in sentence
554 examples of Monitoring in a sentence
So in the case of the Safecast story, I didn't know anything when the earthquake happened, but I was able to find Sean who was the hackerspace community organizer, and Peter, the analog hardware hacker who made our first Geiger counter, and Dan, who built the Three Mile Island
system after the Three Mile Island meltdown.
By involving local communities, investing in their agriculture and their economies, by
more carefully, by enforcing the law more strictly.
SG: After I got the call, I caught the first flight to England and arrived into the brightly lit intensive care ward, where Mark was lying naked, just under a sheet, connected to machines that were
if he would live.
They use the Internet not to plot bombing attacks but to read the news or exchange recipes or to plan their kids' Little League games, and those people are doing nothing wrong and therefore have nothing to hide and no reason to fear the government
Last year, Mark Zuckerberg and his new wife purchased not only their own house but also all four adjacent houses in Palo Alto for a total of 30 million dollars in order to ensure that they enjoyed a zone of privacy that prevented other people from
what they do in their personal lives.
Conversely, even more importantly, it is a realm of privacy, the ability to go somewhere where we can think and reason and interact and speak without the judgmental eyes of others being cast upon us, in which creativity and exploration and dissent exclusively reside, and that is the reason why, when we allow a society to exist in which we're subject to constant monitoring, we allow the essence of human freedom to be severely crippled.
As somebody who finds mass surveillance odious for all the reasons I just talked about and a lot more, I mean, I look at this as work that will never end until governments around the world are no longer able to subject entire populations to
and surveillance unless they convince some court or some entity that the person they've targeted has actually done something wrong.
Bia started a campaign, and we even watched her school 24/7 through webcam monitoring, and many months afterwards, the government changed their minds.
We know that we can change this in our lifetime, and that is why my team and I have decided to begin this journey, this journey to try to make cancer detection at the early stages and
the appropriate response at the molecular level easier, cheaper, smarter and more accessible than ever before.
In terms of beyond sensory substitution, the things I started mentioning about astronauts on the space station, they spend a lot of their time
things, and they could instead just get what's going on, because what this is really good for is multidimensional data.
First, because as I've discussed on this stage before, I learned that the FBI has been
my work.
I had even learned through the Bureau of Prisons Counterterrorism Unit, that they had been
my speeches about CMUs, like this one.
Many scientists and policy makers are instead focusing on early detection,
underwater pressure and seismic activity, and establishing global communication networks for quickly distributing alerts.
Our conscious mind only controls about 5% of our cognitive function, including communication, while the other 95% occurs beyond our awareness, and according to the literature on reality monitoring, stories based on imagined experiences are qualitatively different from those based on real experiences.
So an anesthesiologist has to mix just the right balance of drugs to create all the features of anesthesia, while carefully
the patient's vital signs, and adjusting the drug mixture as needed.
Inspection, environmental monitoring, photography and film and journalism: these are some of the potential applications for commercial drones, and their enablers are the capabilities being developed at research facilities around the world.
theories make up the second group of explanations for choking under pressure.
And in the same way many of us are now wearing sensors that detect our heart rate, our respiration, our genes, on the hopes that this may help us prevent diseases, we can ask whether
and analyzing the words we speak, we tweet, we email, we write, can tell us ahead of time whether something may go wrong with our minds.
The problem is, that all of this propaganda,
and censorship completely fails to make up for the fact that the people who are the most credible voices, who can present credible ideas and alternative solutions to real economic, social and political problems in their community that are causing people to turn to extremism in the first place, are being silenced by their own governments.
Is there a way we could have the benefits of high-fidelity
that we get with our trusted partners in the hospital while someone is at home living their daily life?
There's agricultural and environmental monitoring, Internet connectivity, navigation.
Broadly speaking, the ability to separate and enrich biomarkers with nanoscale precision in an automated way, opens the door to better understanding diseases such as cancer, with applications ranging from sample preparation to diagnostics, and from drug resistance
to therapeutics.
Well, in the last few decades, neuroscientists have made enormous breakthroughs in understanding how our brains work by
them in real time with instruments like fMRI and PET scanners.
EEG machines
people during these stages have shown electrical impulses moving between the brainstem, hippocampus, thalamus, and cortex, which serve as relay stations of memory formation.
Scientists have been
ocean acidification for over two decades.
What would've happened during the Iranian Green Movement if the government had been
my family's brain activity, and had believed them to be sympathetic to the protesters?
And then using
and enforcement, they can make sure that the public good is preserved.
We were
his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure.
It's constantly
our environment for threats, even while we're sleeping.
I had been
her case for a couple of months, her compliance with her medication, and had just closed out her case a couple of weeks ago.
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