in sentence
56 examples of Residency in a sentence
So in 2004, during my surgical residency, I had the great fortune to meet Dr. Roger Tsien, who went on to win the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2008.
Now we need to do our part to support the 23,000 and counting, All of us — foundations,
directors, press, entrepreneurs, policymakers, people — need to step up.
When I finished my residency, I wanted to go someplace where I felt really needed, someplace where I could make a difference.
Now, before I did my residency, I did a master's degree in public health, and one of the things that they teach you in public health school is that if you're a doctor and you see 100 kids that all drink from the same well, and 98 of them develop diarrhea, you can go ahead and write that prescription for dose after dose after dose of antibiotics, or you can walk over and say, "What the hell is in this well?"
In the year 2008, I had the opportunity to travel to Berlin, Germany, for an artist
So after residency, I opened up shop, doing underserved medicine.
Well, around the same time in
that this new mother lost her life, I became a mother myself.
Or maybe it was my
training, where I saw firsthand how poorly so many low-income women of color were treated by our healthcare system.
In March, a proclamation forbid Japanese Americans from changing their residency, trapping them in military zones.
This is just like a
program, for those of you that are in medical school.
And the third one got the same wry smile and said, "Well, while you were off doing your research, and you were off doing your monkey meatball surgery, that eventually we'll train monkeys to do, or cells or robots, or maybe not even need to do it at all, I was off running the future of the
program, which is really the future of medicine."
Hellborn starts as a young psychiatric doctor named James Bishop (Matt Stasi) takes up his
at St. Andrews insane asylum, or 'mental illness facility' as they like to call it there.
In Doc Hollywood young Michael J. Fox having completed his
looks like he has his future by the short hairs.
By clustering industrial infrastructure and using the hukou system of city-specific
permits, the authorities have been able to control the process surprisingly well.
In theory, the Norway option – membership of the European Economic Area – could be stretched to include a Liechtenstein-type protocol on limiting
permits, or involve use of the EEA’s safeguard clause, which might allow restrictions on migration if inflows rose too quickly.
As the World Bank-DRC report points out, China can do the same by linking public services to place of
rather than to place of origin.
I do worry that the government is not moving fast enough to grant the country’s millions of migrant workers official
in the cities where they work and live.
Given the dire conditions in the countries from which they are fleeing, perhaps half of the asylum-seekers will qualify for
under even the strictest rules.
This means starting the new year by implementing reforms that require only administrative action, such as granting licenses to private banks, increasing competition by removing barriers to entry for private firms, liberalizing interest and exchange rates, and extending
rights to migrant laborers in small cities and towns.
The US Senate will also consider a bill co-authored by Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John McCain, which proposes stronger border enforcement, a temporary workers program with a path to
and citizenship, and legalization for people already in the US without papers.
Specter’s proposal also provides for reinforced security at the border, as well as a six-year non-renewable Temporary Workers Program without a path to residency, although it would allow unauthorized immigrants to remain in the US with a new, non-immigrant status.
The latter status may or may not include a path to
and citizenship; fudging the issue may be a negotiating tactic to avoid debate over whether this is a form of disguised amnesty (which, fortunately, to a certain extent, it is).
Reform of the hukou
permit) system to allow citizens to transfer their welfare benefits from one city to another is vital for an increasingly flexible labor force that now includes almost 200 million migrant workers.
One of the grounds for attacking Rajan was that he has permanent
in the United States and, despite being a citizen, was “mentally not Indian.”
Student numbers have since rebounded, despite intermittent problems, but there remain severe limits on work and
visas, which should serve as an enticement for the best and brightest to study in the US.
For example, last February, the State Council announced plans to reform the hukou (household registration) system, which assigns legal
according to a person’s place of birth.
The system makes relocating very difficult, as those who do not manage to acquire local
permits face major hurdles in gaining access to public services when they migrate to other provinces.
The reform plan was supposed to improve the situation by allowing migrants in towns and small cities to acquire local
permits more freely, while easing the requirements in medium-sized cities.
programs are the last stage of the medical-training process, and they often determine doctors’ preferred practice setting.
When doctors from the developing world complete their
programs in the US and UK, they rarely return home.
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