in sentence
74 examples of Plantations in a sentence
After all, it was the British who, more than a century ago, moved large numbers of Rohingya from East Bengal to work on rubber and tea
in then-Burma, which was administered as a province of India until 1937.
For most of the 20 th century, Brazilian elites thought that they could get by on natural resources - cattle ranches, coffee plantations, fruit juices, and soybean farms.
The displacement and killing of orangutans by palm oil
in Borneo has received extensive publicity because we readily identify with animals so closely related to us, and with such demonstrable intelligence.
The climate effect could be a net increase in emissions if forests are cleared to create energy-crop
could regenerate rural areas, as new factories created opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs.
A fungus known as rust, or roya in Spanish, is attacking coffee
from Mexico to Peru.
In order to achieve the maximum carbon capture, estimated at 1.6 gigatons, 1,380,000 square kilometers of existing forests must be maintained, 2,170,000 km2 of tropical forests must be allowed to regenerate, and 3,450,000 km2 of land must be allotted for
and agroforestry.
Efforts to eradicate coca
have achieved the bare minimum, and increasingly frequent seizures of cocaine and coca paste originating in Peru indicate that trafficking activities are relocating to Bolivia, thus bringing more illicit money and more organized – and violent – criminal groups.
Europeans colonized the Caribbean islands as sugar plantations, ruthlessly bringing African slaves by the millions to work, and die young, on those
Tropical forests were cut down to expand the
and factories can use the Fairtrade label if they pay their workers decent wages, comply with health, safety, and environmental standards, allow unions or other forms of workers’ associations, provide good housing if workers are not living at home, and do not use child labor or forced labor.
US Marines repeatedly occupied Cuba thereafter, and Americans quickly took ownership of most of Cuba’s lucrative sugar plantations, the economic aim of America’s intervention.
The US kept Cuba under its thumb, and, in accordance with US investor interests, the export economy remained little more than sugar and tobacco
throughout the first half of the twentieth century.
These include distributed
and sustainable-beekeeping companies, as well as Green Pot Enterprises, a fast-growing East African firm that leases shares of restoration sites to individuals, who can then collect an annual return on their investment.
While stricter enforcement of rules against deliberate fires in Indonesia’s 1999 Basic Forestry Law and the 2014 Law on
will help, far more needs to be done.
And, like coal, peat stores massive amounts of carbon, which is released into the atmosphere when the land is burned, cleared, and drained to make way for
Moreover, farmers have few alternatives to operating palm oil or timber plantations.So every dry season, more and more land is burned.
Just like industrial facilities, paddy fields and cows were treated as emissions sources, and tropical forests, monoculture tree
and bogs as emission sinks.
In many tropical areas, policymakers have enabled the expansion of commodity plantations, such as those producing palm oil and soybeans, to meet global market demand and support lower-income farmers and other constituents who rely on these crops for their livelihoods.
Yet too often, such
encroach on the homes of indigenous people and the habitats of endangered species, including primates such as gorillas, orangutans, and howler monkeys.
How?From 1990-2002, New Zealand’s private forest
increased by more than 1.4 million acres.
National parks and wildlife sanctuaries have been turned into rubber plantations, and forests are stripped in the name of wood exports.
However it was, this they all agree in, that my mother pleaded her belly, and being found quick with child, she was respited for about seven months; in which time having brought me into the world, and being about again, she was called down, as they term it, to her former judgment, but obtained the favour of being transported to the plantations, and left me about half a year old; and in bad hands, you may be sure.
I jested with him extremely about the figure he would make in Virginia; but I found he would do anything I desired, though he did not seem glad to have me undervalue his plantations, so I turned my tale.
My husband, to give him his due, was a man of infinite good nature, but he was no fool; and finding his income not suited to the manner of living which he had intended, if I had brought him what he expected, and being under a disappointment in his return of his
in Virginia, he discovered many times his inclination of going over to Virginia, to live upon his own; and often would be magnifying the way of living there, how cheap, how plentiful, how pleasant, and the like.
Then she went on to tell me how she very luckily fell into a good family, where, behaving herself well, and her mistress dying, her master married her, by whom she had my husband and his sister, and that by her diligence and good management after her husband's death, she had improved the
to such a degree as they then were, so that most of the estate was of her getting, not her husband's, for she had been a widow upwards of sixteen years.
He smiled at that part, and said he should like the last the best of the two, for he had a kind of horror upon his mind at his being sent over to the plantations, as Romans sent condemned slaves to work in the mines; that he thought the passage into another state, let it be what it would, much more tolerable at the gallows, and that this was the general notion of all the gentlemen who were driven by the exigence of their fortunes to take the road; that at the place of execution there was at least an end of all the miseries of the present state, and as for what was to follow, a man was, in his opinion, as likely to repent sincerely in the last fortnight of his life, under the pressures and agonies of a jail and the condemned hole, as he would ever be in the woods and wilderness of America; that servitude and hard labour were things gentlemen could never stoop to; that it was but the way to force them to be their own executioners afterwards, which was much worse; and that therefore he could not have any patience when he did but think of being transported.
Our greatest misfortune as to our stock was that it was all in money, which every one knows is an unprofitable cargo to be carried to the
She then inquired of him what things it was necessary we should carry over with us, and he, like a very honest as well as knowing man, told her thus: 'Madam, your cousins in the first place must procure somebody to buy them as servants, in conformity to the conditions of their transportation, and then, in the name of that person, they may go about what they will; they may either purchase some
already begun, or they may purchase land of the Government of the country, and begin where they please, and both will be done reasonably.'
Upon those considerations, I went on with telling my husband the absolute necessity there was of our not settling in Potomac River, at least that we should be presently made public there; whereas if we went to any other place in the world, we should come in with as much reputation as any family that came to plant; that, as it was always agreeable to the inhabitants to have families come among them to plant, who brought substance with them, either to purchase
or begin new ones, so we should be sure of a kind, agreeable reception, and that without any possibility of a discovery of our circumstances.
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