoot, like a covey of snipe, yellow fish from the genus Lepisocanthus with bristling jaws and sharp scales, flying gurnards, and pinecone fish.
At a depth of ten meters, we walked amid a
of small fish from every species, more numerous than birds in the air, more agile too; but no aquatic game worthy of a gunshot had yet been offered to our eyes.
The two, side by side walked slowly, she leaning upon him, and he restraining his pace, which he regulated by hers; in front of them a
of midges fluttered, buzzing in the warm air.
So far from desiring to involve himself in a fresh display of hypocrisy, he needed time to see clearly into his own heart, and to give audience to the
of conflicting feelings that disturbed it.
of young men with moustaches had gathered round Mathilde.
He entered the church, now, with a
of clean and noisy boys and girls, proceeded to his seat and started a quarrel with the first boy that came handy.
I have no desire to magnify the service I render thee in making thee acquainted with so renowned and honoured a knight, but I do desire thy thanks for the acquaintance thou wilt make with the famous Sancho Panza, his squire, in whom, to my thinking, I have given thee condensed all the squirely drolleries that are scattered through the
of the vain books of chivalry.
And not because it really is so, but because there is always a
of enchanters in attendance upon us that change and alter everything with us, and turn things as they please, and according as they are disposed to aid or destroy us; thus what seems to thee a barber's basin seems to me Mambrino's helmet, and to another it will seem something else; and rare foresight it was in the sage who is on my side to make what is really and truly Mambrine's helmet seem a basin to everybody, for, being held in such estimation as it is, all the world would pursue me to rob me of it; but when they see it is only a barber's basin they do not take the trouble to obtain it; as was plainly shown by him who tried to break it, and left it on the ground without taking it, for, by my faith, had he known it he would never have left it behind.
At the poor man people only throw a hasty glance; on the rich man they fix their eyes; and if the said rich man was once on a time poor, it is then there is the sneering and the tattle and spite of backbiters; and in the streets here they
as thick as bees."
Don Quixote, however, seeing such a
of Moors and hearing such a din, thought it would be right to aid the fugitives, and standing up he exclaimed in a loud voice, "Never, while I live, will I permit foul play to be practised in my presence on such a famous knight and fearless lover as Don Gaiferos.
The roadway was blocked with the immense stream of commerce flowing in a double tide inward and outward, while the footpaths were black with the hurrying
of pedestrians.
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