in sentence
107 examples of Nobles in a sentence
could no longer manipulate local units to extract more rent from commoners, while the government could collect taxes more efficiently.
and clergymen came to despise his presence.
Scottland is still run by English nobles, and the highlanders never can seem to catch a break when dealing with them.
The meeting with the Shogun, the debates among the Japanese
and an assassination during an archery exhibit present an interesting look at the politics of the period.
His reign, such as it was, was marked by a struggle for power by several factions of
It is not strange that US is leading so much wars, that it has so much drug addicts, teenage mothers and so on: when in movies like this you may see that it is normal to bribe people with magazines, video-games and jerseys to win a competition; black people with dreadlocks have never seen computer in their lives;
are evil; relationship between 15 year old girl and 22 yearn old boy( or should I say man) is normal and socially acceptable---it is just a step from pedophilia, people.
The knights and the Byzantine court
do take themselves very seriously, but the audience gets to see them for what they are (just as readers of the book do.)
Then there are some "civilized" natives, with a huge society of nobles, serfs, slaves and sacrificial victims who get their hearts torn out and heads chopped off on top of a pyramid, for the appeasement of their gods and for the sake of controlling and entertaining the "citizens."
This contrasts sharply with the motivations espoused by Scotland’s
in the fourteenth century, when they succeeded in preserving their country’s independence from English rule.
The big castes – from the supposedly Frankish
of the Sword and
of the Robe to proto-bourgeois merchants and Gallo-Roman villeins – all conferred upon their members small liberties and a measure of personal autonomy in exchange for obligations to the state.
His nobility consisted in never forgetting the lesson of the Rebbe of Vizhnitz, even after he had donned the robe of the man of letters, that he bore the burden of those, adorned in caftan and fur hat, who had wanted to be as elegant as the Polish
who led the pogroms against them.
John’s efforts to raise money to regain lost lands in France exceeded the usual taxes and levies that the
had accepted from his predecessors.
A century earlier, Henry I, by issuing a Coronation Charter, had indicated that he would be more respectful of the nobles’ privileges than was his predecessor.
But John died the following year, and the
backing his successor, the nine-year-old Henry III, needed support against a rival claimant to the throne.
Nor did they have to honor the rights of the nobility, inasmuch as until the middle of the eighteenth century all
were their servants.
The Marshal of the Nobility for the Province – in whose hands the law placed so much important public business: wardships (such as the one about which Levin was now in trouble), the care of enormous sums of money belonging to the nobility, public school for boys and girls, military schools, elementary education according to the new Law, and finally the Zemstvo – the Marshal of the Province, Snetkov, was one of the old type of
It was necessary to put in his place a fresh, up-to-date, practical, and quite new man, and to manage matters so as to extract from the rights granted to the Nobility (not as nobles, but as an element of the Zemstvo) all the advantages of self-government which could be obtained from them.
The Session was opened by the Governor of the Province, who in his speech to the
told them that in choosing occupants for posts they should show no partiality, but should choose according to merit and for the welfare of the country, and that he hoped the honourable Nobility of Kashin would strictly fulfil its duty as it had done in previous elections, and would justify their sovereign's high confidence in them.
loudly applauded him and pressed his hand.
But at that moment one of the
of Koznyshev's party said he had heard that the Commission had not audited the funds, considering that a verification would be an insult to the Marshal of the Province.
By their external appearance the
were sharply divided into two sorts: the old and the young.
Levin was just preparing to start a conversation with the old waiter when the Secretary of the Court of Nobility, an old man whose speciality it was to know all the
of the Province by name and patronymic, diverted his attention.
Levin heard Snetkov being asked to stand; and he saw that a crowd of
surrounded the Marshal, who was speaking.
Replying to the nobles, Snetkov spoke of the confidence and affection of the Nobility, of which he was not worthy, his merit consisting only in his loyalty to the Nobility, to whom he had devoted twenty years of service.
The majority of the
were touched and Levin felt a tenderness for Snetkov.
The debate about Flerov had given the new party not merely his vote but also a gain in time, so that they had had a chance to bring up three more
who, by the machinations of the old party, were to be prevented from taking part in the election.
They tell the tale: this is an assembly of Justices of the Peace, permanent officials, and so on, but not of nobles!''Then why do you come?
This action stirred the ambitious youth; he would have liked it to be witnessed by all those proud
who, at table, when he was at the lower end with the children, used to look at him with so patronising a smile.
What would become of these nobles, if it were granted us to fight them with equal weapons?
If there is another revolution, all the
will be murdered, their father may emigrate, perhaps, because of that peasant who was killed upon a roof.
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