in sentence
277 examples of Neighborhoods in a sentence
That's an issue for those kids in those
They come from the same
as the population they "serve."
But what do you do in
when ain't nobody interested in living there?
I've found that in cases where
have failed, they still often have a pulse.
In some cases, we don't have the resources in certain
to do things that are a certain kind of splashy, but if we can then find ways of making sure that people who are local to a place, plus people who could be supportive of the things that are happening locally, when those people get together, I think really amazing things can happen.
Often what I have found is that when there are resources that have not been made available to certain under-resourced cities or
or communities, that sometimes culture is the thing that helps to ignite, and that I can't do everything, but I think that there's a way in which if you can start with culture and get people kind of reinvested in their place, other kinds of adjacent amenities start to grow, and then people can make a demand that's a poetic demand, and the political demands that are necessary to wake up our cities, they also become very poetic.
You would listen in the
on any given night, and to the untrained ear, it sounded like fireworks, but it was gunfire.
And so we decided to walk together, and we would get together in one of the most dangerous
in the city on a Friday night and on a Saturday night at 10 p.m., and we would walk until 2 or 3 in the morning.
We're connecting
to community solar and spearheading community-led smart home research and installation programs to help families bring down their energy bills.
So, another issue that always comes up in
is speeding.
They plastered
with flyers and handed business cards out to their families and friends, and soon, they had clients calling.
And another thing that I believe is that to a large extent, what we are today paying for in Europe is the failures of integration models that didn't work in the '60s, in the '70s, in the '80s, in relation to big migration flows that took place at that time and generated what is today in many of the people, for instance, of the second generation of communities, a situation of feeling marginalized, having no jobs, having improper education, living in some of the
that are not adequately provided by public infrastructure.
And the second group that we've followed was a group of boys from Boston's poorest neighborhoods, boys who were chosen for the study specifically because they were from some of the most troubled and disadvantaged families in the Boston of the 1930s.
Its focus on innate racial differences in disease diverts attention and resources from the social determinants that cause appalling racial gaps in health: lack of access to high-quality medical care; food deserts in poor neighborhoods; exposure to environmental toxins; high rates of incarceration; and experiencing the stress of racial discrimination.
What if anywhere you visited, there was a central marketplace of locals offering to get you thoroughly drunk on a pub crawl in
you didn't even know existed.
Why are we spending 80 billion dollars on a prison industry that we know is failing, when we could take that money and reallocate it into education, into mental health treatment, into substance abuse treatment and to community investment so we can develop our
And you can see first that words automatically organize into semantic
More specifically, it was not in which semantic
the words were, but how far and fast they jumped from one semantic neighborhood to the other one.
When high blood pressure screening expanded from clinics and hospitals to communities in the 1960s and '70s, black physicians like Dr. Eli Saunders in Baltimore and Dr. Keith Ferdinand in New Orleans were at the forefront of bringing health promotion to community hubs in urban black
Half of the city's other
are now rubble.
When I read about heterogeneous urbanism in other parts of the world, involving ethnic
in British cities or around Paris or Brussels, I recognize the beginning of the kind of instability we have witnessed so disastrously here in Syria.
And I don't want to be the one to tell this kid, who is on a special program that takes Philadelphia kids from poor
and takes them to city parks, I don't want to be the one to tell him that the flower he's holding is a non-native invasive weed that he should throw away as trash.
I have some role in whatever thirst you now feel for revenge, and that thirst now tempts me to plot ever more elaborate escapes from our common life, from the schools and
and airports and amusement parks that we used to share.
And most of us, when we see someone in uniform going through our
feel curiosity, if not concern.
And these are girls from disadvantaged
who are studying the STEM program area: science, technology, engineering and math.
And even though they had good intentions of treating all
equally, the communities didn't feel invested in the process or feel a sense of ownership of these buildings.
Children born in Washington, DC's wealthy Maryland suburbs can expect to live a full 20 years longer than children born in its downtown
In the suburbanized, dual-income United States, stay-at-home moms are actually missing the social infrastructure that comes from extended family and local, small-scale
You don't want to simply retrieve information you've already learned, because this is like traveling down old, familiar streets, cruising
you already know.
In low-income neighborhoods, kids forget almost three months of what they learned during the school year over the summer.
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