in sentence
694 examples of Letting in a sentence
What would Buddy's motivation be for
Guy get away with what he did?
There are efforts to toss in a nice variety of race and age while
no two men anywhere near each other; the one black guy suffers a premature bout of editorial coitus interruptus.
Not trying to befriend Kellys husband in anyway (which would be very simple by
them be alone most of the island-time, simply be respect) He doesn't care about their relationship (and Kelly cant figure that one out), he just want to have sex with Kelly.
YES he answers--because it served the purpose of
this clown "ski down Everest."
This would have been a much more entertaining or even dramatic if they made a documentary of the daily of an actual male prostitute or hustler, instead of
the actors make up some nonesensical plot and dialog of their own.
In fact, the only people with genuine accents are extras who supply an odd word here and there, helpfully
us know at least where the hell everything is going on in what is otherwise a complete mash.
I sat watching and waiting for some explanation of the bizarre actions only to find that Shainberg was
me peek into a story that must have been someones inside joke.
Instead, Seagal RUNS AWAY from numerous fights,
Ja Rule convincingly lose every battle.
It's a killing machine and wouldn't be
victims escape twice to three times in a row, especially when attacking in the water.
Surveillance is one of those movies that was made by people who have NO imagination, little if any talent, a total inability to tie scenes together and an unreasonable trait of
a scene go on and on, long after the purpose for it has elapsed.
I don't have time for this, but I cannot let this go knowing I haven't done my civil duty by
people (those who have an IQ of 85 and above) know that this is no action/thriller, It is honest to goodness funny.
It is sad what they are
into film festivals these days.
The screenplay seems to be oriented by
everyone talk a lot about the same things over and over (I was expecting to see the worst acting on this appear as a producer who dumped money in it just to have some screen time) - there is nothing going on sub the obvious flaws of Asia's character that at any point in the movie delivers what the DVD cover promises.
It got worse with the cardboard thin characters killing their friend by holding her from her legs and not
go so she got impaled by a tree and when the bad guy moved under water like the shark in Jaws.
Oh, thank you for
me go, let me go make out with you one last time for good ole' sake.
Fox needs to pull their heads out of their rectal cavities and quit
their relatives write this mediocre tripe.
One can accept all theses and other inconsistencies for the sake of a good yarn, however what spoiled the movie for me was when what appears to have been an effort by the script writers to discuses what up to that point was a fairly predictable ending, they killed off the two hero's (If one can refer to crocks as hero's) Ketchum & Brooks one was shot and thrown out of a 747 at 10,000 feet the other wiliest sliding down the cable between the two planes the villain Daltry with one hand manages to unhook the cable carrying the weight of a full grown man with the air pressure of several hundred miles per hour pressing on him, and
him fall to his death.
This film could have included longer, better interviews with the people themselves,
them tell their stories.
I give the show a six because of the fact that the show was in fact a platform for Damon Wayans as the Cosby Show was for Bill Cosby, it dealt with a lot of issues with humor and I felt that it in fact tailored to getting a laugh as opposed to
the jokes come from the character.
The creators of the movie had no intention to call the film "8MM 2." Originally, the film was called "The Velvet Side of Hell" but was changed at the last minute by Sony Pictures to 8MM 2 without
the filmmakers have any say in the matter.
I gave the movie an extra star for
see the extra hot female in the almost nude.
The Judge would like to make one heartfelt apology to the poor girl at Circuit City I am going to let borrow this movie; "I'm sorry Sheila, please don't hate me for
you watch this."
I am so amazed that this great country of ours is
them make another.
I'm pretty sure everyone showed up to the set everyday did giant lines, dressed Loretta Switt in plunging necklines to show as much flapjack breastage as possible and yelled action;
the cast improvise in a cocaine frenzy.
Only his face was in the frame and it was pretty obvious he was
it happen, albeit against his will.
The movie version is great with classic hits following each other while
the plot develop to the chilling climax.
there is also a deep Christian message implicit here, the faith Custer has in taking your glory with you, and the trust, and fidelity of his wife to the extent of
him go, in order that he fulfils his moral duty to protect the innocent civilians from certain massacre.
action packed,with my favorite type of creature.I won't give any of it away if you have'nt seen it,cause it's worth taking the time to sit down and unravel in the mystery of things as presented in this film.It did gets slow at times and those were the moments my mind wondered which does easily anyways but moist of it kept me quietly thrilled,where you keep it in your head instead of
it out,probably the mood I was in at the time.Special effects and action sequences you could feel made up for the occasional lulls.Of course there'es a duschload of movies out there exactly like this,the film still has it's own style and flavor,which I respect from underground independent horror movies anyways.
It is a masterpiece in
an audience think for its collective self.
Through many sudden changes it takes the spectator to the end without any unnecessary complications and without
the spectator taking the eyes of the screen.
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