in sentence
12143 examples of Money in a sentence
You can contribute with your money, your career or your political engagement.
With your money, you can support organizations that focus on these risks, like the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which campaigns to take nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert, or the Blue Ribbon Panel, which develops policy to minimize the damage from natural and man-made pandemics, or the Center for Human-Compatible AI, which does technical research to ensure that AI systems are safe and reliable.
Twenty or 30 years ago, if a bank in North America lent too much
to some people who couldn't afford to pay it back and the bank went bust, that was bad for the lender and bad for the borrower, but we didn't imagine it would bring the global economic system to its knees for nearly a decade.
So governments care desperately about the image of their country, because it makes a direct difference to how much
they can make, and that's what they've promised their populations they're going to deliver.
This is not about
But what he found was, these categories mattered, so when he later gave the subjects money, they would prefer to give the
to members of their own group than members of the other group.
Worse, they were actually most interested in establishing a difference between their group and other groups, so they would give up
for their own group if by doing so they could give the other group even less.
So when it costs millions of dollars to do something substantial, what you would do is you'd get an MBA who would write a plan and get the
from V.C.s or big companies, and then you'd hire the designers and the engineers, and they'd build the thing.
What happened after the Internet was the cost of innovation went down so much because the cost of collaboration, the cost of distribution, the cost of communication, and Moore's Law made it so that the cost of trying a new thing became nearly zero, and so you would have Google, Facebook, Yahoo, students that didn't have permission — permissionless innovation — didn't have permission, didn't have PowerPoints, they just built the thing, then they raised the money, and then they sort of figured out a business plan and maybe later on they hired some MBAs.
So the Internet caused innovation, at least in software and services, to go from an MBA-driven innovation model to a designer-engineer-driven innovation model, and it pushed innovation to the edges, to the dorm rooms, to the startups, away from the large institutions, the stodgy old institutions that had the power and the
and the authority.
This is Gen9 gene assembler, and so right now when you try to print a gene, what you do is somebody in a factory with pipettes puts the thing together by hand, you have one error per 100 base pairs, and it takes a long time and costs a lot of
We don't have enough
My friend Manya, when she was a student at university in California, was earning
by working for a car dealer.
Now, before Manya's customer would go home and think things through, she would say to him, "The car that you are buying now is perfect, but in a few year's time, when your kids will be already out of the house, when you will have a little bit more money, that other car will be ideal.
Now, the majority of Manya's customers who came back the next day bought that other car, the car they did not need, the car that cost far too much
Do you have enough
to save?
What she was asking was to have a safe place to save her hard-earned
They said, "Anybody can steal my PIN number and take away my hard-earned money, but nobody can steal my thumb."
I did not have enough
to buy food, and so to forget my hunger, I started singing."
And he didn't ask for any more
He wanted to continue to higher education, but due to his family living on the poverty line, he was soon sent to South Africa to work and send back
to feed his family.
First, bricks and mortar cost
I sort of lived with this idea that when I'm grown, I'll have learned to speak French, and when I'm grown, I'll learn how to manage my money, and when I'm grown, I won't have a stutter, and then I'll be able to public speak and maybe be the prime minister and anything's possible and, you know.
We reminded them that when workers have more money, businesses have more customers, and need more employees.
Because the fundamental law of capitalism is, when workers have more money, businesses have more customers and need more workers.
The work of democracies is to maximize the inclusion of the many in order to create prosperity, not to enable the few to accumulate
True story: I was going to wire some
Bad data costs you time, it costs you
and it costs you resources.
It must be so hard teaching those poor, unintelligent kids," I bit my lip, because apparently we needed her
more than my students needed their dignity.
The whole business of politics has been effectively subcontracted out to a band of professionals,
people, outreach people, message people, research people.
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