in sentence
457 examples of Remarked in a sentence
'It is extraordinary how much he resembles the Public Prosecutor Sventitsky,
' remarked
one of the guests in French of the valet, while Vronsky, frowning, read his letter.
It is quite time,
' remarked
'At the second table, behind the pillars.''He has been congratulated!
' remarked
the Colonel.
I love my child with one kind of love and her with another.''I was just saying to Anna Arkadyevna,
' remarked
Vorkuyev, 'that if she were to devote to the general business of educating Russian children a hundredth part of the energy she bestows on this English child she would be doing a great and useful work.''Yes, but, say what you like, I can't do it.
'Oh no, it is so unfinished!''I have told him about it,
' remarked
Oblonsky to his sister, indicating Levin.
Karenin reminded his brother-in-law that they never mentioned his mother to the boy, and asked him not to say a word about her.'He was very ill after that unexpected interview with his mother,
' remarked
'Ah, a voice!'Oblonsky remarked, feeling that he must be as careful as possible in this company, where something peculiar occurred, or was supposed to occur, to which he as yet lacked a clue.
'But, as far as I know, you unfortunately are one of the indifferent?'Karenin
to him, with a weary smile.
'But one may sometimes feel incapable of ascending to such heights,
' remarked
Oblonsky, conscious that he was not quite honest in acknowledging the existence of religious heights, yet not venturing to confess his scepticism in the presence of one who, by a single word to Pomorsky, might secure him the desired post.
'Do you know that the well-known Count Vronsky is going by this train?
' remarked
the Princess with a triumphant and significant smile, when Koznyshev had found her again and given her the note.
'I can't look calmly at those collecting-boxes while I have any money,' he
'What a variety there is in the positions of all these men who are going there!'Katavasov
vaguely, wishing to express his own opinion but at the same time to draw the old man.
'Yes, but after his misfortune what could he do?''What a dreadful occurrence!
' remarked
Even the death she chose was mean and low.''It is not for us to judge, Countess,' Koznyshev
with a sigh, 'but I understand how distressing it was for you.''Oh, don't speak of it!
"In the shallows" hits it exactly,
' remarked
And on Sunday, in church?
' remarked
Dolly, who had been following the conversation.
He who preaches war – off with him in a special legion to the assault, to the attack, in front of everybody else!"-''The editors would be fine!
' remarked
Katavasov, laughing loudly, and picturing to himself the editors of his acquaintance in that chosen legion.
That is a great step and a sign of power!''But it's not a question of sacrificing themselves only, but of killing Turks,
' remarked
Levin timidly.
The bosses were always bothering him about the damned planking question; he feared every hour the appearance of the engineer Négrel, followed by Dansaert, shouting, discussing, ordering everything to be done over again, and he
that his putter's timbering gave greater satisfaction to these gentlemen, in spite of their air of never being pleased with anything, and their repeated assertions that the Company would one day or another take radical measures.
"Shut the door, at all events," Souvarine
He did not want any one to be murdered in his house, and was so angry that his wife, sitting erect at the counter,
to him that he always cried out too soon.
But as one intellectual has remarked, "Here, perhaps, is the actual point where life rises humbly out of slumbering stone, but without breaking away from its crude starting point."
And he added "Only the absence of the clergy was
What an odour!" he remarked, passing it under her nose several times.
Then as she opened her eyes on smelling the bottle—"I was sure of it," he remarked; "that would wake any dead person for you!""Speak to us," said Charles; "collect yourself; it is your Charles, who loves you.
Thus, for six consecutive months, one could read in the "Fanal de Rouen" editorials such as these—"All who bend their steps towards the fertile plains of Picardy have, no doubt, remarked, by the Bois-Guillaume hill, a wretch suffering from a horrible facial wound.
CHAPTER 4 Father and SonE sara mia colpa,Se cosi e?MACHIAVELLI'My wife certainly has a head on her shoulders!' the Mayor of Verrieres
to himself the following morning at six o'clock, as he made his way down to Pere Sorel's sawmill.
Madame de Renal
that, when alone with her, he never expressed himself well except when he was distracted by some unforeseen occurrence, he never thought of turning a compliment.
The Mayor of Verrieres had
something, unusual in the firm tone with which he had demanded a holiday.
that in these conversations, which ceased abruptly on his approach, there was frequent mention of a big house belonging to the municipality of Verrieres, old, but large and commodious, and situated opposite the church, in the most valuable quarter of the town.
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