in sentence
703 examples of Liberty in a sentence
But personally, I will also remember my grandmother’s sentence “Thank God we lost that war!”Thank God – and thanks to all those brave Allied soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Europe’s
The idea of a “social contract” – which arose during the Enlightenment in orderto address, without resort to divine right, the legitimacy of the state’s authority over its citizens – rests on the premise that individuals surrender a certain degree of personal
in order to secure peace and prosperity for all.
The threat remains with us, and it is important to remember that people in democracies want both
and security.
This is part of the great fascination of science, and it fosters
of thought.
She went to court, arguing that the provisions of the Criminal Code that prevent her from receiving assistance in dying are inconsistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which gives Canadians rights to life, liberty, personal security, and equality.
Smith then declared, after considering the applicable law, that the provisions of the Criminal Code preventing physician assistance in dying violate disabled people’s right not only to equality, but also to life, liberty, and security.
Donald Trump’s Trade-Knowledge DeficitPARIS – As a longtime champion of
and free trade, it is not surprising that the United States enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world.
In his classic On Liberty, John Stuart Mill used the “harm principle” to express the view that a person’s individual
could be limited only in order to protect others and avoid harm.
In his book Changer de destin (Changing Destiny), published in February, he affirms that France’s message will continue to be a universal one – a stance reminiscent of the birth in 1789 of the French Republic, which, like the United States, was originally conceived as the triumph of
and democracy.
The threat remains alive, and it is important to remember that people in democracies want both
and security.
John Wayne arrives to save the citizens from the bad guys in black suits whose nefarious deeds undermine the
of the American frontier.
The problem with the American myth is that this rural idyll of perfect individual liberty, this state of nature, as it were, cannot possibly be maintained in a highly organized state of banks, courts, business corporations, and legislatures.
Later, he took the
of manipulating official statistics in order to hide inflation.
But even stronger than this economic common-sense-argument is the political imperative: if we maintain a divided Europe, we will never reach the Europe of
and peace that was the original vision of the founding fathers that wrote The Treaty of Rome.
The kind of reaction we have seen recently to expressions of views that are offensive to some does not bode well for the future of
Defending the right of all people to say things even if one detests their views is one of the first principles of
The inventors of the Third Way mostly overlooked the value of individual liberty, but it is this that remains the single most important issue in a world where open societies still face mortal enemies.
Fighting Terrorism DemocraticallyBombings in London and Turkey have brought to the fore the old ideas that authoritarian regimes are better equipped than democracies to combat terrorism, and that such attacks are the price we pay for
But its idea of freedom is what Isaiah Berlin called negative liberty: freedom from government coercion, excessive regulation, or punitive taxes.
But, because a child who grew up in poverty, attended subpar schools, and was discriminated against lacks what Berlin called the positive
to become an astrophysicist or a Wall Street tycoon, centrists believe that government policy should secure basic opportunities in order to render citizens truly free.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, peace and
are more or less taken for granted.
He ridiculed today’s conditions as “stock market-defined liberty.”
They are marked by having known captive man in the dark carnival of tyranny, before being able to contemplate free man and the not always happy carnival of
The price of liberty, Americans are fond of saying, is eternal vigilance.
The French Republican model enshrines the laudable abstract principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
In the American political lexicon, taxes are defined as a denial of
Its politicians and officials have translated the vague trinity of liberty, equality, and fraternity into a concrete form: 80,000 pages of laws that cover rights and regulations from the bedroom to the factory floor.
His secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, underscored this tendency during her first visit to China, where her unmistakeable message was that order and stability take priority over
and human rights.
Yet we made this historic compromise because we believed that doing so would bring us to the threshold of
The constitution of
requires both, and the rule of law is the more difficult of the two to establish and maintain, for it requires not just a constitution but, almost more importantly, an independent judiciary that is sensitive to violations of constitutional and other legitimate rules.
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