in sentence
2255 examples of Manner in a sentence
Hitherto his air had been abstracted, and his
uneasy; but everything, excepting the certainty of his bliss, seemed to vanish at the blaze of loveliness that now burst on his sight.
His appeal to Mr. Wharton, for the propriety of this decision, was answered affirmatively, as it would have been negatively, had the question been put in a
to lead to such a result.
Hillocks, woods, rocks, fences, and houses flew by him with the rapidity of lightning, and the black had just begun to think whither and on what business he was riding in this headlong manner, when he reached the place where the roads met, and the "Hotel Flanagan" stood before him in its dilapidated simplicity.
But Lawton, who had been a close though silent observer of all that passed, profited by the hint to ask abruptly,-"Pray, Colonel Wellmere, in what
is bigamy punished in England?"
The billet was handed to Dr. Sitgreaves; for Miss Peyton had expressly enjoined Caesar not to implicate her, in any manner, in the errand on which he was dispatched.
"Here is no bride, no rejoicing, nothing but woe!" cried Frances, in a
but little less frantic than that of her sister.
"This is a melancholy termination to so joyful a commencement of the night, madam," he observed, in a soothing
Having disposed of the whole party in this manner, Lawton gave the word to march.
He is far from being accustomed to a pair of heels beating upon his flanks like a drum major on a field day; a single touch of the spur will serve him for a fortnight, and it is by no means wise to be kicking in this manner, for he is a horse that but little likes to be outdone."
"The drop she speaks of is often of an extraordinary size, and then she has acquired the freedom of a soldier's manner."
Notwithstanding the unusual burden that Roanoke sustained, he got over the ground with great rapidity, and the distance between the cart of Mrs. Flanagan and the chariot of Miss Peyton was passed in a
that, however it answered the intentions of the trooper, in no degree contributed to the comfort of his companion.
"Well, I'm sure," said Katy, a little appalled at the
of the young lady, "if a body does the work, he should be paid for it.
was earnest and interested, but in a slight degree constrained.
The constraint of his
had, however, unwillingly on her part, communicated itself to her own deportment, and the approach of the chariot was a relief to both.
There was a frightful calmness in the
of this judge that appalled the prisoner.
"I t'ink he ought," returned the black, in a
as sententious as that of his examiner.
The confidence of his
had, however, communicated to his auditors something of his own spirit.
She, with all the reliance of affection, reposed in security on the assurance of Dunwoodie, without harassing herself with doubts that she possessed not the means of satisfying; but believing her lover able to accomplish everything that man could do, and retaining a vivid recollection of the
and benevolent appearance of Harper, she abandoned herself to all the felicity of renovated hope.
She related particularly the
of his arrival at the Locusts, the reception that he received, and the events that passed as minutely as her memory could supply her with the means.
"Captain Wharton," said Birch, looking guardedly around and speaking with impressive seriousness of manner, "if I fail you, all fail you.
"I submit," said the prisoner, yielding to his earnest manner, and goaded by the fears that were thus awakened anew.
"Stop a minute, Caesar," said the peddler, with the lurking drollery that at times formed part of his manner, "till we get on the wool."
The mask was stuffed and shaped in such a
as to preserve the peculiarities, as well as the color, of the African visage; and the wig was so artfully formed of black and white wool, as to imitate the pepper-and-salt color of Caesar's own head, and to exact plaudits from the black himself, who thought it an excellent counterfeit in everything but quality.
In the
of the peddler there was an odd mixture of care and humor; the former was the result of a perfect knowledge of their danger, and the means necessary to be used in avoiding it; and the latter proceeded from the unavoidably ludicrous circumstances before him, acting on an indifference which sprang from habit, and long familiarity with such scenes as the present.
"And wherein can I be more forlorn and persecuted than I now am?" asked the peddler, with that wild incoherence which often crossed his
"There is a warning to be prudent," said the peddler, in the sententious
that he often adopted.
The unaccountable energy of the peddler's
was soon forgotten in the sense of his own immediate danger; and with the recollection of his critical situation, returned all the uneasiness that he had momentarily forgotten.
Somewhat cheered by the cool and confident
of his companion, Henry continued silently urging his horse forward.
By heavens, Washington will not trust us with the keeping of a suspected Tory, if we let the rascal trifle in this
with the corps; and there sits the Englishman, too, looking down upon us with a smile of benevolence!
A single window of four panes of glass was in front, but a board carefully closed it, in such a
as to emit no light from the fire within.
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