in sentence
183 examples of Screams in a sentence
and during the movie Dudikoff is tied to a hood of a car, while Hamill drives, Gersak
and Hamill twitches in front of the camera while Robert Mitchum cashes an easy paycheck as he barely looks at the camera as he plays Hamill's doctor.
Women being tortured, lost screams, point-blank executions.
Do not be fooled by the cover art or summary which
violence because there is none.
This movie
to be made fun of.
After all three boys are dead and the girls are being chased, one girl
when she sees the farmer and the other girl actually asks her why she's screaming.
The acting, the screams, the ice queens moves are hysterical.
Something about this movie just
screams "
low budget".
This film practically
screams "
cheap" from start to finish.
is dated by now Im sure but still good fun compared to a LOT of other bigger budget movies.
said crazed German in a standout scene).
Death 4 Told is what it is- a low budget "Creep Show"-esk horror film filled with cameos and loaded with zombies, gore, haunted houses and cheesy valley girl screams; a b-horror film lover's dream!
"I played before an audience once!" he
Meryl to his mousy Bruce.
The whole thing just
screams "
we have no money to do this but we are going to do it anyway."
The so called script is heavily based on the idea that it's impossible to run from ants so when the ants (the black dots with legs) attacks, the characters just stands in a corner and
until they are eaten.
Unfortunately no one had the nerve to tell him it was a small role and he gives us his usual "lovable" foreign schmuck stereotype,shouting and waving his arms.His comical misuse of the word "Pussy" should have you rolling in the aisle.It has Tom Arnold in a rather bigger role.He too spends most of his time shouting and waving his arms in between "hilarious" attempts to kiss Hugh Grant.It also has Joan Cusack,a sort of madonna (with a small "m") figure worshipped for her fecundity.She too is very loud,her
in labour are truly terrifying.And then there is Julianne Moore wafting through the movie half - heartedly,looking as though her mind is really on where she left her car keys.She is so disinterested she can barely be bothered to look at Hugh Grant,which is a sentiment I can at least have a certain sympathy for.
Many scenes like the music box greeting over the telephone and the exploration of the catacombs stand out as very well done, but nothing can compare to the finale: Frantic flesh eating, echoing screams, amazing special effects, and no happy, Hollywood ending.
Everything about this movie
unbelievably well done and the makers of it should be extremely proud.
Sheen has a glint in his eye that
screams '
where's my cheque?', and they've both made crap before, but they deserve better than this.
It is a good film, thought predictable and
out "There's a novel better than this!" throughout the whole film.
Everything about the movie, apart from the star-studded cast,
This movie is kung fu crap.It's campy,corny,cheesy,and just appalling.Anyone who can enjoy the random,badly choreographed,slow paced,ridiculously amateur martial arts fight scenes is clearly off their rocker.The storyline
bad and the plot barely progresses at all.The unbelievable cheesy storyline involves a martial arts student receiving a video game from his grampa in which he and his father get sucked into they then realize that in order to escape they need to beat all of the fighters in the game.Wasn't this on an episode of something like Kim Possible.Hard to believe but the film actually started out OK but after 15 minutes the film becomes a steaming pile of crap.The dialogue is like taking the dialogue from the Mortal Kombat Films,Power Rangers,3 Ninja's,and the English dubbed version of Japanese anime Naruto and creating a hybrid of them all.Don The Dragon Wilson sucks at acting just like the entire cast of this brutally corny film.Stay as far away as you possibly can from this direct to DVD piece of garbage rent something better instead don't waste your time.
He belongs in that group because of the way he approaches his work, not because of the number of
his films generate, or the clarity and logic of his scripts.
The high-tech, alien-technology visi-glasses are made of pink bubble wrap...amidst the deafening
of fans and the jazz playing horn section of the Hong Kong Cavaliers, Buckaroo hears one single person crying.... It's these bizarre little jokes are that make the movie great, but they are not every one's cup of tea.
They try and show scenes supposedly taking place back in 50's but the hair and the clothes and lingo
late 1980's.
Further, Dina speaks so casually when she narrates and no one
when they are victimized (except for when Maria and Paul argue over cutting Dina's belly open).
And so it was that the 1963 Hammer version totally ignored the original, and used the famous and popular '43 version (my Dad saw it while in the army and LOVED it) as its springboard, to do the typical "Hammer" thing of "different for the sake of different", crafting a film where every single frame
screams "
Hammer" (was there ever a studio where the finished product was SO uniquely recognizable?).
Here he
in every scene like he's having his leg amputated with a steak knife and anesthetic was unavailable.
With the small shot of a simple sea mine floating in the water transforming into a classic 1950s explosion with horrific
of passengers, Sale again reminds you that this is not going to be a typical Hollywood disaster film.
Wartime Europe - Warsaw 1942: A Polish man visiting the communal toilet in his tenement block hears the
of a local prostitute being killed in the flat above.
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