in sentence
201 examples of Rejoined in a sentence
' rejoined
'I will not, sir,
' rejoined
'Good-bye!' said Sam.'Good-bye,
' rejoined
the pretty housemaid, turning her head away.
'Thank'ee, sir,
' rejoined
It's all for my own good; vich is the reflection vith vich the penitent school-boy comforted his feelin's ven they flogged him,
' rejoined
the old gentleman.
'Wy not!
' rejoined
Mr. Weller; ''cos it 'ud ha' gone agin their consciences.
'Them things as is alvays a-fluctooatin', and gettin' theirselves inwolved somehow or another vith the national debt, and the chequers bill; and all that.''Oh! the funds,' said Sam.'Ah!
' rejoined
Mr. Weller, 'the funs; two hundred pounds o' the money is to be inwested for you, Samivel, in the funs; four and a half per cent.
'Perhaps,' said Mr. Stiggins hesitatingly, after a few moments' deep thought, 'perhaps she recommended me to the care of the man of wrath, Mr. Samuel?''I think that's wery likely, from what he said,
' rejoined
Sam; 'he wos a-speakin' about you, jist now.''Was he, though?' exclaimed Stiggins, brightening up.
'In that case, my love,
' rejoined
Mr. Pickwick, 'I will venture to prophesy that he will find some other friend who will not be backward in helping him to start in the world.'
'You appear to feel it so,
' rejoined
Mr. Pickwick, smiling at the clerk, who was literally red-hot.
'I think he will,
' rejoined
'Of course we know it, Sir,
' rejoined
Fogg, slapping his pocket --perhaps by accident.
'You are,' continued Mr. Pickwick, resuming the thread of his discourse--'you are a well-matched pair of mean, rascally, pettifogging robbers.''Well,' interposed Perker, 'is that all?''It is all summed up in that,
' rejoined
Mr. Pickwick; 'they are mean, rascally, pettifogging robbers.''There!' said Perker, in a most conciliatory tone.
'Not exactly,
' rejoined
Mr. Pickwick, drawing out his pocket- book, and shaking the little man heartily by the hand, 'I only mean a pecuniary settlement.
'Well,' said the clerk, 'what message have you brought?''He's downstairs,
' rejoined
the boy.
'I!''I mean what did you do when your married daughter told you this?''Oh, I made a fool of myself of course,
' rejoined
'That was judicious,' remarked Perker; 'and what else?''I fretted and fumed all next day, and raised a great disturbance,
' rejoined
the old gentleman.
'I say?''Well?''Are you going to come here regular?''No,
' rejoined
Mary, shaking her head, 'I'm going away again to-night.
'I ain't mad; I'm sensible,
' rejoined
the fat boy, beginning to cry.
'Jist vot I told you, my boy,
' rejoined
his parent.
'Vait a minit' Sammy; ven you grow as old as your father, you von't get into your veskit quite as easy as you do now, my boy.''If I couldn't get into it easier than that, I'm blessed if I'd vear vun at all,
' rejoined
his son.
'Perhaps he may hang himself.''Very good,
' rejoined
Mr. Simmery, pulling out the gold pencil-case again.
'Con-found it, no,
' rejoined
Mr. Simmery, stopping for an instant to smash a fly with the ruler.
Mr. Weller and his friends had scarcely had a moment to reflect upon this singular regulation as connected with the monetary system of the country, when they were
by Pell and Wilkins Flasher, Esquire, who led them to a part of the counter above which was a round blackboard with a large 'W.' on it.
'Very seasonable.''Seasonablest veather I ever see, sir,
' rejoined
Mr. Weller.
'He von't begin, sir,
' rejoined
Mr. Weller; 'he knows I ain't ekal to ex-pressin' myself ven there's anythin' partickler to be done, and yet he'll stand and see me a-settin' here taking up your walable time, and makin' a reg'lar spectacle o' myself, rayther than help me out vith a syllable.
'You said you'd speak,' replied Sam; 'how should I know you wos done up at the wery beginnin'?''You might ha' seen I warn't able to start,
' rejoined
his father; 'I'm on the wrong side of the road, and backin' into the palin's, and all manner of unpleasantness, and yet you von't put out a hand to help me.
'A pike!
' rejoined
Mr. Weller, through his set teeth; 'I'll keep a pike.
What did you think of her manners, from what you saw of her?''Wery pleasant,
' rejoined
Mr. Weller.
'New scenes have closed upon me; my rambles are at an end.''Wery good,
' rejoined
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