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486 examples of Scenarios in a sentence
In either of the most probable scenarios, continuity or prudent change, or even if the “outsider” candidate wins, Chile will in all likelihood remain a beacon of democratic stability, economic dynamism, and international engagement in a region too often characterized by political and economic turbulence.
But the most likely crisis
currently stem from either military conflict with Iran or instability in some Arab country.
“China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea in all
short of war with the US,” Davidson confirmed.
Looking ahead, one can envision two broad
In either of these two more optimistic scenarios, one consequence will be the transfer – actual or putative – of considerable sums of money from developed to emerging or developing countries to cover some of their costs for emissions abatement and environmental protection.
In principle, the US recession could end up being shaped like a V, U, W, or L. Which of these four
is most likely?
This knee-jerk reaction presumes that China’s current slowdown is but a prelude to more growth disappointments to come – a presumption that reflects widespread and longstanding fears of a broad array of disaster scenarios, ranging from social unrest and environmental catastrophes to housing bubbles and shadow-banking blow-ups.
Yet not only do we lack an understanding of all future risk scenarios; there is no “undo” button.
The researchers have painstakingly sifted more than 160 scenarios, including in-depth examinations of four.
The executive branch adheres to a decision-making process whereby relevant departments and agencies determine the risks and rewards of given scenarios, and then furnish the president with a limited menu of policy options from which to choose.
Smart officials are planning for various swine flu pandemic scenarios, and expecting surprises that will force them to change their plans.
Yet talks between the US and China on climate change currently present two contrasting scenarios, one hopeful, the other discouraging.
Indeed, few governments have submitted remotely realistic budget projections, typically relying on overly rosy economic
As the IPCC emphasizes, climate change is a problem; but the report contains none of the media’s typical apocalyptic scenarios, no alarmism, and no demands from natural scientists to cut emissions by X% or to lavish subsidies on solar panels.
As a result, the likely outcome of the report’s release will be more of the same: a welter of scary scenarios, followed by politicians promising huge carbon cuts and expensive policies that have virtually no impact on climate change.
As a result of widespread reliance on the precautionary principle, doomsday
have come to dominate discussion of climate change.
Avoiding deflation – and thus sustaining economic recovery – would seem to depend on one of two scenarios: either a rapid reversal in the fall of energy prices, or a deliberate policy to raise output and employment by means of public investment (which, as a byproduct, would bring about a rise in prices).
A recent study has shown that the anti-depressant Citalopram can change the responses of individuals to hypothetical moral dilemma
The GFSR confidently noted that “stress tests conducted by investment banks show that, even under
of nationwide house price declines that are historically unprecedented, most investors with exposure to subprime mortgages through securitized structures will not face losses.”
Interpreted in light of even the most optimistic global warming scenarios, this is disturbing news.
TOKYO – The scale of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March was far greater than even the authorities’ worst
Individually, these are each highly plausible scenarios, and collectively they would hit the US trade deficit like a perfect storm.
But Putin and his siloviki (political allies whose power base is in the security apparatus) seem to prefer an “inertia strategy,” the worst of the Russia 2020
My own estimate is that among the range of possible futures, the more likely
are those in which China gives the US a run for its money, but does not surpass it in overall power in the first half of this century.
But none of the various nightmare
materialized, which augurs hope for the future.
The future of work may look nothing like the
I envision, or it may be far more disruptive; no one really knows.
Social-science researchers have also studied the effects of terrorism at a local level, in
where one part of a country feels more threatened than others.
It will do some good in all scenarios, but its impact will be much larger beyond the short term if other binding constraints are removed.
Third, intervention planners should assume worst-case rather than best-case
Kids would be pushed from UNRWA classrooms onto the streets, where they would be more vulnerable to dangerous
such as recruitment efforts by terrorists, who will surely jump at the chance to argue that if we can’t keep our aid promises, peaceful coexistence with the West is impossible.
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