in sentence
389 examples of Splendid in a sentence
The soul of a flower is its scent, and those
water plants, flowers of the sea, have no souls!
name!"Captain Nemo murmured, crossing his arms.
Often from the top of a mountain there suddenly glimpsed some
city with domes, and bridges, and ships, forests of citron trees, and cathedrals of white marble, on whose pointed steeples were storks' nests.
vision dwelt in her memory as the most beautiful thing that it was possible to dream, so that now she strove to recall her sensation.
He had that
pallor that gives something of the majesty of marble to the ardent races of the South.
All her small fault-findings faded before the poetry of the part that absorbed her; and, drawn towards this man by the illusion of the character, she tried to imagine to herself his life—that life resonant, extraordinary, splendid, and that might have been hers if fate had willed it.
He was enthusiastic about the hydro-electric Pulvermacher chains; he wore one himself, and when at night he took off his flannel vest, Madame Homais stood quite dazzled before the golden spiral beneath which he was hidden, and felt her ardour redouble for this man more bandaged than a Scythian, and
as one of the Magi.
But, a hundred yards higher up, if the visitor continues his stroll, he will notice a house of quite imposing appearance, and, through the gaps in an iron railing belonging to the house, some
The retaining walls that support the various sections of this
garden, which, in a succession of terraces, runs down to the Doubs, are also a reward of M. de Renal's ability as a dealer in iron.
Nine or ten
walnuts grew at the end of the orchard; their massive foliage rose to a height of some eighty feet.
On the morning after his return, at six o'clock, the abbe Chelan sent for Julien:'I ask you nothing,' he said to him; 'I beg you, and if need be order you to tell me nothing, I insist that within three days you leave either for the Seminary at Besancon or for the house of your friend Fouque, who is still willing to provide a
career for you.
They had reached the dessert when there arrived from Paris the strange tidings that the abbe Pirard was appointed to the
living of N ----, within four leagues of the capital.
'How can anyone be unhappy,' he thought, 'who lives in so
a residence?'
'Mathilde is certainly odd,' he thought; 'it is a drawback, but she gives her husband such a
social position!
A man of distinction, enjoying the most
existence in Vienna or London ...'Not precisely that, Sir, to be guillotined in three days' time.'Julien laughed heartily at this sally of his own wit.
cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horse-power scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards.
It was still early when we got settled, and George said that, as we had plenty of time, it would be a
opportunity to try a good, slap-up supper.
What is America but a satellite of England - to move as she moves, follow where she wists, and shine, that the mother country may become more
by her radiance?
The more Tom stared at the
marvel, the higher he turned up his nose at his finery and the shabbier and shabbier his own outfit seemed to him to grow.
And you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them; for knowledge is worth more than anything there is in the world; it's what makes great men and good men; you'll be a great man and a good man yourself, some day, Thomas, and then you'll look back and say, It's all owing to the precious Sunday-school privileges of my boyhood--it's all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn--it's all owing to the good superintendent, who encouraged me, and watched over me, and gave me a beautiful Bible--a
elegant Bible--to keep and have it all for my own, always--it's all owing to right bringing up!
When he got to where they were, he began unfolding his secret, and they listened moodily till at last they saw the "point" he was driving at, and then they set up a warwhoop of applause and said it was "splendid!" and said if he had told them at first, they wouldn't have started away.
If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars.
The Widow Douglas
' splendid
hospitality was a tempting bait.
Tom Sawyer's Gang--it sounds splendid, don't it, Huck?""Well, it just does, Tom.
How can there be any human understanding that can persuade itself there ever was all that infinity of Amadises in the world, or all that multitude of famous knights, all those emperors of Trebizond, all those Felixmartes of Hircania, all those palfreys, and damsels-errant, and serpents, and monsters, and giants, and marvellous adventures, and enchantments of every kind, and battles, and prodigious encounters,
costumes, love-sick princesses, squires made counts, droll dwarfs, love letters, billings and cooings, swashbuckler women, and, in a word, all that nonsense the books of chivalry contain?
Over his armour he wore a surcoat or cassock of what seemed to be the finest cloth of gold, all bespangled with glittering mirrors like little moons, which gave him an extremely gallant and
appearance; above his helmet fluttered a great quantity of plumes, green, yellow, and white, and his lance, which was leaning against a tree, was very long and stout, and had a steel point more than a palm in length.
Sancho alone had a cloud on his soul, for he found himself debarred from waiting for Camacho's
feast and festival, which lasted until night; and thus dragged away, he moodily followed his master, who accompanied Basilio's party, and left behind him the flesh-pots of Egypt; though in his heart he took them with him, and their now nearly finished skimmings that he carried in the bucket conjured up visions before his eyes of the glory and abundance of the good cheer he was losing.
Don Quixote and Sancho obeyed him and went to where the show was already put up and uncovered, set all around with lighted wax tapers which made it look
and bright.
There must be a
operation, though, to-morrow--magnificent sight if Slasher does it.'
Where's the book?''The register of the distinguished visitors in Ba-ath will be at the Pump Room this morning at two o'clock,' replied the M.C.'Will you guide our friends to that
building, and enable me to procure their autographs?''I will,' rejoined Dowler.
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