in sentence
612 examples of Meantime in a sentence
In the meantime, Article 136 of the existing Treaty on the Functioning of the EU would allow for some preliminary steps, such as the designation of votes at the European Council that are reserved for eurozone countries only.
The bad news is that there could well be much superfluous expense and effort in the
In the meantime, Trump will pursue his goal of drastically increasing defense spending, even as his policies put some members of US military families at risk of deportation.
In the meantime, the most urgent priority is a process of de-escalation, stabilization and political consolidation within Palestinian society.
In the meantime, Turkey and the United States have a mutual interest in working together in Iraq, Syria, and Iran.
Long-term development may give countries more capacity to soften the impact of climate change on the environment and citizens’ health, but in the
the planet’s poorest people will need help from the rich.
That day may be approaching, but, in the meantime, there are worrisome signs that China’s trade and investments in North Korea, the latest of which is a Chinese supermarket in which local currency can be traded at free-market (that is, black-market) rates, could oddly make China dependent on the North.
But, in the meantime, governments can call upon the European Central Bank, which the eurozone member states already fully guarantee on a pro rata basis.
In the meantime, Fed Chair Janet Yellen is right (finally) to push the Fed to normalize policy, putting an end to a failed experiment that has long outlived its usefulness.
In the meantime, a strong euro will require high interest rates to stay high, and the cost in jobs, exports, and growth of GDP will necessarily be high as well.
And, in the meantime, a fiscal union without a political union is an anti-democratic nightmare.
In the meantime, America went from being a middle-class society to one increasingly divided between rich and poor.
In the meantime, the search for technical solutions to the euro’s woes must be pursued.
In the meantime, the US and Europe face a policy dilemma.
But let them do it separately, and in the
let the Union be energized by the improvements that it has already adopted.
In the meantime, the world must protect itself against rogue states.
In the meantime, many cross-border transactions in goods, services, and financial assets are likely to be placed on hold.
In the meantime, though, we have clarity on at least three matters:First, the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, or R2P, which the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted in 2005, in response to the world’s inaction as nearly one million men, women, and children were slaughtered in Rwanda, is essentially dead.
In the meantime, Latin America’s economies will continue to benefit from the world boom in commodity markets, elections will remain normal, and life will go on in the political middle of the road.
In the meantime, the UK must commit to securing an interim agreement with the EU.
In the meantime, as a new “Washington Consensus” of best-practice economic policies inevitably emerges, developing countries want to feel that they helped design it, for better or worse.
In the meantime, negotiators face the difficult question of who should replace Assad.
In the meantime, it will be necessary to establish a coalition government by agreement.
In the meantime, we should intensify the fight against an older nemesis, influenza, both for its own sake and as a way to prepare for the return of SARS.
In the meantime, even if the referendum is held and eventually lost under the combined onslaught of bureaucrats, politicians and union bosses, the modernization revolution is alive.
In the meantime, both sides would be well advised to undertake a careful analysis of previous experiences with programs that were approved in principle, rather than becoming immediately operational.
In the meantime, Turkey is moving closer to the EU, with the government overcoming nationalistic objections in the Parliament to push through comprehensive reforms.
In the meantime, the new faces in Israeli politics will be tested.
In the meantime, the central bank hemorrhaged reserves defending this slow correction, while commercial banks have been holding on to dollars in anticipation of the ruble’s further decline.
In the meantime, opposition to the US, expressed as suicide bombing and other forms of terrorism, will very likely increase.
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