in sentence
292 examples of Perspectives in a sentence
After just 15 minutes into this film, I began to miss Zhang Yimou's earlier, more weighty films that looked at the politics and society of China from unique
The are sequences involving a little bit of animation, repeating lines twice in different perspectives, and changing speeds for moments, and all of these are irritating to the point of confusion and boredom, making it a silly crime drama.
Weak,stale, tired, cliched; wants to be Basic Instinct, but misses opportunity after opportunity for fresh perspectives, new insights.
The nonlinear narrative is not a mere gimmick but an interesting way to present sequences from different
The aftermath of this disaster is previewed from many different countries and
Furthermore you'll get offered a freakish and very campy 'evil guy' behind a frog mask (hence the movie's title!), you'll get a crazed-out swinging soundtrack, classic b-movie action scenes, partly filmed out off the wildest
(please remind the time of its origin!), yelling scream queens, and on and on...
Life is what it is shown in the movie: when people are young, they seem not to understand their parents, their own spouses; people have every excuse for not sharing the dearest time with their children until too late; people always have to work hard to support the whole family but are just liable to neglect the subtle feeling of their partners; people always change their
at different stages of their lives; people can always be forgiven if their heart is full of love for their beloved; nothing is more important than the blood relation people share in this world, and one is never too late to talk with their folks about what they feel at the bottom of their heart so as to achieve a better understanding between themselves, so that when life has to end some day, people should not feel sorry or regretful since they have kept their words and there is always hope ---a new life.
What the new films have done is allow fresh
to be placed on the older films.
The writer/director is brilliant with the narrative parts and the use of creative and interesting camera angles and
which all add to the gripping hold it will have on you.
If you want just about everything you want to know about WWII from multiple perspectives, this DVD delivers, you WILL learn new things guaranteed, so much so that you won't need any other documentary's on the subject.
Time, of course, has a way of modifying perspectives, and with so many films today verily ulcerating with social and political commentary, there is a natural curiosity to wonder about controversy in older, seemingly less provocative films.
A fine cast of oldsters bring lighthearted
on life to this fun tale with an award winning performance by Dench and Laine's always great "pipes".
BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU'RE DEAD starts off promisingly, setting up a simple heist that goes awry, told from varying
(in RASHOMON style).
Pretty good film from Preminger; labyrinthine at times, as it explores sets and locales from various angles and
as if it were a nature film on the denizens of the modern city and how they live.
Great contrast between cat and dog
on life, and just the right amount of spirit and warm fuzzies to make the plot and resolution excellent.
While thematically not complex, this film does offer many different
about personal loyalty, ruthlessness, and corporate conspiracy.
The movie chronicles a typical day of the average 90s teenager, but with
from all orientations and view points: lesbians, gays, bisexuals, stoners, drunks, the whole nine yards.
The game also has a magnificent story(and well-told(partially through rather marvelous voice-acting, and some through beautifully animated video sequences), complete with three perspectives, and well-written characters).
This masterpiece tells the story of old friendships, different
on life, betrayal, loyalty, and the destruction of the self.
The film explores the notion of nobility from highly contrasted
and it offers plenty to discuss beyond the closing credits.
It also showed some of the male's
of the business and their involvement.
It looked at both sides from both
and let the viewer decide on what they wanted to believe.
Hallmarks of the category include female chauvinist perspectives, emasculated or violent male characters (if there are any men to speak of), long stagnant takes shot on digital video, and an aggressive tendency toward unresolved endings.
antonio baderas is high in my list of today's most promising directors and this film shows the
he has as a director.. any way you should go see this movie and don't let its rating stop you from watching it because it almost did it to me and now i realise how i would have regretted had i not rented this movie instead of an other
The whole movie is shot with great camera
and good sphere setting.
The very first thing that turns me off from documentaries are biased
A few universal truths, which if are unrecognised mean you need to stop living with mummy&daddy and grow up, but mostly a lot of differing
Throw in a little saucy nudity, some great
of the female form, and some incredible character designs, and this film rises to the top of the genre.
This additional perspective can then be added to the innumerable other
that a person has accumulated and which ultimately serve to expand his or her consciousness.
A good script, good acting, great camera
and a beautiful sphere setting made this a very compelling movie.
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