in sentence
124 examples of Irritation in a sentence
The possibility of making a fortune with Fouque gave a certain facility to the course of Julien's reasoning; it was less often interrupted by irritation, and the keen sense of his own poverty and humble position in the eyes of the world.
The young man caught sight of him in the glass, turned round, and suddenly discarding his look of
said to him in the pleasantest tone:'Well, Sir, is it ready yet?'Julien remained speechless.
'Will you go a little way off?'Whereupon the Bishop walked at a smart pace to the middle of the room, then returning towards the mirror with a slow step, he resumed his air of
and went on solemnly giving benedictions.
Julien felt a sting of irritation, and yet she was right.
'What do you want, then?' replied the Marquis, with
'Politeness,' he said to himself, 'is nothing more than the absence of the
which would come from bad manners.'
The Cardinal had a favourable hearing ...'It was essential,' he said, 'that M. de Nerval should leave the Ministry, his name caused needless irritation.'Upon this, they all rose to their feet and began speaking at once.
What would have been the
to her pride if little Tanbeau, who had appointed himself a voluntary spy upon Julien's actions, had been able to tell her that all these letters, with their seals unbroken, were flung pell-mell into Julien's drawer!
By a coincidence which saved him from despair, at that moment only had passed away the state of
and semi-insanity in which he had been plunged since leaving Paris for Verrieres.
I repeat, this whole affair has caused me nothing but unpleasantness and temporary irritation, but could it not also have had some far worse consequences?"
With some
he asked, "What did you say the two other possibilities were?"
asked K."Why are you asking about it?" said the businessman in some
He watched her in
as Leni now took the candle from the businessman's hand - which he had been holding on to all this time - wiped his hand with her apron and then knelt beside him to scratch off some wax that had dripped from the candle onto his trousers.
"I am not impatient," said K., with some
and he stopped paying so much attention to his choice of words.
The three of them at first just nodded without looking up from what they were writing, and it was only when the cleaner still did not seem to want to leave that they looked up in
The almost vertical little ostrich feather on her hat, which had been a source of
to Mr. Samsa all the time she had been working for them, swayed gently in all directions.
The recent fate of André has created much
on both sides.
The widder wouldn't let me smoke; she wouldn't let me yell, she wouldn't let me gape, nor stretch, nor scratch, before folks--" [Then with a spasm of special
and injury]--"And dad fetch it, she prayed all the time!
She looked from one to the other in profound disgust and secret
Then, seeing he was unable to sleep, that insomnia kept his body in a state of irritation, he turned on his back, and with his eyes wide open, gave up his mind to the young woman.
Laurent slowly dressed himself, with a feeling of sullen irritation, exasperated at having been unable to sleep, exasperated at allowing himself to be caught by a fright which he now regarded as childish.
They lived in a state of constant irritation, and it required all their natural cowardice to compel them to show a smiling and peaceful exterior.
At every movement he made, a pleat pinched the wound that the teeth of the drowned man had made in his flesh, and it was under the
of these sharp pricks, that he got into the carriage, and went to fetch Therese to conduct her to the town-hall and church.
With claws extended, and back curved in sullen irritation, he followed the least movement of his enemy with superb tranquillity.
But his repeated bad dreams had aroused in him a feeling of sullen irritation, which triumphed over his cowardice, and restored his memory.
They lived in constant irritation, weary of themselves, unable to support a word, a gesture or a look, without suffering and frenzy.
When the young woman had struggled with all her nervous energy against the spectre of Camille, when she had lived in sullen
for several months up in arms against her sufferings, seeking to get the better of them by efforts of will, she all at once experienced such extraordinary lassitude that she yielded vanquished.
Perhaps the drowned man, who had not given way to her irritation, would be more unbending to her tears.
Henceforth, she lived in a state of bitter but powerless irritation, face to face with her yielding niece who displayed adorable acts of tenderness to recompense her for what she termed her heavenly goodness.
To crown his irritation, Therese always ended with the panegyric of Camille so as to display the virtues of the victim.
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