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1346 examples of Nevertheless in a sentence
Nevertheless, Transparency International, the world’s premier corruption rating agency, ranked Hong Kong as the 14th cleanest society in 2007.
Nevertheless, and understandably, many countries make decisions to locate production locally and to protect it against foreign trade, fearing market breakdown through war, trade sanctions, or simply shortsighted decisions by foreign governments to protect their own populations from price increases.
So, where Hiatt sees a press corps that was a little too cowardly about overseeing the Bush administration, Frankel sees a press corps where a sloppy and confusing process is
doing a reasonable job.
Nevertheless, the US model is catching on.
Nevertheless, the distinction is important and seems lost on the US – and a host of other countries – which have lumped the nationalist groups together with Al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) in their lists of terrorist organizations.
Nevertheless, the decision to lodge a complaint with the WTO must be questioned on three counts.
Nevertheless, an officially blessed book published in 2005, Tibet’s Waters Will Save China , openly championed the northward rerouting of the Brahmaputra.
Nevertheless, recent polls show that a majority of voters distrust the incumbent government and the ruling party.
Nevertheless, much more than most of us would care to admit, we remain enmeshed in the concepts and categories of the twentieth century’s ideological wars.
Germany, France, Italy, and Britain hold four of the seven seats at the G7 meetings.
Nevertheless, European military capabilities are limited, requiring that European planners look for “minimal” options, with the drawback that smaller commitments generally require a long-term perspective.
Nevertheless, financial investors are increasingly worried that inflation will eventually begin to rise, owing to the large expansion of commercial bank reserves engineered by the United States Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB).
Nevertheless, the public still believed in perpetual growth.
Nevertheless, the Howard government, like the Bush administration, was willing to expose the entire planet to the risks of global warming, which threaten the very existence of many island states.
Nevertheless, fiscal rules and common banking supervision are still regarded in many quarters as an illegitimate encroachment on member states’ sovereignty.
Nevertheless, substantive and remarkable progress has been made, all in the last few years.
Nevertheless, he did think that redistribution would help secure full employment.
Nevertheless, the fears, and especially the prospect of a new and lucrative market, set pharmaceutical firms scrambling to develop Ebola-related products, while health officials lamented that nothing had been done beforehand.
Nevertheless, though the Chinese government seeks to demonstrate that the Uyghur are a growing domestic threat, they have been unable to cite any recent incidents of domestic Uyghur-related violence.
Nevertheless, because female genital mutilation is tied to a wider set of traditional practices involving the control of girls’ bodies and minds, and because these traditions have a powerful hold on some Africans, ultimately the practice can be halted only through concerted efforts by Africans themselves.
Nevertheless, American and European economic advisers generally believe that a short sharp stimulus will be enough to restore economic growth.
Nevertheless, market fundamentalism emerged as the dominant ideology in the 1980s, when financial markets started to become globalized and the US began running a current account deficit.
Nevertheless, NCD prevalence has increased, because improvements in survival have outpaced reductions in incidence.
Nevertheless, after more than 60 years in power, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to retain a deep sense of insecurity.
Nearly 50% of those who had their mortgages modified
defaulted within six months.
Nevertheless, today’s democratic citizens mostly lack confidence in the public sphere, and are suspicious of their own economic and political elites.
Even if these initiatives are motivated by party rivalry, they
pose an essential question: do we know how to ennoble our democracy?
Nevertheless, one wonders why the evidence that inequality causes social unrest is not stronger.
Nevertheless, their expansionary actions have helped to raise long-term inflation expectations toward the target levels.
Nevertheless, the US will remain the most influential external actor in the Middle East, for its failure is one of leadership, not of actual power.
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