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457 examples of Remarked in a sentence
Joining the euro was certainly ruinous for Greece, but there is always “a great deal of ruin in a nation,” as Adam Smith
250 years ago, when losing the American colonies seemed to threaten Britain with financial devastation.
Had the United States known what lay ahead, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would not have remarked, after demonstrations broke out in Egypt, that the Egyptian government was “stable.”
“Football is the one area in which we can compete with the big countries of the world as equals,”
Daniel Passarella, Argentina’s former national coach.
As the well-known Oxford biologist Richard Dawkins notoriously remarked, "Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."
And more austerity is a vital, if less well
on, condition of the European Central Bank’s declared willingness to buy unlimited quantities of troubled countries’ short-term government debt.
As Leslie Gelb, the former president of The Council on Foreign Relations in New York, recently remarked, leaders in Europe and the US have lost the habit of serious cooperation.
Their energies were hardly absorbed in distinctions between Macedonians, Serbs, and Bulgarians (“they are all cloned Slavs,” as one ethnic Albanian leader unhelpfully
to me); but nor did they want to live as a “national minority,” believing that to do so would be to live as a second-class citizen.
A cynical observer
at the preliminary hearing that by the looks of it the Russian authorities couldn’t make up their mind: either the former Yukos bosses didn’t pay taxes or they embezzled money.
“We are ghosts roaming around without anyone noticing,” he remarked: “I wish we had died in the war instead.”
As Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis, recently remarked, one cannot be proud of the Jews of yesterday and tell the Jews of today that their religious practices are no longer welcome.
The only upbeat note was struck by someone who
that Davos consensus forecasts are almost always wrong, so perhaps this time it would prove excessively pessimistic.
There was considerable sentimental attachment toward Aboriginal sportsmen and women, and indeed toward Australia’s indigenous people generally – apparent in the outpouring of emotion,
worldwide, that accompanied Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s moving “Apology to the Stolen Generation” in 2008.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving – to ChinaATLANTA – All bad management, a business guru once remarked, is taught by example.
Brave Russian democrats who have not yet been silenced have already
on the similarity between Putin’s appeal to ethnic solidarity in annexing Crimea and Hitler’s stance during the Anschluss and the Sudeten crisis in 1938.
New Labour's Peter Mandelson voiced the spirit of the past 30 years when he
that he felt intensely “relaxed” about people getting “filthy” rich.
As former President Bill Clinton
in his State of the Union address in 1994: “[W]e measure every school by one high standard: Are our children learning what they need to know to compete and win in the global economy?”
Compare Park to Corazon Aquino, who, when elected President of the Philippines, famously
that she was simply a housewife, not a professional politician or an experienced leader.
To a New York Times interviewer, he disarmingly remarked: “Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me?”Part of the reason for Einstein’s fame is surely that his earliest, and best known, achievement – the 1905 special theory of relativity –seemed to have come out of the blue, without any prior achievement.
One observer later
that the small amount of research drawn upon was “really a hodgepodge –scattered, inconsistent, and ambiguous.”
In committee discussions of Trump’s health-care proposal, she infamously remarked, “Let the games begin,” before supporting the legislation until it was withdrawn.
Re-Reading George H.W. Bush’s LipsCAMBRIDGE – When President George H.W. Bush was laid to rest last week, the encomiums appropriately
on his general decency and competence, which tended to be followed by a “but.”
As World Bank President Jim Yong Kim
at the recent World Education Forum in Korea, if these children all inhabited one country, it would be the fifth-largest on earth.
Europe’s Top-Down MyopiaMUNICH – The French statesman Georges Clemenceau famously
that, “Generals always fight the last war.”
Precisely because developing a mutually beneficial border regime is, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rightly
in her 2009 visit to the island, a task that affects the two countries’ stability and well-being, it also needs to be part of the current international reconstruction effort.
And Voltaire, who was no great friend to the Jews, once
about the London stock exchange: “Here Jew, Mohammedan, and Christian deal with each other as though they were all of the same faith, and only apply the word infidel to people who go bankrupt...”Capitalism, as we know, transcends borders.
This island of central planning in the midst of the market economy was a strange and puzzling feature – all the more so because so few
how strange it was.
Winston Churchill once
that you could always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after having tried all the alternatives.
When objections were raised to Cuba being put on the drafting committee, Harry Dexter White, the American representative,
that Cuba’s function was to provide cigars.
Europe’s Real Inflation ProblemPARIS – “Having said that deflation in the United States is highly unlikely,” outgoing Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke famously
in 2002, “I would be imprudent to rule out the possibility altogether.”
Indeed, some modernauthors, as Susan Sontag once remarked, can be “recognized by their efforts todisestablish themselves,” that is, by their “will not to be morally useful to thecommunity.”
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