in sentence
670 examples of Namely in a sentence
Namely, that technology is enabling trust between strangers.
They wanted to do something about what we all know,
the revolving door of the criminal justice system.
And before we get to how future tech may affect us, I'd like to spend a little time exploring the unintended consequences of some of our recent tech, namely, social media.
Here, I was quoting from the grand, Pharaonic African cultures of the Nile Valley civilizations; namely, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, so as to imbue her with a stately, ironic, calm grandeur.
Mary, meanwhile, cannot in all the states have the same right that Henry has in all the states, namely, the right to marry.
Namely, the skills of unity, planning, and maintaining nonviolent discipline.
That's a one followed by 500 zeros, a number so vast that if every atom in our observable universe had its own universe, and all of the atoms in all those universes each had their own universe, and you repeated that for two more cycles, you'd still be at a tiny fraction of the total, namely, one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillionth.
And today, after briefly describing what they found, I'm going to tell you about a highly controversial framework for explaining their discovery,
the possibility that way beyond the Earth, the Milky Way and other distant galaxies, we may find that our universe is not the only universe, but is instead part of a vast complex of universes that we call the multiverse.
So Erez and I followed the fate of over 100 irregular verbs through 12 centuries of English language, and we saw that there's actually a very simple mathematical pattern that captures this complex historical change, namely, if a verb is 100 times more frequent than another, it regularizes 10 times slower.
It's the result of human efforts governed by an idea, an idea that we associate with the 18th century Enlightenment,
that if we apply reason and science that enhance human well-being, we can gradually succeed.
Namely, the air that surrounds it.
So it's a really slow process, it's really expensive, and the outcome of that process,
electronic circuit boards, are limited in all sorts of kind of interesting ways.
I'm here to talk about congestion,
road congestion.
This has led to a common understanding of our situation,
that modernity has brought us terrible violence, and perhaps that native peoples lived in a state of harmony that we have departed from, to our peril.
Now, this is one model of how language comes to be: namely, it's legislated by an academy.
Well, it is the most important aspect of our lives for a very simple, logical reason, namely, it's a necessary condition on anything being important in our lives that we're conscious.
There's something that it feels like to drink beer which is not what it feels like to do your income tax or listen to music, and this qualitative feel automatically generates a third feature, namely, conscious states are by definition subjective in the sense that they only exist as experienced by some human or animal subject, some self that experiences them.
But there's another twist on this model that I really think is important; namely, that when we argue before an audience, sometimes the audience has a more participatory role in the argument; that is, arguments are also [performances] in front of juries, who make a judgment and decide the case.
Our basis for trust in science is actually the same as our basis in trust in technology, and the same as our basis for trust in anything, namely, experience.
RM: Namely, the founding of Fort Dearborn on the future site of Chicago, the Great Chicago Fire, the World Columbian Exposition, which everyone remembers because of the White City, and the Century of Progress Exposition, which no one remembers at all.
But growing up, I saw my parents, both religiously devout and spiritual people, pray and praise God for their blessings,
me of course, but among others.
But it, in some sense, misses the point: namely, that fingers are a very, very high-resolution input medium.
Now this gets us quickly to the third and final bit for today; namely, we need to lift our sights, to set our sights on well-being, so that life and health and healthcare can become about making life more wonderful, rather than just less horrible.
Namely, that when they cast bells, they write inscriptions on them.
There are no clear power relations in the world, no global governance mechanisms that work, which means that we live in a situation where impunity and unpredictability tend to prevail, and that means that more and more people suffer,
those that are displaced by conflicts.
And scientists have a lot of theories about why this is, but almost all of them involve nutrition,
the increase of dairy and meat.
But the lesson from New Zealand isn't just that its particular legislation is good, but that crucially, it was written in collaboration with sex workers; namely, the New Zealand Prostitutes' Collective.
What I dispute is the conclusion that so many people draw from them,
that we're all screwed because the problems are unsolvable and our governments are useless.
They also cracked down hard on terrorism, but Indonesia's democrats have learned a key lesson from the dark years of dictatorship,
that repression only creates more extremism.
- namely, "Who should I take care of?" - he told this story, the story of a man who had been assaulted, robbed, beaten and abandoned along a dirt road.
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